What would you do if your child came out as transgender?

I would in the immediate make sure they knew that they would be loved and supported. I would also thank them for feeling comfortable enough and respecting me enough to be honest with me. I would then do whatever I could to help make the transition as easily as possible (getting them and other family members into counseling to have professional help in adapting to the change) and also hopefully helping them making the best medical decisions in making the transition in the best way possibly for them.

I just feel so much for the story in the op. It is such a difficult thing and I just can't imagine disowning your own child in that obvious tough time. That kid had to feel so alone and it is heartbreaking to think about.

What would you do if your child came out as MAGA?
I would in the immediate make sure they knew that they would be loved and supported. I would also thank them for feeling comfortable enough and respecting me enough to be honest with me. I would then do whatever I could to help make the transition as easily as possible (getting them and other family members into counseling to have professional help in adapting to the change) and also hopefully helping them making the best medical decisions in making the transition in the best way possibly for them.

I just feel so much for the story in the op. It is such a difficult thing and I just can't imagine disowning your own child in that obvious tough time. That kid had to feel so alone and it is heartbreaking to think about.
Thank you for the meaningful response. That’s exactly what we did and I couldn’t imagine not educating and supporting our child.
It’s a horrible situation that could have been prevented.
If I had to decide between the "trans" cult and people like you, I would choose them every time. You are a worthless, heartless asshole in every way.

What made you enter this thread anyway? Like, did you think you were going to make a difference? Change some minds?

No, you(and that piece of shit Scruddy) came here just to be an asshole. You succeeded.

No. Hopefully someone reads the latest medical literature on the subject and at least one child is no longer victimized by the trans cult and the medical professionals that prey upon them.

I do not think you are a piece of shit for being so uninformed, ignorant, and hateful.

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Thank you for the meaningful response. That’s exactly what we did and I couldn’t imagine not educating and supporting our child.
It’s a horrible situation that could have been prevented.
I have thought about it probably more than some have and I don't (and probably won't ever) have kids. I have several friends who are trans though and have had meaningful conversations with them about what they went through and while none of them were disowned, most of them did lack a lot of the help they needed through the process and I have discussed with them how it could have been better and have learned what I think would be the best way to handle said situation. I'm far from perfect but I feel I have good intentions.
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What's the story of your kid coming out as trans?
I’m not going to share all the details, but I do remember at about age 5 he told my wife that god made him both a girl and a boy. Weird for a child to have that “feeling” at such a young age. We didn’t really think anything about it at the time, didn’t groom him in any way, but looking back, it just proves he’s had those “feelings” all of his life.
What would you do if your child came out as MAGA?
I would want to understand where the support came from and why. If they were dead set on it I would distance myself a bit and enforce boundaries around talking politics around me but they would still absolutely know they could count on me to help them and support them any way I could. I do have a little bit of a experience in this as I've seen how my mom has handled my MAGA sister.
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I’m not going to share all the details, but I do remember at about age 5 he told my wife that god made him both a girl and a boy. Weird for a child to have that “feeling” at such a young age. We didn’t really think anything about it at the time, didn’t groom him in any way, but looking back, it just proves he’s had those “feelings” all of his life.


Why did he say "God?" Didn't you raise him in an atheist environment? Is he gay?

When did he transition?
We just got a scary message from our son’s college that they found a student dead in my son’s dorm. My son didn’t know them but has friends who did. It sounds like the deceased recently came out as trans and their family completely disowned them. Everyone who knew the deceased says they were taking it extremely hard and they are assuming it was a suicide.

My son is trans, so this hits really close to home and I got very emotional when I heard this. I couldn’t imagine not supporting my child. I also can’t imagine the guilt and pain those parents are experiencing now.

The trans hate in this country needs to stop.

I realize this is a sensitive subject and I’ll probably get lots of hate from the usual suspects, but I have most of those hateful bigots on ignore anyway.
Having trans feelings during a certain stage of young life and coming to the adult conclusion that one is indeed a transperson are two different things, IMO.

