What would you do if your child came out as transgender?

I truly regret starting this thread. I was simply trying to point out that ignorance and hatred can and do lead to horrible things, like someone taking their own life. I should have known it would devolve into a pissing match on this platform, and not empathy for the actual fact that someone lost their life and there is a family and friends dealing with the unimaginable consequences of their death.

Instead we have idiots focusing on my usage of the word ilk, and other meaningless BS.
People actually laughed at my OP. Sad.

I hope all of you mocking this sad situation never have to experience anything like this.
It’s sad how so many react. Probably have never dealt with it personally or known anyone in this situation but they sure have all the answers and the hatred and vitriol to go along with it.

There are just a lot of shitty people in the world. Always have been, but now they are vocal and wear it like a badge of honor. Losers.
Throw in some epistemic uncertainty and double-down on nobody knows nothing about nothing for sure.

But there are those of us capable of sorting thing things out, which is why we have arrived at the point where we are. Like graduating from the shackles religion attempted to prevent advances in knowledge in the Dark Ages. And try as they might still are.
I'd rather have a discussion with these people who correctly assert that there is much that is unknown than the idiotic ideologically impaired knuckle draggers as represented on this forum who are certain that members of the LGBTQ community are deviants who should be converted to "normal people" through therapy and prayer.
Like graduating from the shackles religion attempted to prevent advances in knowledge in the Dark Ages. And try as they might still are.

I don't want to hijack the thread too much, but all those Christian universities helped bring Europe out of the dark ages.

Today in America, people that practice a religion have significantly better mental health than those that don't. Lower suicide rates, less depression, less anxiety, less familial tension, etc., etc.

Religious people also give more to charity and volunteer more than atheists do.

America is becoming increasingly atheistic and we see mental health issues sky rocketing.

You continuing to repeat that line speaks volumes.

I will put my manhood up against your bitch ass anytime. Lol.

You’re a Christian? Pffffft. Lol. Please.
OK, “Ragnar”, or should I say, “Francis”?

I truly regret starting this thread. I was simply trying to point out that ignorance and hatred can and do lead to horrible things, like someone taking their own life. I should have known it would devolve into a pissing match on this platform, and not empathy for the actual fact that someone lost their life and there is a family and friends dealing with the unimaginable consequences of their death.

Instead we have idiots focusing on my usage of the word ilk, and other meaningless BS.
People actually laughed at my OP. Sad.

I hope all of you mocking this sad situation never have to experience anything like this.
Shouldn't have regrets. Every so often we need reminding of how shitty and lacking in compassion some of these people really are and where they are coming from.
Is it shitty for people to think hormone alteration and surgery can wait until adulthood ?
Not necessarily. That's an opinion that may or may not have a basis in science where a discussion can be had. If that perspective comes from a position of truly caring about what's best for the child then no. If on the other hand you are certain they should be withheld because you are convinced that these people must be freaks who are more deserving of ridicule and just need religion, then yes. You're a shitty person.
You think that’s all this is about, huh?
You tell me. People love to toss around terms like shitty, racists, homophobic just to shut up conversations.

Is it shitty to not want boys to play against girls in sports?

Is it shitty to want to keep boys and men out of girls lockerrooms?

Couple weeks ago people said anti trans laws were part of the problem. I asked for specific examples of these horrible laws and got “well, maybe bigotry would have been a better term”.

Be specific of tone down the rhetoric.

Do I think biological boys should compete against girls? No

Do I think boys that still have their genitals should be in women’s locker rooms ? No

Do I think minors should have gender surgery or any type of puberty blockers or hormone therapy ? No

Label me whatever you want. I firmly believe history will be on my side.
You tell me. People love to toss around terms like shitty, racists, homophobic just to shut up conversations.

Is it shitty to not want boys to play against girls in sports?

Is it shitty to want to keep boys and men out of girls lockerrooms?

Couple weeks ago people said anti trans laws were part of the problem. I asked for specific examples of these horrible laws and got “well, maybe bigotry would have been a better term”.

Be specific of tone down the rhetoric.

