Girls left in dust as male-born transgender athletes take state track titles in five states

This issue is nuanced and there are arguments for both sides, but we need to put this in perspective. There are 16 events in high school track meets. 16 events times 50 states equals 800 state champions. Out of the 800 girls state champions there were 5 transgender girls. That's less that 1%, it's .6%. Hardly the most pressing issue of our time.

Why do you hate women?
Oh look, Huey Jr has entered the chat.

This isn't just a "conservative" topic, many from BOTH sides disagree with this. Way to make it political though.
Huh. How many from BOTH sides bring up this topic on this board? I'm sure there won't be any political bent to those who have.
This seems easy, the next time this happens, when they fire the starting gun... the dude can take off down the track and the girls should just stand up and walk off.
I don't, in fact I am one that participated in high school sports.

If that were true, why do you support men participating in women’s sports then?

Taking away their achievements?
Taking away their scholarships and opportunities?

Only if you hate women would you support this, and you do.
This issue is nuanced and there are arguments for both sides, but we need to put this in perspective. There are 16 events in high school track meets. 16 events times 50 states equals 800 state champions. Out of the 800 girls state champions there were 5 transgender girls. That's less that 1%, it's .6%. Hardly the most pressing issue of our time.
If it's not an issue, then let the boys compete against boys.
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You missed the point.
I didn't think that was the point you were making. I was making my own point that the possiblilty of dying or being permanently injured from a school shooting should be more concerning to parents than losing a championship to a transgender person.
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But there is no reason to have to choose,.. both are unacceptable.
Sounds great, now when Republicans/conservatives start passing laws to prevent school shootings like they have about trans issues, I will push harder for liberals to come up with alternatives involving transgenders competing in sports.
Read all of the replies. Many are against it and are left.

News flash:

You can still support the trans community and find wrong in this.
As I have already said. As do many others. We just don't keep bringing it up because as I have also said, nobody ever thinks twice about it until someone of your ilk creates a new thread about it.
I didn't think that was the point you were making. I was making my own point that the possiblilty of dying or being permanently injured from a school shooting should be more concerning to parents than losing a championship to a transgender person.

I’m just being facetious in regard to directing a lot of attention on small percentages.
I have empathy for someone losing a state championship to a transgender person, but it's not going to ruin their life like some of you are acting. It's a game not life and death.

Very bigoted of you to say this. Imagine someone saying.

“I have empathy for a man wanting to compete in women’s sports, but it's not going to ruin their life like some of you are acting. It's a game not life and death.”

you would call them hateful and a bigot. So when you do it, why can’t you see it?
OK, then let the boys compete against boys.
These kind of statements don't do anything but show that you don't believe "trans" is a real issue for some people. You can disagree with transgender girls competing against cis girls without denying that they exist at all which is what you do when you call them boys.

Often the same posters that are so fired up about keeping transgender women from competing against cis women are the posters that suggest that some female at birth athletes are men because they look, sound, or play more men. (Serena Williams, Britney Griner, Abby Wambach, etc.)
Read all of the replies. Many are against it and are left.

News flash:

You can still support the trans community and find wrong in this.
Personally I don't agree with this. I see this as "othering" trans people. It suggests that they don't exist at all by claiming that their mere presence disrupts cis people.
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Sounds great, now when Republicans/conservatives start passing laws to prevent school shootings like they have about trans issues, I will push harder for liberals to come up with alternatives involving transgenders competing in sports.
But what alternatives exist?