Brawl in Madison

Davison was taunting but most of it was as the Michigan players were leaving the court. But the tape needs to be reviewed for Davison's actions during the game.

I mean, how can you review video OF THIS GAME, hand out suspensions, and NOT hand out a suspension to Davison?

This is AT LEAST THE 3RD TIME he's hit someone hard in the crotch, for crying out loud. And it's obviously deliberate.

I just don't get how that guy is so untouchable.
All I am saying is, the Big Ten will be reviewing video of this game.

Should Coach Howard be suspended? Absolutely.

Should Brad Davison be suspended for the following?

(1) tripping during this game;

(2) elbowing Dickinson in the the ribs on a screen during this game;

(3) nut punching Dickinson during a screen during this game and

(4) his history of dirty play over the last 5 plus years

Hell yes he should be suspended

Davidson should be suspended for season if he did those things and it is caught on camera. Davidson should already have had multiple suspensions for past incidents.

The Reffs have enabled the guy by rewarding his blatant flops and he only costs his team 1pt with his flagrants that get caught infrequently. Meanwhile he often takes the opponent out of the game mentally and refs are watching opponent very closely for quick retatliation fouls and net it has been a win for Wisconsin over and over.
Lol. He didn’t grab him. He put his hand on Howard’s elbow to go in and shake his hand. My god. This is 100% on Howard being a bitch
Look again. He cupped his elbow and then stepped in front of Howard to start the altercation rolling.
Gard could have just said good game and walked on. Yea Howard retaliated and escalated the confrontation which Gard started by touching Howard's arm and stepping in front of Howard.
To be fair, we are talking about "the brawl" (the thread title) AND who will / should be suspended.

After the B1G reviews the video from this game, the following should be suspended, imo:

1) Coach Howard
2) Anyone who threw a punch (2 Michigan players, 1 Wisconsin player)
3) Brad Davison
I highly doubt the B1G is going to review the entire game, more likely just the post game.
Lol. He didn’t grab him. He put his hand on Howard’s elbow to go in and shake his hand. My god. This is 100% on Howard being a bitch

Go watch it again, Gard did not just put his hand on Howard's elbow he grabbed him. Look at this picture, it's plain as day that Gard grabbed Howards arm. Look at Howard, he wasn't even engaging with Gard, he was going to walk on bye.

Howard should be held accountable for what he did, no excuses for it. But Gard played a role in this as well.

I mean, how can you review video OF THIS GAME, hand out suspensions, and NOT hand out a suspension to Davison?

This is AT LEAST THE 3RD TIME he's hit someone hard in the crotch, for crying out loud. And it's obviously deliberate.

I just don't get how that guy is so untouchable.

I agree, no place for it in college basketball. But I'm going to separate this from the handshake line brawl. Hopefully the league reviews that as well.
If Howard was on full tilt like that, why did he go through the line? He was headed back to the LR anyway, just keep going. He got what he was looking for going through the line, a scene.
Go watch it again, Gard did not just put his hand on Howard's elbow he grabbed him. Look at this picture, it's plain as day that Gard grabbed Howards arm. Look at Howard, he wasn't even engaging with Gard, he was going to walk on bye.

Howard should be held accountable for what he did, no excuses for it. But Gard played a role in this as well.

LOL, his hand is not even around the arm. Plus, you fail to mention Howard starting it by saying something unsportsmanlike to Gard.
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Go watch it again, Gard did not just put his hand on Howard's elbow he grabbed him. Look at this picture, it's plain as day that Gard grabbed Howards arm. Look at Howard, he wasn't even engaging with Gard, he was going to walk on bye.

Howard should be held accountable for what he did, no excuses for it. But Gard played a role in this as well.

Before this, Howard was talking s*** to Gard in a very aggressive, practically threatening way. Gard's mistake was assuming Howard could be spoken with like a mature, fully functioning adult.
Howard was acting like a spoiled child, not the head of a Big Ten basketball team. Even in the post game presser, he pouted like a six year old. If we are going to assess levels of blame for the situation, I'd put Gard's level at about a 1, maybe 1 and a half, but Howard's is a 9. After the initial confrontation, Gard and Howard both walked away. Howard chose to return.
If Howard was on full tilt like that, why did he go through the line? He was headed back to the LR anyway, just keep going. He got what he was looking for going through the line, a scene.
yeah that is pretty much where im at. You can hear the announcers saying Howard was staying back (when typically the coaches are first through) and to them looked like he wasn’t going to go through the line. I think Howard may have stayed back and went last through the line because he wanted a confrontation. You can clearly hear in the video him initiating with Gard telling him “i wont forget this shit”, so this talk about Gard stopping him when he was just going to walk on by, well Howard was the one who initiated by talking shit.
Before this, Howard was talking s*** to Gard in a very aggressive, practically threatening way. Gard's mistake was assuming Howard could be spoken with like a mature, fully functioning adult.
Howard was acting like a spoiled child, not the head of a Big Ten basketball team. Even in the post game presser, he pouted like a six year old. If we are going to assess levels of blame for the situation, I'd put Gard's level at about a 1, maybe 1 and a half, but Howard's is a 9. After the initial confrontation, Gard and Howard both walked away. Howard chose to return.
I’m only on the third page of this and I’m not sure what i hate more: the dumb shit by both coaching staffs or the fuçking look-at-me holier-than-thou Twitter pearl-clutching by media personalities. Good lord do I hate Twitter.
Did you see the ESPN story I posted? He definitely is blaming a person from Wisconsin for escalating the situation. He never takes responsibility for the fact that actually it was him who escalated the situation.
Yep, saw that and was shocked (or maybe not a day later) that the FIRST thing he SHOULD HAVE opened with is with "I'm sorry for what occurred, it was an emotional game, things got a bit out of hand, reflecting back I and we could have done x, y and z better." I think U of M will push/force him to do this at some point, or maybe not and his suspension is longer.
Go watch it again, Gard did not just put his hand on Howard's elbow he grabbed him. Look at this picture, it's plain as day that Gard grabbed Howards arm. Look at Howard, he wasn't even engaging with Gard, he was going to walk on bye.

