Search results for query: pence

  1. tarheelbybirth

    Maybe this saves the Republican Party

    They could have driven him to orgasm by actually hanging Pence/Pelosi.
  2. N

    Democrats Warn That Democracy Will Cease

    ...authoritarian form of government. All of trump's vp candidates have said they would've (and still would) refuse to certify the election, like Pence did. The fact that the republican part has had longevity in the U.S. means absolutely nothing. How long has the American Nazi Party existed...
  3. Joes Place

    Mara lago raid- deadly force approved such statement. A Trump appointed SC made silly comments in his report, which had nothing to do with the investigation, and could apply to Pence, as well. Neither Pence nor Biden was indicted, because they voluntarily submitted to searches and handed everything over w/o incident. You...
  4. Joes Place

    George Orwell - Prophetic

    AGAIN: FBI did NOT have to raid ANY of his properties to find anything that they KNEW was there. When Biden OR Pence identified anything that needed to be turned in, they voluntarily turned it in.
  5. GOHOX69

    Who could be Trump's vice president?

    He probably tried and was rebuffed or had a 3 way with "mother."
  6. Hoosierhawkeye

    Trump unlimited terms….

    You do realize that we were Mike Pence deciding to do what Trump wanted him to away from Trump winning via throwing out votes right? You act like the coup attempt didn't even come close. It came very close to succeeding.
  7. TC Nole OX

    Who could be Trump's vice president?

    Do you?
  8. h-hawk

    Biden Speech 8PM. Will he renounce his own extremist inflammatory rhetoric?

    ...stop it. Sources also said former Trump aide Nick Luna told federal investigators that when Trump was informed that then-Vice President Mike Pence had to be rushed to a secure location, Trump responded, "So what?" -- which sources said Luna saw as an unexpected willingness by Trump to let...
  9. Tom Paris

    Absolutely disgusted by this board tonight.

    ...of a Republican snowflake. This lib said multiple times what happened today was bad and an act of a terrorist. Sorry, but I will defend the left on here against hypocritical garbage that I have read since it happened. Where were your posts when your people threatened to kill Pence and Pelosi?
  10. Whiskeydeltadeltatango

    George Orwell - Prophetic

    No they didn't and you are a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Yes or no question Joe, did they find classified documents in the Biden home and or at Upenn after Biden had supposedly turned them in? Yes or no
  11. Huey Grey

    What are the chances the Trump/Epstein child rape stuff is true?

    Pence did nothing. Quayle did nothing. Only VP I can ever remember doing anything beyond breaking ties was Cheney. Clearly you don't know your history.
  12. Scruddy

    About that “6 Handicap” Claim

    He didn't need to break any laws, it would have 100% been constitutional and you van fact check that bc congress literally changed that exact law after the election to make it illegal Going forward. It is indeed a hilarious show lol
  13. artradley

    Absolutely disgusted by this board tonight.

    I just searched for posts by Doobi that timeframe, and it turns out he was disgusted…by those on the left who think 1/6 is a big deal. Friggin idiot. Post in thread 'Do you really believe?'
  14. Huey Grey

    Newsom and Whitmer or Raimando Would Crush Trump!

    It shows that you are a moron. No VP has any power beyond being ready to serve if the president cant and breaking ties. If VPs had any real power Pence wouldn't have had to worry about Trump supporters trying to kill him on 1/6.
  15. CarolinaHawkeye

    Trump Announces His Vice Presidential Choice

    They are all white males.
  16. lucas80

    Biden gets key GOP endorsement from Geoff Duncan, former lieutenant governor of Georgia

    Unlike the pansies such as Pence and Barr, Duncan is actually stating that he supports Biden because Trump is an existential threat to our country. Pence, Barr, McConnell... They all say Trump is bad, but bend the knee. And, again, if only Kemp and Raffensperger had been as brave as Duncan and...
  17. Whiskeydeltadeltatango

    Mara lago raid- deadly force approved

    That's not true and you know it. They wanted to release it but couldn't, then it was like hey asshats we have to release something, so they tried to release a redacted version and got called. Then the little bitches tried running cover foe him and tried to get the special counsel to change...
  18. binsfeldcyhawk2

    Who could be Trump's vice president?

    I don't think he was banging Pence.
  19. U

    Dont forget, Trump calls for hanging Generals, sent crowd after Pence, going after others

    Just remember Trump is the architect of violent rhetoric. Trump likes chaos and says this stuff to scare people and act big to give koolaid to his backers. Remember the "live by the sword quote" in that people like Trump cause chaos and damage. I am not for killing anyone, not for...