197 finalist Truax in the Portal

Does anyone else find it interesting that Mineo and Willie are frequently told the same thing?

I honestly thought they’re the same person. One account for professional and the other for personal/unverified/rumor/speculation/guesses.
i didn't say it was a bad strategy. i said it was factually incorrect.

this is the first case where the figure was leaked before the commitment.
Aren't you contradicting yourself here? You are implying that any leaking of information is not a bad strategy and then say it is factually incorrect in this case. Next, you say it is the first case where the figure was leaked before the commitment. Help me out here. I'm not PSU educated.
Aren't you contradicting yourself here? You are implying that any leaking of information is not a bad strategy and then say it is factually incorrect in this case. Next, you say it is the first case where the figure was leaked before the commitment. Help me out here. I'm not PSU educated.
And here’s where Willie shows back up to call you a dipsh!t or some similar name for not just agreeing with all the bs he’s spewed. It’s like clockwork.
Things that I know.

People looking for a job are 100% honest and accurate when telling people what they are offered.

Teams/Companies that miss out on a candidate are 100% honest and accurate on why they missed out on the candidate.

100% always!!
I get that Mineo is a nimrod, but I don't get why there is all of the doubt & outrage over the Bernie figure.
I think it’s around the simple math of a team like PSU putting 4-5 into the finals each year and being the one to beat. If each finalist pursues the market rate, and it’s established at $250k - maybe a good bit more for returning champs or multis — you’re looking at a min of $1.5MM - $2MM to compete for a title.

What’s not clear is the long term support amount. It may turn out that if every athlete seeks the market rate (and that’s a big assumption) that the 5 finalists a year on a team could be whittled down to 3-4 on the top squads. Of course there’s still the development/production side of things …
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Aren't you contradicting yourself here? You are implying that any leaking of information is not a bad strategy and then say it is factually incorrect in this case. Next, you say it is the first case where the figure was leaked before the commitment. Help me out here. I'm not PSU educated.

Vak said perhaps Real (et al) leaked to up the bidding. all i'm saying is that figure wasn't leaked until after the deal was done. that was the case in every situation to date until Bernie.
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not sure if you're playing a semantics game here w/ 'bag of cash' but...

you don't think Real received a deal to go to Iowa?
I don’t believe any of us think he didn’t get a deal, but most of us aren’t buying the $250k figure that you and Pat are claiming.

Why don’t you guys ever leak the PSU wrestlers’ financial details? Somehow they have 15+ top 10 P4P wrestlers on their roster and five more committed for 2024.

They clearly aren’t getting much in terms of scholarships, so what are they getting, Willie? Why doesn’t it ever leak like Iowa’s does? There is no way someone like you doesn’t have an idea, so why don’t you or Pat ever share those details?
I don’t believe any of us think he didn’t get a deal, but most of us aren’t buying the $250k figure that you and Pat are claiming.

Why don’t you guys ever leak the PSU wrestlers’ financial details? Somehow they have 15+ top 10 P4P wrestlers on their roster and five more committed for 2024.

They clearly aren’t getting much in terms of scholarships, so what are they getting, Willie? Why doesn’t it ever leak like Iowa’s does? There is no way someone like you doesn’t have an idea, so why don’t you or Pat ever share those details?
The leak is intended to hurt Iowa. Weather it be with Trux, Nagao, Ferrari, to cause discord among current Iowa and HWC members, etc. PSU media and Iowa haters agenda is very clear and it works. That’s why they continue to do it.
you guys are 1) paranoid and 2) all over the place.

what the hell does Nagao and Ferrari have to do with any of this?

why would a big figure/offer make iowa look bad? jesus. it's legal.
I don’t believe any of us think he didn’t get a deal, but most of us aren’t buying the $250k figure that you and Pat are claiming.

Why don’t you guys ever leak the PSU wrestlers’ financial details? Somehow they have 15+ top 10 P4P wrestlers on their roster and five more committed for 2024.