Howard should be held accountable for what he did, no excuses for it. But Gard played a role in this as well.

Where in the rule book dies it state a cis h is forbidden to touch another coach?
well it may be in poor form, and inappropriate, it’s not expressly forbidden.
LOL, his hand is not even around the arm. Plus, you fail to mention Howard starting it by saying something unsportsmanlike to Gard.

Wow, some of you in this thread go through great lengths to defend Gard even when presented with the evidence. Gard CLEARLY grabbed Howard, look at the picture, where the heck is his thumb? If the picture doesn't help you then watch the video, it's clear as day.

To you and Bubs, ever heard of the phrase 'sticks an stones'? Walk away, if you feel the need to talk to Howard do it later after everyone has had a chance to cool off.

I didn't realize how many Badger fans there are on here.
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If Howard was on full tilt like that, why did he go through the line? He was headed back to the LR anyway, just keep going. He got what he was looking for going through the line, a scene.

I'll agree with you there, walk away. Something Gard could have done as well once he heard Howard running his mouth. It's a move we've seen Fran do, and get scrutinized for, it's really the best plan of action.
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I just find it sad that the Big Ten will be coming down hard on Coach Howard, which they should, yet they have enabled Brad Davison over the last five plus years. It's a joke.
Fran, I'm disappointed in you injecting a tactic that republican's use to change the narrative. Brad Davison's antics belong in a separate tread, not in a tread about two coaches going after it, in a hand shake line, but you did. Shame on you!!
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Howard and Davisin each deserve 1 more chance to prove they won’t physically go after another coach after a game and Davison to prove he won’t commit another dirty unsafe action on court.

1 more chance is all they need…
Where in the rule book dies it state a cis h is forbidden to touch another coach?
well it may be in poor form, and inappropriate, it’s not expressly forbidden.

This is more than a touch, it was a grab.

Go back to your Badger boards and tell everyone how great Davision is at cracking nuts.
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This is more than a touch, it was a grab.

Go back to your Badger boards and tell everyone how great Davision is at cracking nuts.
The rule that states that is illegal?

I believe there is a rule for coaches Assaulting another coach, yes?
To you and Bubs, ever heard of the phrase 'sticks an stones'? Walk away, if you feel the need to talk to Howard do it later after everyone has had a chance to cool off.

I didn't realize how many Badger fans there are on here.
Howard was the only one who needed a chance to cool off, but he had no excuse for being hot in the first place. He was coaching his team to the buzzer and he was pissed that Gard was doing the same thing. And I said Gard made a mistake when he assumed Howard was capable of acting like an adult.
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The rule that states that is illegal?

Are you serious??? So that's the card you want to play? My guess is there is no rule that says you cannot touch the other person in the handshake rules (if there are any), heck a handshake is touching. So if that's the case then Davision should be able to touch everyone's balls as he's going through the line. No rule against it, AMIRITE?
Howard was the only one who needed a chance to cool off, but he had no excuse for being hot in the first place. He was coaching his team to the buzzer and he was pissed that Gard was going the same thing. And I said Gard made a mistake when he assumed Howard was capable of acting like an adult.

Gard made a mistake grabbing Howard as he was going through the line. How hard is that to comprehend?
The way to deal with Davison is to put a goon on him. I'm surprised no one has done it yet. The guy jeopardizes the basketball career of every player he takes the court against. One of these days, he's going to cause a severe injury and Wisconsin and the Big Ten will deny culpability.
too bad we don't have C-Kingsbury (aka Marlboro Man) anymore.... ;)

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No excuses for Howard touching the assistant coach but Gard should get something as well. If you watch the entire scene Howard was going through the handshake like and Gard was the one who stopped Howard. I don't care what the reasons were Gard should have let it go, Howard was already at a tipping point and that set him off.
Should the B1G ever have a coach that has a tipping point of punching someone?
Is it though? I don't think it's acceptable for a coach to be grabbing anyone to have words with them in a handshake line.
What if he was trying to explain to him why he took the timeout? Guessing he doesn't want Howard pissed at him so was trying to explain himself. If he knew it was going to set Howard off I'm sure he wouldn't have grabbed his arm, but on the other hand most people won't swing if someone is stopping them to explain themselves.
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Should the B1G ever have a coach that has a tipping point of punching someone?

