Biden's team bracing for special counsel's report on classified docs

Lot of fodder for the Rs. Found to be willful which is not good and can’t be charged as his memory is too bad and jury would feel sorry for him. This was worse than I expected.
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Lot of fodder for the Rs. Found to be willful which is not good and can’t be charged as his memory is too bad and jury would feel sorry for him. This was worse than I expected.
It’s not good but the spin that’s being put on it from right media is unconscionable

(my view is these investigations are political noise. Honestly the part of the report that’s more disturbing, though maybe not surprising for any pol, to me, is the introductory part of the report that suggests this material was retained for self aggrandizement)
Biden is really wishing he had renewed the lease on his office at the Penn Biden Center for a couple more years.
I was focusing on the Willfully Retaining Documents. Either way, yes, Trump did this to himself.

The parts of the report that call into question Biden’s mental faculties would be a lot more damning, but it won’t be discussed on the MSM channels. I’ve already seen that on CNN and MSNBC. We’ll see if ABC, CBS, and NBC discuss it.

When hasn’t his mental faculties been called into question recently? Quite honestly, I don’t see why they belonged in the report. You only do that if you want to embarrass someone imo.

Told ya he had dementia

Oh yes, the opinion of a special prosecutor with no medical background should be taken as incontrovertible proof.
Why was he talking about Cici in Mexico when asked about the hostage situation in Gaza? Then he switched to Bibi in Israel. Wtf?
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When hasn’t his mental faculties been called into question recently? Quite honestly, I don’t see why they belonged in the report. You only do that if you want to embarrass someone imo.

Oh yes, the opinion of a special prosecutor with no medical background should be taken as incontrovertible proof.
Just another piece in the puzzle
Did you read the report? You are conflating the statutory definition with a common sense definition.

The statute requires that he received the documents knowingly and “without authority.” He had authority - he received them as the VP. His home is also an authorized location.

The fact that the SC spent about 1 page of a 388 page report on Section 1924 should tell you something.
Didn't he also have documents from his time as senator?
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Didn't he also have documents from his time as senator?

Don’t know. The report doesn’t mention but the Senate website says all senators are authorized recipients of classified information and those on a couple committees are authorized at higher levels.
When hasn’t his mental faculties been called into question recently? Quite honestly, I don’t see why they belonged in the report. You only do that if you want to embarrass someone imo.

Oh yes, the opinion of a special prosecutor with no medical background should be taken as incontrovertible proof.
From what I am reading, he did not know when he was VP and he could not recall when his son died even within a few years. Very sad.
After today this is the first time I think Biden might be replaced on the ticket. We would all be better off for it. Put a slick leftist on like Newsom who would win in a landslide over Trump and then we can have an actual election between coherent people(Newsom v Haley or Newsom v Sasse) in ‘28.

The betting markets are starting to believe it too.

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trump was asked a couple of times to return docs, he returned some and kept some and the FBI went in and searched and even then they didn't search a couple of locked rooms which was stupid and on them. The two situations are not completely alike by a lot. Biden knew he had them a few years ago and stupidly di not return them. MSNBC di discuss the it and Hur's comments were out of line. I didn't see Jack Smith calling trump an old man that lies through his teeth everyday.
My second paragraph hit on Trump’s obstruction and other stupid shit.
The report seems pretty negligent imo. So they have strong evidence of wrongdoing but are electing not to prosecute because they believe Biden to be too kindly and sympathetically old to be convicted? This doesn't square.
Don’t forget poor memory. Joe, is that you?
The report seems pretty negligent imo. So they have strong evidence of wrongdoing but are electing not to prosecute because they believe Biden to be too kindly and sympathetically old to be convicted? This doesn't square.
Which means that they don't actually have any evidence of him being negligent but they really needed something else to run on besides the border so they had to manufacture something with this. Unfortunately, people will probably treat this like Hillary's emails and make this far more credible than it really is.
The sisi thing is actually funny and will probably be a fall ad about he admitted that he opened up the border.
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Don’t forget poor memory. Joe, is that you?
Even that doesn't make sense. Biden sounded really good during his presser. He was on point, focused, and sharp. In fact everytime he has a major speech he kills it. He got the Rs to agree to not touch entitlements during his SOTU for chrissake

So how is it that he can kill one speech and presser after another but somehow can't remember being VP or his own son's death? It just doesn't pass the smell test.
Even that doesn't make sense. Biden sounded really good during his presser. He was on point, focused, and sharp. In fact everytime he has a major speech he kills it. He got the Rs to agree to not touch entitlements during his SOTU for chrissake

So how is it that he can kill one speech and presser after another but somehow can't remember being VP or his own son's death? It just doesn't pass the smell test.
I have to say I’d have paid good money to be a fly on the wall in the back room with the press office when he started walking back to the podium to talk about Gaza.

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