Before 18, I'd want a pretty good family counseling and 1 on 1 counseling for my child.
I'm of the opinion that a child shouldn't have any blockers or surgery prior to 18.

After 18, I'd want the child to go through significant counseling to make sure he or she is ready for a permanent change to his or her body, with the understanding that a surgically modified body isn't going to be exactly like a biological man or woman's.

After all that, it's their call. I'm still going to be "dad", and I'd just need to get used to the change. I see people fight over so much stupid family shit, it's not worth losing your child over something like this.
We just got a scary message from our son’s college that they found a student dead in my son’s dorm. My son didn’t know them but has friends who did. It sounds like the deceased recently came out as trans and their family completely disowned them. Everyone who knew the deceased says they were taking it extremely hard and they are assuming it was a suicide.

My son is trans, so this hits really close to home and I got very emotional when I heard this. I couldn’t imagine not supporting my child. I also can’t imagine the guilt and pain those parents are experiencing now.

The trans hate in this country needs to stop.

I realize this is a sensitive subject and I’ll probably get lots of hate from the usual suspects, but I have most of those hateful bigots on ignore anyway.
I would talk with them. Tell them to wait on any decision until 18 or early 20’s and make sure this is what they want. Tell them I am willing to go to appointments and tell them I will love them no matter what. Also explain this will be adjustment for both myself and wife so give us some leeway too.
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JFC! This board is so predictable. Sorry I started this thread. Even more sorry I clicked “show ignored content”
Yeah, I stopped participating in trans threads here. I have 2 close trans friends. Be open, be present, listen, ask questions, again listen. If you are coming from a good place with good intentions, most trans-persons will be open to answering any question you have no matter how awkward it may seem.

Why did he say "God?" Didn't you raise him in an atheist environment? Is he gay?

When did he transition?
Atheist environment? Do you think I was telling my kids there is no god their whole lives? That’s just as crazy as telling them there is a god.

Both my wife’s family and my family are religious, so he got lots of exposure to god.
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Except add these countries medical
professionals that came over to my side.

Finland June 2020 ✅
Sweden May 2021 ✅
France February 2022 ✅
Norway March 2023 ✅
England March 2024 ✅
Scotland July 2024 ✅
It's truly amazing how quickly and totally those countries 180'd on this issue. The hospitals love it because there's nothing more profitable than a lifetime client. Self interest paired with woke activism. Once actual professionals see through the scam it comes crumbling down like a house of cards.
I have seen to many instances where multiple children within a family are confused about their gender. It is environmental, it’s how they are raised and what they are exposed to.
Social contagion.
Yeah, I stopped participating in trans threads here. I have 2 close trans friends. Be open, be present, listen, ask questions, again listen. If you are coming from a good place with good intentions, most trans will be open to answering any question you have no matter how awkward it may seem.
I usually do the same as I’m too emotionally invested, but I was just trying to shed some light on how transphobia really does affect people’s lives. Most of the haters on this board are not personally affected by transgender people but still feel the need spread their hate. It’s sad, but I’m not surprised.
I usually do the same as I’m too emotionally invested, but I was just trying to shed some light on how transphobia really does affect people’s lives. Most of the haters on this board are not personally affected by transgender people but still feel the need spread their hate. It’s sad, but I’m not surprised.
Yeah quite a few people on this site are just straight awful about any and all trans issues. I just try not to engage with them.
JFC! This board is so predictable. Sorry I started this thread. Even more sorry I clicked “show ignored content”
Shows why so many trans feel lost and like no other solution but suicide. Phenomenal would call them evil and sinners, and go attack all the current friends they have. That sounds like a winner solution. You are really going to endear them that way and completely eliminate any influence you may have the situation, push them away and increase their suicide chances. Parent of the year award for him.
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I’m not going to share all the details, but I do remember at about age 5 he told my wife that god made him both a girl and a boy. Weird for a child to have that “feeling” at such a young age. We didn’t really think anything about it at the time, didn’t groom him in any way, but looking back, it just proves he’s had those “feelings” all of his life.
Just like always on this board, all the "experts" come out and tell you what's "right."

