Get off your high horse. No one is knocking a guy for making R12. That's a great accomplishment individually depending on caliber of wrestler the guy was going into college.
If you're trying to win team titles, R12 isn't going to cut it. That's the only thing people mean by "hole". Hole = not scoring enough points at nationals to contribute to the team winning a national championship. Pick a more PC word than hole if it's triggering you or else head back to your safe space over at BWI.
So, how many team points is enough at a weight that it’s not a hole?
Here is what I mean: a r12 finish with a guy who loses in round 1 and wrestled back is worth 1/2 the amount of points as a guy who moves that far in the championship brackets and then loses two.
Is a better way of guaging guys team points? Or finish?
Also, at my BJJ club there is a sign that says “never pick a fight with a guy who has cauliflower ear” .... its funny when I hear about a fight in a wrestling room because no one seemed to follow that advice. As long as coaches know when to break it up and it stays in the room, i think it’s healthy. (I mean always break it up, but sometimes as a coach, you walk a little slower to the fights you know need to happen)