I think MJF is having the Firm beat him up to make it look like they are against him. They will ultimately help him beat Mox and MJF will say it was the plan the entire time. Just like Garcia vs Danielson ... swerve! :)
Idk, man that crap is played out. Have the firm come out and Combat Club. Then have one of the combat accidently on purpose cost Mox. Yuta. Put Yuta and MJF together.
I'll give WWE credit for trying to bring some kind of life to Baron isn't going to work, though. They should use JBL to push somebody else. JBL is the real deal. Baron was not and is not and won't be.
I'll give WWE credit for trying to bring some kind of life to Baron isn't going to work, though. They should use JBL to push somebody else. JBL is the real deal. Baron was not and is not and won't be.
WWE killed him about 4 years ago. When Vince kept him in or near the Main Event despite crowd reaction.
Btw Alpha Academy lol.
They ruined him when Vince dropped the lone wolf gimmick. For the played out authority figure.
I’m fairly certain he lost the LW gimmick in NXT when he had to cut his thinning hair, but he shouldn’t have lost it at all. I think at that time Vince was calling the NXT shots anyways but I might be wrong.
Only have two worries about the Saudi show. Now that Vince is gone will they try another power play and hold talent hostage over money again. j/k. Sorta.
The more important one how they book Logan Paul vs Reigns. Really don't want Paul looking competitive at all. Honestly match or angle shouldn't have taken place.
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Jarrett is named AEW Director of Business Operations. That I don't mind. But Jarrett on screen gross. Already have too much of ROH crap chewing up TV time.
Im sorry if this is virtue signaling but I’m just done with wwe for a few months again after this debacle of a press conference.
Probably part of their deals. Glad the one is trying to get a fighters Union for boxing/mma but that’s about all they’ve contributed
The Paul kids would be better off. Taking advice from Bully Ray or Orange Cassidy than Shawn Michaels or The Miz. Being able to work a match just isn't enough with their baggage.
That was a great swerve that I had no idea was coming. They did a great job of making it feel like The Firm would get involved, so I was looking for that. Don't think MJF needs a voice and I do think Wheeler does, so we'll see how this goes.
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