They clearly aren’t getting much in terms of scholarships, so what are they getting, Willie? Why doesn’t it ever leak like Iowa’s does? There is no way someone like you doesn’t have an idea, so why don’t you or Pat ever share those details?
so, in the same pot you make the argument that

A) i must be wrong on Bernie's figure b/c you just don't believe it

but also

B) i must know what everyone else is getting

make up your mind.
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you guys are 1) paranoid and 2) all over the place.

what the hell does Nagao and Ferrari have to do with any of this?

why would a big figure/offer make iowa look bad? jesus. it's legal.

We get him - then it's only because we bought him.

We don't get him - makes it look like we can't get him, even if we offer a huge sum of money.

Especially since apparently this is the only case where the leak occurred before a commitment as you say.

The flip side: Can look good, shows Iowa takes care of wrestlers, cares about wrestlers. But at the same time, don't want your current guys feeling slighted by these big public bag proclamations for Truax and Woods. But who knows how much NIL money the team is getting, I suspect the starters and some others are getting pretty good money - Iowa wrestlers are rockstars in Iowa.
Iowa has a huge advantage in NIL. Iowa fans would buy Charles Mathews and Leif Schroeder T-shirts from Ironside. If you're Bernie Truax or Aaron Nagoa you'd get that plus a Deery/McGrath/Billion, Caseys, Scheels, and HyVee deal. Murin and Kemmerer also shot some videos for a bank. Not many places that wrestlers are going to be as marketable as they are in Iowa.
exactly, woodsiding.

i hope the posters on this board with their panties in a bunch get over it. b/c wrestlers being paid - particularly at iowa, mich, tosu, psu, isu - is the new normal.

why i'm the bad guy for confirming it is beyond me. but this board never ceases to surprise.

Vak said perhaps Real (et al) leaked to up the bidding. all i'm saying is that figure wasn't leaked until after the deal was done. that was the case in every situation to date until Bernie.

To be clear, I was only commenting on Bernie, I wasn't talking about Real or anybody previous. My supposition is that Bernie is "leaking" it to try to get more money (and also that I don't blame him one bit). If it seemed like I was talking about anybody else, that's my bad.
Vak, just looked back at the original post and i probably read into it. that's my bad.

i thought you were suggesting that it has been a pattern among portal guys.
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The leak is intended to hurt Iowa. Weather it be with Trux, Nagao, Ferrari, to cause discord among current Iowa and HWC members, etc. PSU media and Iowa haters agenda is very clear and it works. That’s why they continue to do it.
While I often wonder the same thing, it comes off as kinda crazy when Tom talks about it. Of course most stuff he talks about doesn't always make sense but the tin-foil hat stuff just comes off bad.
If anything this makes Iowa look good? I have no moral quandaries with paying wrestlers, I don't get why anyone does. They work their asses off and are likely to sustain injuries that will effect them for the rest of their lives. Look at how the old timers walk around. The sacrifices they make while in college don't come without a cost. I'm glad wrestlers are getting paid, for a lot of them their value is the most while they are in college. Bizarre reaction from people to act like this is a bad thing.

Some PSU numbers have been leaked, btw. RBY supposedly got a similar number to come back last year.
While I often wonder the same thing, it comes off as kinda crazy when Tom talks about it. Of course most stuff he talks about doesn't always make sense but the tin-foil hat stuff just comes off bad.
Pretty much. As true as any of it may be, it just makes us look bad. I think Tom feels like he's publicly calling them out, but everyone else looks at it like we're whiners or whatever. But still appreciate his off-the-cuff candor, more than you get out of most coaches. A double edged sword sometimes.
exactly, woodsiding.

i hope the posters on this board with their panties in a bunch get over it. b/c wrestlers being paid - particularly at iowa, mich, tosu, psu, isu - is the new normal.

why i'm the bad guy for confirming it is beyond me. but this board never ceases to surprise.
I think some of the posters on here are really convinced that there is 1 bag with $250,000 inside. And that bag will go to 1 wrestler. And we have to be very careful about who we give that bag to and who talks about the bag because it is all dirty money.

