Biden's team bracing for special counsel's report on classified docs

It’s astounding people are still arguing this. If Trump returns the documents when asked, nothing happens afterwards. Biden when the documents were found, cooperated and returned the documents. Trump lied deflected and obstructed every step of the way.

If you don’t see the difference there you’re simply not being honest.
And that's the major difference.
Riiiight. And if Trump had done what Biden did with the classified documents, guess what?
They charged Trump with Willfully Retainted classified Documents. Biden also willfully retained classified documents.

I get charging Trump for obstruction and any other stupid shit he did, but charge Trump and not Biden on the Willfully retained documents?

I see MSNBC is not talking about the Special Counsel’s comments on how a jury might see Biden as an elderly man with a poor memory.

Obviously don’t want that picture getting out to their audience.
Guess what, Sharky: Trump is a narcissistic asshole who lies as easily as he breathes.

Biden is a political asshole as well.

One of them failed to return documents when asked and then lied about it.

The other returned the documents and cooperated with the investigation thereafter.

Trump is his own worst enemy. That’s why he is facing the charges that he is.

Life lesson: don’t be a narcissistic asshole.
This ^

Hell, Trump would have probably been re-elected if he hadn't been such an @sshole for 4+ years. He's always been his own worst enemy. Add his narcissistic need to be in the news, and thinking he can BS his way through anything, and people will hate him just for being him.
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They charged Trump with Willfully Retainted classified Documents. Biden also willfully retained classified documents.

I get charging Trump for obstruction and any other stupid shit he did, but charge Trump and not Biden on the Willfully retained documents?

I see MSNBC is not talking about the Special Counsel’s comments on how a jury might see Biden as an elderly man with a poor memory.

Obviously don’t want that picture getting out to their audience.
Re-read why Biden isn't being charged. He's old and has a bad memory and would be sympathetic to a jury. It's not because he didn't do it.
This ^

Hell, Trump would have probably been re-elected if he hadn't been such an @sshole for 4+ years. He's always been his own worst enemy. Add his narcissistic need to be in the news, and thinking he can BS his way through anything, and people will hate him just for being him.

Trump has also never been held to account. There has always been an “out” that money, fame, status, and legal loopholes have allowed.

He’s a freaking child who has never been given boundaries or adhered to them.

77 years of that will get you thinking you’re invincible. Heck, the Access Hollywood tapes gave us a small glimpse of this thinking and behavior.
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Trump has also never been held to account. There has always been an “out” that money, fame, status, and legal loopholes have allowed.

He’s a freaking child who has never been given boundaries or adhered to them.

77 years of that will get you thinking you’re invincible. Heck, the Access Hollywood tapes gave us a small glimpse of this thinking and behavior.
Now do Biden.
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Ummm: yes.

He didn’t turn over the documents when pressed by the Archives.

Then had his lawyers lie to the Archives stating that no more classified documents were at MAL.

Thus: the FBI executed a search warrant (not a raid btw) on MAL. These are pretty well-known facts.

Ever heard of the Palmer Raids, events that were basically the birth of our FBI?

Just funny to read something in children's history books, and watch people now get squeamish about the usage 100 years later.
Which part? The report dispenses with that section on pages 189-190.
All along the narrative from you guys has been that Biden didn't commit a crime because it's only a crime if he took them knowingly. You guys have been adamant that he didn't take them intentionally. He had a lots of documents and those 25 or 30 classified documents must have gotten accidentally mixed in with ordinary documents. As soon as he realized he had them, he notified NARA so they could retrieve them.

We now know that's not the case. He took them intentionally. He knew he had them and he even shared some of the information with a ghostwriter while working on his memoirs.

That's a crime. The fact that the special counsel is declining to pursue criminal charges doesn't change the fact that what he did was a crime.

(a) Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.
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All along the narrative from you guys has been that Biden didn't commit a crime because it's only a crime if he took them knowingly. You guys have been adamant that he didn't take them intentionally. He had a lots of documents and those 25 or 30 classified documents must have gotten accidentally mixed in with ordinary documents. As soon as he realized he had them, he notified NARA so they could retrieve them.

We now know that's not the case. He took them intentionally. He knew he had them and he even shared some of the information with a ghostwriter while working on his memoirs.

Let the SC know this!!!!

(oh, wait, he told you already there was no crime here)
All along the narrative from you guys has been that Biden didn't commit a crime because it's only a crime if he took them knowingly. You guys have been adamant that he didn't take them intentionally. He had a lots of documents and those 25 or 30 classified documents must have gotten accidentally mixed in with ordinary documents. As soon as he realized he had them, he notified NARA so they could retrieve them.

We now know that's not the case. He took them intentionally. He knew he had them and he even shared some of the information with a ghostwriter while working on his memoirs.

That's a crime. The fact that the special counsel is declining to pursue criminal charges doesn't change the fact that what he did was a crime.

(a) Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.

Did you read the report? You are conflating the statutory definition with a common sense definition.

The statute requires that he received the documents knowingly and “without authority.” He had authority - he received them as the VP. His home is also an authorized location.

The fact that the SC spent about 1 page of a 388 page report on Section 1924 should tell you something.
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So, Trump said they were. The lawyers will remain silent about it because that's good lawyering. At this point we don't know and will only find out what really happened in the courtroom.

CNN and MSNBC and the DA will try to sway everyone that it's a rock-solid case. There are many hours of courtroom batter that needs to take place before we know how it all really happened.
Except, they very obviously weren't - not sure why what Trump says on ANYTHING bears any weight whatsoever.

again - NAR went to Trump MULTIPLE times for these documents. Trump could have returned ALL of these documents at any point. Instead, he gave some, said that was it, even had his lawyers sign an affidavit to that effect which was demonstrably false. That's not cooperation.
They charged Trump with Willfully Retainted classified Documents. Biden also willfully retained classified documents.