Do I think biological boys should compete against girls? No

Do I think boys that still have their genitals should be in women’s locker rooms ? No

Do I think minors should have gender surgery or any type of puberty blockers or hormone therapy ? No

Label me whatever you want. I firmly believe history will be on my side.
Don't act stupid. These are actually reasonable positions that are worthy of discussion. This thread contains a lot of statements that are derogatory and hateful towards the LGBTQ community.

And you're entitled to believe whatever you want. When people who share these opinions go on to bash, ridicule, and discriminate against those people, a line is crossed.
Care to share the verse?

Also what exactly are you fighting for by attacking the OP for loving their child unconditionally and wondering why others wouldn't do the same?
I’m not going to pick through verses, but Exodus and Revelations come to mind.

If the OP wants to love its child, fine. But if it expects everyone else to embrace cultural rot in the guise of virtue as it has, then it should expect push-back.
I’m not going to pick through verses, but Exodus and Revelations come to mind.

If the OP wants to love its child, fine. But if it expects everyone else to embrace cultural rot in the guise of virtue as it has, then it should expect push-back.
Very Christ like of you.
An argument can be made.

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple."
Christianity is so confusing. Is it about love and forgiveness or hate and judgement?
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I truly regret starting this thread. I was simply trying to point out that ignorance and hatred can and do lead to horrible things, like someone taking their own life. I should have known it would devolve into a pissing match on this platform, and not empathy for the actual fact that someone lost their life and there is a family and friends dealing with the unimaginable consequences of their death.

Instead we have idiots focusing on my usage of the word ilk, and other meaningless BS.
People actually laughed at my OP. Sad.

I hope all of you mocking this sad situation never have to experience anything like this.
I wouldn't. Like all issues there should be civilized back and forth discussion. Don't let idiots or bigots stop you from bringing light to a cause you live and believe in.

I don't fully understand trans/gender dysmorphia nor do I blindly support it. BUT I'm not fully against or hate it either. That's where someone like you comes in. Truly hope is all well!
God wants us to be saints in this world and the next.

I don't think God would want to disown anyone.

I think God wants everyone converted, gay, straight and trans.
I got together again with my two very Catholic friends last week and this time they stayed away from abortion, for the most part (but one did get back in that it is the biggest sin of all), but instead turned towards trans (a huge sin as God doesn't make mistakes) and gays. They said gays cannot and must not go to mass unless they are actively and sincerely trying to kick the gay lifestyle habit. They cannot go to confession week after week and confess to being addicted to the gay lifestyle, they should be banned from mass if that is the case. They view it as a personal choice much like smoking or drinking. And they get more radical and vocal with age.
We just got a scary message from our son’s college that they found a student dead in my son’s dorm. My son didn’t know them but has friends who did. It sounds like the deceased recently came out as trans and their family completely disowned them. Everyone who knew the deceased says they were taking it extremely hard and they are assuming it was a suicide.

My son is trans, so this hits really close to home and I got very emotional when I heard this. I couldn’t imagine not supporting my child. I also can’t imagine the guilt and pain those parents are experiencing now.

The trans hate in this country needs to stop.

I realize this is a sensitive subject and I’ll probably get lots of hate from the usual suspects, but I have most of those hateful bigots on ignore anyway.
This guy wants to tranny your daughter, is she down or a racist?! >

I'm not reading through 12 pages of nonsense. I would celebrate that I finally got a daughter. I hope it's my youngest. He's the least hairy and would make the prettiest girl. Wedding dress shopping might be difficult but he's only 6'2 so probably doable.
So sweet!! Bet you can hardly wait for [her] to pop you a couple little grandkids to bounce on your
I got together again with my two very Catholic friends last week and this time they stayed away from abortion, for the most part (but one did get back in that it is the biggest sin of all), but instead turned towards trans (a huge sin as God doesn't make mistakes) and gays. They said gays cannot and must not go to mass unless they are actively and sincerely trying to kick the gay lifestyle habit. They cannot go to confession week after week and confess to being addicted to the gay lifestyle, they should be banned from mass if that is the case. They view it as a personal choice much like smoking or drinking. And they get more radical and vocal with age.

That's not official Church teaching.

You can tell them that. :)