The $250,000 is a potential total from a list of deals. Those numbers are accurate because it is in line with current hawks. High level of success in wrestling in Iowa equals more opportunities to make money in wrestling. That does not happen in any other state. This is all advantage Iowa. Jerseydouche thinks he's hurting Iowa by posting the amount that a successful Iowa wrestler can make in NIL, but he's not. He's a goddamn billboard to any high level wrestler telling them that only place to make that kind of money by wrestling is Iowa.
I think some of the posters on here are really convinced that there is 1 bag with $250,000 inside. And that bag will go to 1 wrestler. And we have to be very careful about who we give that bag to and who talks about the bag because it is all dirty money.

The $250,000 is a potential total from a list of deals. Those numbers are accurate because it is in line with current hawks. High level of success in wrestling in Iowa equals more opportunities to make money in wrestling. That does not happen in any other state. This is all advantage Iowa. Jerseydouche thinks he's hurting Iowa by posting the amount that a successful Iowa wrestler can make in NIL, but he's not. He's a goddamn billboard to any high level wrestler telling them that only place to make that kind of money by wrestling is Iowa.
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"Iowa has the ability to put together lucrative NIL packages for elite recruits/transfers" is intended to make Iowa look bad???

I'd put it on billboards if I had the money!!! @bnicolls can you help us out? Maybe a mural on one of your buildings?
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exactly, woodsiding.

i hope the posters on this board with their panties in a bunch get over it. b/c wrestlers being paid - particularly at iowa, mich, tosu, psu, isu - is the new normal.

why i'm the bad guy for confirming it is beyond me. but this board never ceases to surprise.
you didn't answer the question, you do know what it cost for rby to come back, you do know what brooks, stall and kerk are hauling in, but you want to turn it on us.why confirm iowa offers but not pst. afraird of carl methinks.dipshit
you didn't answer the question, you do know what it cost for rby to come back, you do know what brooks, stall and kerk are hauling in, but you want to turn it on us.why confirm iowa offers but not pst. afraird of carl methinks.dipshit
why are you acting like this is a bag under the table??? this is all legal and the new normal. you should be glad willie is putting this out there.
"Iowa has the ability to put together lucrative NIL packages for elite recruits/transfers" is intended to make Iowa look bad???

I'd put it on billboards if I had the money!!! @bnicolls can you help us out? Maybe a mural on one of your buildings?
No kidding!
Anthony Noto, 4th place 125 Lock Haven. Will Feldcamp, 7th place 184 Clarion.
Make a list of schools they could transfer too where they would make money on an AA finish.
you didn't answer the question, you do know what it cost for rby to come back, you do know what brooks, stall and kerk are hauling in, but you want to turn it on us.why confirm iowa offers but not pst. afraird of carl methinks.dipshit
What are you talking about? All those you mentioned are great wrestlers and I'm sure they are making a decent chunk in NIL, as they should. It is legal for them to capitalize on their success.
i think the point about it always being iowa that is giving out the bag is legitimate. regardless of the fact that it’s perfectly legal, there certainly is a negative connotation attached to it in much of the wrestling community which is why people are talking about it.

1 year ago at this time the same people who are talking about the truax money were talking about iowa tampering with woods and saying it was being reported to the ncaa. but yeah i’m sure this year is different and it’s being posted on twitter to make iowa look good and celebrate the generosity of donors…
i think the point about it always being iowa that is giving out the bag is legitimate. regardless of the fact that it’s perfectly legal, there certainly is a negative connotation attached to it in much of the wrestling community which is why people are talking about it.

1 year ago at this time the same people who are talking about the truax money were talking about iowa tampering with woods and saying it was being reported to the ncaa. but yeah i’m sure this year is different and it’s being posted on twitter to make iowa look good and celebrate the generosity of donors…
who cares that fans that already hate iowa don't like it? recruits will! iowa is never going to be the fan favorite.
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