IMHO, while I do think that Luka's number is worthy of retirement, I think this was the absolute worst time to do that. Mainly because he's still an active member on the team, and they have some very, very big games ahead of them. At least wait until the season is over and done with. ESPN even put a piece about this on their site yesterday - it doesn't exactly scream "breaking news" like the Doyle fiasco practically was, but it's never a good thing when Iowa is associated with less-than-positive news in major media outlets.
I don't have an opinion on whether or not Roy's jersey/number should be retired or not. I was like 4, 5, and 6 years old when he played at Iowa so I have no real recollection of what he did at Iowa. But what I can surmise is that despite all his personal issues that he fought throughout his adult life, being a dogcrap father was not one of them. If he didn't make at least some positive impact on Devyn's life, he wouldn't have defended his father the way he did on Twitter. A lot of people either want nothing to do with their father, or never even knew them.
That said, these grievances need to be put on hold. The Hawks have one job right now and that's to play (and hopefully win) some more games. They have no business getting caught up in Twitter drama as nothing good ever comes of it.