All I can tell you is how the conversation went when my daughter came out as ACE, and I'm not proud about my immediate reaction.

First, I was angry. She was a part of theater, and I jumped immediately to, "who has she been speaking with?"

Then I spouted off about what the grandparents/aunts/uncles/ cousins would think.

That was the immediate reaction, probably like the first two or three sentences from my mouth.

Finally, I looked at my daughter and the hurt, the confusion, the look of betrayal I saw on her face...

My daughter is the kindest, most selfless person I have ever known. We've always had a close relationship. All of that other bs just faded to the background.

I've apologized many times to her since then, so much so that she laughs about it now, but I still feel shame unlike any I have ever known before because of how I initially reacted.
Just like always on this board, all the "experts" come out and tell you what's "right."

All I can tell you is how the conversation went when my daughter came out as ACE, and I'm not proud about my immediate reaction.

First, I was angry. She was a part of theater, and I jumped immediately to, "who has she been speaking with?"

Then I spouted off about what the grandparents/aunts/uncles/ cousins would think.

That was the immediate reaction, probably like the first two or three sentences from my mouth.

Finally, I looked at my daughter and the hurt, the confusion, the look of betrayal I saw on her face...

My daughter is the kindest, most selfless person I have ever known. We've always had a close relationship. All of that other bs just faded to the background.

I've apologized many times to her since then, so much so that she laughs about it now, but I still feel shame unlike any I have ever known before because of how I initially reacted.

What is ACE?

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I trust the science. It appears some here are clinging to a now much maligned Dutch study from the 1980s that wrongly informed gender medicine for over 3 decades.

Educate yourselves. This is life and death.

photograph of Dr Hilary Cass, Review Chair

Dr Hilary Cass was appointed by NHS England and NHS Improvement to chair the Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for children and young people in late 2020.

A former President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health from 2012-2015, Dr Cass recently finished a term as Chair of the British Academy of Childhood Disability (2017-2020).

Although retired from clinical practice, she remains an honorary Consultant Paediatrician at Evelina London Children’s Hospital, Guy’s & St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust, where she was also previously Director of Education and Workforce.

Dr Cass has recently stepped down from her role as Chair of Together for Short Lives, and remains as a Trustee for Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice. She is also leading work on how to address the challenges for both families and professionals in supporting the rising numbers of children with complex medical conditions and disability.
Other recent roles include acting as the Senior Clinical Advisor for Child Health for Health Education England.

Prior to this Dr Cass held a range of senior education and management roles in NHS hospital trusts and was previously Head of School of Paediatrics in London. Her consultant clinical practice was as a tertiary neurodisability consultant from 1992 to 2018 in three very different specialist centres and she has published widely in this area.
In addition to her neurodisability practice, Dr Cass was closely involved in the development of paediatric palliative care services at Evelina London Children’s Hospital.

Dr Cass was awarded the OBE for services to child health in 2015. She was also awarded an honorary fellowship by the Royal College of Nursing in 2015, and by RCGP in 2016
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Just like always on this board, all the "experts" come out and tell you what's "right."

All I can tell you is how the conversation went when my daughter came out as ACE, and I'm not proud about my immediate reaction.

First, I was angry. She was a part of theater, and I jumped immediately to, "who has she been speaking with?"

Then I spouted off about what the grandparents/aunts/uncles/ cousins would think.

That was the immediate reaction, probably like the first two or three sentences from my mouth.

Finally, I looked at my daughter and the hurt, the confusion, the look of betrayal I saw on her face...

My daughter is the kindest, most selfless person I have ever known. We've always had a close relationship. All of that other bs just faded to the background.

I've apologized many times to her since then, so much so that she laughs about it now, but I still feel shame unlike any I have ever known before because of how I initially reacted.
I completely understand and have said things I regret also.
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