I don't see how Biden can stay in.

Huey Grey

HR King
Jan 15, 2013
Internal polling from the Dems show him bleeding support. Every other Dem candidate now performs better than him. His pathway to 270 looks bleak. 1 in 3 Dems want him to drop out. Supposedly 25 House Dems want him gone. He has a meeting with the governor's today. I don't see what case he can make to stay in. Even Pelosi is calling into question his mental ability.
This is where I'm at too. I thought similar after the report saying he couldn't be prosecuted because he wasn't all there. The dems swept that under the rug but I just don't see how it would be possible to continue to do do. It's all out in the open. I just don't see how he can stay in the race. Dementia does not get better. It gets worse.
Most of those people will still vote for him if they do vote. The problem is going to be getting people to the polls, especially young people (source: my household).
So do you know are your kids considering voting for Trump, third party, or not voting for President?
Internal polling from the Dems show him bleeding support. Every other Dem candidate now performs better than him. His pathway to 270 looks bleak. 1 in 3 Dems want him to drop out. Supposedly 25 House Dems want him gone. He has a meeting with the governor's today. I don't see what case he can make to stay in. Even Pelosi is calling into question his mental ability.
The thing is the cat is totally out of the bag in regards to the age/mental acuity thing. It was being gaslighted semi-effectively until the debate. In hindsight it would have been better to put and keep Joe in the basement from a team Biden perspective.

There's no stuffing that cat back in...and it'll only get worse. He isn't going to miraculously get better in the next 4 months.
The thing is the cat is totally out of the bag in regards to the age/mental acuity thing. It was being gaslighted semi-effectively until the debate. In hindsight it would have been better to put and keep Joe in the basement from a team Biden perspective.

There's no stuffing that cat back in...and it'll only get worse. He isn't going to miraculously get better in the next 4 months.
Joe now claims he “nearly fell asleep” during the debate because of his international trips earlier in the month.

At a campaign fundraiser in McLean, Virginia, on Tuesday evening, President Joe Biden — for the first time — attributed his poor debate performance last week to the amount of foreign travel he did in June, according to notes from a small group of reporters permitted in the event.

"I decided to travel around the world a couple of times," Biden said, referring to recent trips abroad, including his visit to France for the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

"I didn't listen to my staff,” he continued, adding he "came back and nearly fell asleep on stage."
So do you know are your kids considering voting for Trump, third party, or not voting for President?

They're not excited about voting. They would probably still vote for Biden, but I doubt if they vote. I'm not going out of my way to vote either. Only because I live in WV though, so it doesn't matter one bit.
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They're not excited about voting. They would probably still vote for Biden, but I doubt if they vote. I'm not going out of my way to vote either. Only because I live in WV though, so it doesn't matter one bit.
Young people not voting is concerning, but it makes me feel better that they still wouldn't choose Trump.
Joe now claims he “nearly fell asleep” during the debate because of his international trips earlier in the month.

At a campaign fundraiser in McLean, Virginia, on Tuesday evening, President Joe Biden — for the first time — attributed his poor debate performance last week to the amount of foreign travel he did in June, according to notes from a small group of reporters permitted in the event.

"I decided to travel around the world a couple of times," Biden said, referring to recent trips abroad, including his visit to France for the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

"I didn't listen to my staff,” he continued, adding he "came back and nearly fell asleep on stage."
He was so wired he couldn't even blink. Yeah, those trips are really tough on AF1. But Trump is a liar. Join the club, Joe.
End result will be the same...
We'll see. This election was going to be close no matter what happened at the debates. Biden might be replaced, but even if he isn't there is a lot of time between now and election day. There are a lot of issues that might still bring out the younger vote. It was never going to be a slam dunk either way.
Internal polling from the Dems show him bleeding support. Every other Dem candidate now performs better than him. His pathway to 270 looks bleak. 1 in 3 Dems want him to drop out. Supposedly 25 House Dems want him gone. He has a meeting with the governor's today. I don't see what case he can make to stay in. Even Pelosi is calling into question his mental ability.
Nonsense! Chis assures us Biden's dead corpse could defeat Trump.
Joe now claims he “nearly fell asleep” during the debate because of his international trips earlier in the month.
That's more of an indictment than a plausible explanation.

That's how deep in the bubble Joe and his team are in....

If you need more than 10 days to recover from a trip you have some serious issues.
In a society like ours with a short attention span it won't be long before a new issue knocks the debate performance off the front page.

Joe has had 15-20 incidents in the past 18 months. It is only a matter of time before we have another moment in front of the cameras and this will be back in the news in an even bigger way.
Joe now claims he “nearly fell asleep” during the debate because of his international trips earlier in the month.

At a campaign fundraiser in McLean, Virginia, on Tuesday evening, President Joe Biden — for the first time — attributed his poor debate performance last week to the amount of foreign travel he did in June, according to notes from a small group of reporters permitted in the event.

"I decided to travel around the world a couple of times," Biden said, referring to recent trips abroad, including his visit to France for the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

"I didn't listen to my staff,” he continued, adding he "came back and nearly fell asleep on stage."
Oh so he made some flights like a President normally would? Unbelievable. I know when I fly it takes me a minimum of three weeks to recover.
Internal polling from the Dems show him bleeding support. Every other Dem candidate now performs better than him. His pathway to 270 looks bleak. 1 in 3 Dems want him to drop out. Supposedly 25 House Dems want him gone. He has a meeting with the governor's today. I don't see what case he can make to stay in. Even Pelosi is calling into question his mental ability.
This 180 by you over the last week has been fun to watch but I’m glad you are finally admitting it. Good for you Huey

If the Dems can put a younger and non Bernie type and not Kamala up as candidate, they more then likely have my vote.
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That's more of an indictment than a plausible explanation.

That's how deep in the bubble Joe and his team are in....

If you need more than 10 days to recover from a trip you have some serious issues.
I recall Joe complaining about the amount of travel a year or so ago when he made three international trips in three months.

Look, travel is part of the job. Every President in the modern era has made multiple international trips every year. If that’s too much to handle then maybe being President isn’t for him.

Besides, it’s not like he’s traveling coach, battling for elbow room with a 300 lb sweaty guy in the middle seat while an unruly toddler repeatedly kicks the back of his seat.

Air Force One is essentially an airborne luxury hotel. It has over 4000 square feet of internal floor space. He has his own private executive suite with an office, a bedroom, a lavatory, and a shower.
Joe has had 15-20 incidents in the past 18 months. It is only a matter of time before we have another moment in front of the cameras and this will be back in the news in an even bigger way.
I'm not saying he shouldn't be replaced, I'm just not sure what replacement will give the Democrats more votes. A lot of people don't want Harris, but if you dump her I think many black women will be upset. Newsome has the California liberal label. Some voters are not ready to elect a gay man like, Buttigieg. Whitmer would probably carry Michigan, but how will she do in other swing states?
FWIW-this morning on CNN IIRC, they were saying the former Italian Prime Minister said he was shocked how much Biden had deteriorated physically since the last time they met.
Other foreign officials who did not want to go on the record said he had issues focusing and that they tried to move very slow when they were near him so he had time to react to their presence.