Absolutely not, Howard should be setting a good example for his student athletes.

What if he was trying to explain to him why he took the timeout? Guessing he doesn't want Howard pissed at him so was trying to explain himself. If he knew it was going to set Howard off I'm sure he wouldn't have grabbed his arm, but on the other hand most people won't swing if someone is stopping them to explain themselves.

Take it off court, away from the cameras. Give everyone a chance to cool off THEN call the other coach or visit with him and explain your actions.

Howard shouldn't have been pissed off to begin with. If you are going to play until the final buzzer then both sides should be able to make the moves necessary. Heck he left his starters on the court and they were pressing!

I'm NOT excusing Howard in any of this. But why am I so wrong in believe that what Howard did was wrong and that Gard shares some blame as well? The NUMBER ONE person at fault here is Howard!
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Gard made a mistake grabbing Howard as he was going through the line. How hard is that to comprehend?
Gard stopped Howard from blowing bye him and was attempting to explain the situation before it got out of hand. If Howard wasn't acting like a petulant child, the "grab" wouldn't have been an issue. Watch a few handshake lines. Things like that little grab happen all the time. It was equivalent to a tap on the shoulder. It was a lot less than Howard grabbing Gard by the shirt and waving his finger in his face. Howard is the one who ramped up the situation to the next level at every opportunity.
Yes, Gard made a mistake. I've said that a few times. But let's be clear what that mistake was.
I'll agree with you there, walk away. Something Gard could have done as well once he heard Howard running his mouth. It's a move we've seen Fran do, and get scrutinized for, it's really the best plan of action.
Thats the thing, Gard did walk away. And so did Howard initially. Then Howard proceeded to reach over 3 people to hit A DIFFERENT COACH!
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It is more than Howard, multiple players threw punches. At least two Michigan players and at least one Wiscy player. Howard should be suspended for the balance of season, I think Gard grabbing his arm should possibly garner a game suspension. Warren needs to come down hard on Howard.
He should be fired not suspended! If anyone in a professional workplace throws a punch at someone at their work they would be fired! Also, this is not his first time!
Watched it multiple times on my phone. It appears Howard was going to walk by Gard and not say a word to him as he was obviously fuming. You can’t grab a coaches arm to stop them. Howard obviously went way overboard, but Gard crossed a line also. Can you imagine an opposing coach grabbing Fran’s arm when he is fuming?
Will never know because if Fran is fuming he doesn't go through the handshake line.
Gard stopped Howard from blowing bye him and was attempting to explain the situation before it got out of hand. If Howard wasn't acting like a petulant child, the "grab" wouldn't have been an issue. Watch a few handshake lines. Things like that little grab happen all the time. It was equivalent to a tap on the shoulder. It was a lot less than Howard grabbing Gard by the shirt and waving his finger in his face. Howard is the one who ramped up the situation to the next level at every opportunity.
Yes, Gard made a mistake. I've said that a few times. But let's be clear what that mistake was.

This wasn't the same type of grab as a coach grabbing another player to say "hey, you played great out there" this was a grab of the arm to draw Howard back in a very heated situation. Gard should have kept on walking.

To be clear the mistake Gard made isn't in the same league as the mistakes Howard made. I don't disagree with what any of you are saying on Howard, no place for his behavior in college basketball.
He should be fired not suspended! If anyone in a professional workplace throws a punch at someone at their work they would be fired! Also, this is not his first time!

But the league cannot fire a coach, that is up to the school. The league needs to give Howard the maximum penalty they are allowed, the rest is up to Michigan.
Gard made a mistake grabbing Howard as he was going through the line. How hard is that to comprehend?
So if you know someone and want to speak with them at a function somewhere, do you not ever gently 'hold' their arm and shake their hand. Holding is NOT grabbing.
Thats the thing, Gard did walk away. And so did Howard initially. Then Howard proceeded to reach over 3 people to hit A DIFFERENT COACH!

Yes, he walked away after their confrontation but he didn't need to initiate the confrontation.
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I'm just curious when we all started expecting college basketball coaches to behave like mature adults.

That hasn't been the case in decades.
So if you know someone and want to speak with them at a function somewhere, do you not ever gently 'hold' their arm and shake their hand. Holding is NOT grabbing.

Yep, sure but this wasn't that situation at all. Gard was not being gentle and he did GRAB Howards arm. For cripes sake look at the picture I posted or go watch the video. There was nothing gentle about it.
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