Why do people dress up for church?


  • For god?

    Votes: 12 22.6%
  • For showing up other churchgoers?

    Votes: 26 49.1%
  • For themselves?

    Votes: 8 15.1%
  • Other?

    Votes: 7 13.2%

  • Total voters
Lies No GIF

I'm aware, brah.
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Doesn’t this all just boil down to judging people?
Did Jesus judge people on the way they dressed or how they looked?
I dress up for church. It's not a suit and tie, but I like to look nice. Personal preference I guess. I will say that half the congregation today dresses like they just rolled out of bed, but I certainly don't judge. I'm happy they are attending. There is no dress code in God's house.
Granted, it’s not as common as it was now that churches have to do whatever they can to hold on to members, but why is/was it a thing?
Respect and honor.
You dress to respect the person you are honoring, not for yourself.
In most formal circles even today, this would be the rule. Of course there are exceptions for narcissists.
If you ever purchased a suit from “Reichart’s” or read his book on “how to dress for success” you’d know these things.
(Bill Reichart was a UofI graduate, AA footballer and successful DSM clothier/businessman, just so you know!)
Seldom attend church anymore so dressing up to go there no longer applies...
From some little research of my own. It seems the answer that they dress up for church is to feel better about themselves and also for some attention. As the years have gone by, people must not need as much attention while attending church as it’s probably your more devoted Christians still attending church and they are there for church and not the attention.

I also discovered that I needed to bitch about you posting this a lot more and call you a closet Christian.
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it’s really very simple.
If you are going before a dignitary or important official would you dress up ? Maybe before a judge?
Same principle. You are there to worship before the Creator of the universe, and your dress should reflect respect for the dignity of his position.
Also your dress and grooming should always be befitting of an individual who claims to follow Gods principles and laws of morality.
1st Corinthians 10:31-“Therefore, whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God’s glory”
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Not sure what churches you all go to, but the ones in central Iowa are very casual. Sure, some (usually older) folks will wear jackets and ties or dresses. But most of us are in shorts in the summer and jeans in the winter. My 84 year old mom will shake her head at the lack of dressing up sometimes. The last time I wore a suit was on a cruise years ago, and after that we went with casual dining so no suit needed there either. And work is jeans every day. Way more important to be comfortable. I don't wear a jacket to weddings or funerals.
Years ago dressing up was seen as a way to demonstrate how far you had made it in society,.. no longer the case.
Years ago dressing up was seen as a way to demonstrate how far you had made it in society,.. no longer the case.
Not really the case but merely the standards of the time. Rich or poor, people wore jackets, ties, dresses and so on. The quality and style may have varied, but the standards remained.
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@Nole Lou what do you think?

I neither believe in dressing like trash for church, nor getting extremely dressed up.

The way I used to think about it, and I think appropriately, is something equivalent to work attire, in the range of business casual to shirt and tie. Of course, the idea of work attire is kind of out the window now too.

To me, you should be paying the minimal respect to the act of mass to get dressed in something other than what you were lounging around in or gardening in. It's to get in the right mindset, and if you are a believing Catholic going to Catholic mass, you are in the actual presence of Christ. It's not a matter of "Mmm, shorts are not good enough for Jesus" it's more like "Mmm, Jesus is not worthy of me going upstairs and putting on socks." Putting a certain minimum level of care and effort into it helps remind you that you are there for a reason, and its important.

There's no "minimum acceptable" because everyone's circumstances are different, but I know damn well that the people where I go to church are not choosing between flip flops and barefoot.

That said, dressing way beyond the norm of what you normally would wear for work or a nice dinner out, for showing off "Sunday best", that isn't appropriate to me either. You're not their to put on a show.
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