I get charging Trump for obstruction and any other stupid shit he did, but charge Trump and not Biden on the Willfully retained documents?
Well for one - it's DoJ policy that a sitting president can't be charged with a crime (remember the Mueller report?) For another, it's been firmly established that (stupidly) this happens ridiculously often as people leave office - I'm on the record as believing you could walk into the home of any Congressmen/Senator and find documents there that shouldn't be. For a third - i've said repeatedly, Trump doesn't get charged at all if he just returns the documents when asked. and that's the key difference in all this.
Pretty good bet the Biden team isn’t “tickled” by the report.
idk - this was more or less what i expected them to produce. No charges for Biden, but plenty of red meat for Cons.
probably not simply because of the memory comment which will be red meat for republicans. the rest isn’t much to write home about in my opinion.
Here’s the thing. Trump is worse. He didn’t cooperate and Joe did.

That said…this is bad on multiple levels. Much worse than I thought it’d be politically. It’ll be yesterday’s news in a week as I’m sure Trump will try to one up Joe.

The lasting damage will be about Joes age and cognitive ability.
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Except, they very obviously weren't - not sure why what Trump says on ANYTHING bears any weight whatsoever.

again - NAR went to Trump MULTIPLE times for these documents. Trump could have returned ALL of these documents at any point. Instead, he gave some, said that was it, even had his lawyers sign an affidavit to that effect which was demonstrably false. That's not cooperation.

Well for one - it's DoJ policy that a sitting president can't be charged with a crime (remember the Mueller report?) For another, it's been firmly established that (stupidly) this happens ridiculously often as people leave office - I'm on the record as believing you could walk into the home of any Congressmen/Senator and find documents there that shouldn't be. For a third - i've said repeatedly, Trump doesn't get charged at all if he just returns the documents when asked. and that's the key difference in all this.

idk - this was more or less what i expected them to produce. No charges for Biden, but plenty of red meat for Cons.
You expected the report to say Joe could not remember when he took or left office…or when his son died? I sure as F didn’t see that coming.
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Garland appointed Hur.
In hindsight, maybe the Dems should be thankful that Pubbers refused to confirm him to the SCOTUS. I mean, if he’s just gonna go around appointing biased prosecutors with an anti-Biden agenda then imagine how much damage he might have done from the bench.
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Except, they very obviously weren't - not sure why what Trump says on ANYTHING bears any weight whatsoever.

again - NAR went to Trump MULTIPLE times for these documents. Trump could have returned ALL of these documents at any point. Instead, he gave some, said that was it, even had his lawyers sign an affidavit to that effect which was demonstrably false. That's not cooperation.

Well for one - it's DoJ policy that a sitting president can't be charged with a crime (remember the Mueller report?) For another, it's been firmly established that (stupidly) this happens ridiculously often as people leave office - I'm on the record as believing you could walk into the home of any Congressmen/Senator and find documents there that shouldn't be. For a third - i've said repeatedly, Trump doesn't get charged at all if he just returns the documents when asked. and that's the key difference in all this.

idk - this was more or less what i expected them to produce. No charges for Biden, but plenty of red meat for Cons.
I was focusing on the Willfully Retaining Documents. Either way, yes, Trump did this to himself.

The parts of the report that call into question Biden’s mental faculties would be a lot more damning, but it won’t be discussed on the MSM channels. I’ve already seen that on CNN and MSNBC. We’ll see if ABC, CBS, and NBC discuss it.
I was focusing on the Willfully Retaining Documents. Either way, yes, Trump did this to himself.

The parts of the report that call into question Biden’s mental faculties would be a lot more damning, but it won’t be discussed on the MSM channels. I’ve already seen that on CNN and MSNBC. We’ll see if ABC, CBS, and NBC discuss it.
They won’t. But those statements in the report will get wide dissemination. Can’t put that genie back in the bottle.
They charged Trump with Willfully Retainted classified Documents. Biden also willfully retained classified documents.

I get charging Trump for obstruction and any other stupid shit he did, but charge Trump and not Biden on the Willfully retained documents?

I see MSNBC is not talking about the Special Counsel’s comments on how a jury might see Biden as an elderly man with a poor memory.

Obviously don’t want that picture getting out to their audience.

trump was asked a couple of times to return docs, he returned some and kept some and the FBI went in and searched and even then they didn't search a couple of locked rooms which was stupid and on them. The two situations are not completely alike by a lot. Biden knew he had them a few years ago and stupidly di not return them. MSNBC di discuss the it and Hur's comments were out of line. I didn't see Jack Smith calling trump an old man that lies through his teeth everyday.
Re-read why Biden isn't being charged. He's old and has a bad memory and would be sympathetic to a jury. It's not because he didn't do it.
That's not the reason he wasn't charged. There was a big difference between trump and Biden's cases.
They charged Trump with Willfully Retainted classified Documents. Biden also willfully retained classified documents.

I get charging Trump for obstruction and any other stupid shit he did, but charge Trump and not Biden on the Willfully retained documents?

I see MSNBC is not talking about the Special Counsel’s comments on how a jury might see Biden as an elderly man with a poor memory.

Obviously don’t want that picture getting out to their audience.
I don’t know what they’re putting in the Kool-Aid at Team Blue HQ, but you guys would be well-advised to keep some Narcan handy just in case.
Recently it sounds like trump has been having some memory problems, but he's a lot younger, like 3+ years. Then again, trumps problems go far and beyond age. Where to start................................
Yet you will vote for an insurrectionist and cult leader. Got it. lol
No, I won’t. I have explained a hundred times that I have never voted for Trump and never will. Get your facts straight.

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