I don't see how Biden can stay in.

Depending on how Biden and the WH react to the not so subtle demands to drop out, this will either be messy or an extreme sh*t show.
If a decision goes to the convention with an unknown candidate, it will become increasingly difficult for whoever is picked to defeat Trump.

If they are smart, all available money and resources should shift to House and Senate races as that seems like their best chance to contain a likely 2nd Trump presidency.
There's been a few stories this morning kind of preparing the way for Harris stepping in, along with Clyburn's comment yesterday about her not getting passed over for the other potential replacements. She doesn't bother me one way or another, not real excited, but I'm for about anything but Joe now against Trump.
Clyburn can get lost. Harris would lose worse than Biden.
Most of those people will still vote for him if they do vote. The problem is going to be getting people to the polls, especially young people (source: my household).

It was already going to be very close. Losing 2% would be fatal. Losing 5% means Trump wins in a landslide.

The party leaders need to nut up and tell him he needs to withdraw. Then they need to tell Kamala she isn’t the automatic choice - that a decision will be made at the convention.

It won’t happen, because the party leaders are pussies.
Internal polling from the Dems show him bleeding support. Every other Dem candidate now performs better than him. His pathway to 270 looks bleak. 1 in 3 Dems want him to drop out. Supposedly 25 House Dems want him gone. He has a meeting with the governor's today. I don't see what case he can make to stay in. Even Pelosi is calling into question his mental ability.
Because he's the only house plant puppet the marxist machine can make dance like an organ grinder's monkey, so it's him or bust! Nevertheless, don't you believe the most recent lie, man? He's just a little foggy due to all his international travel!! 🤣
Clyburn is what got us Joe. They deep six'd Bernie with the supposed "black vote" in S. Carolina. Suddenly, Biden went from moribund in Iowa and New Hampshire to stud overnight. Dems are as big frauds as Republicans.
You morons and your, "no matter who, vote blue" marxist mindset is what gave us brain dead jo....thanks.....
For me it’s the casual lying and/or alternate reality he’s creating for himself. He’s gotta go.
Bravo sir.

You and I regularly disagree on policy but I must say seeing you hold a line of "I don't like getting lied to" has been impressive. I'm sure you and I will quickly find the next thing to disagree on but know that I respect that you clearly have a set of your own morals you follow.

Biden scrambles to bolster support as Democrats reportedly look to Harris to replace him – live​

Biden invites Democratic governors to the White House amid reports that as many as 25 Democratic House members are preparing to call for him to exit the race

You morons and your, "no matter who, vote blue" marxist mindset is what gave us brain dead jo....thanks.....
I do not belong in that crowd, as you can clearly see. I have voted candidates from both parties and have friends, who are elected officials from both.
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Internal polling from the Dems show him bleeding support. Every other Dem candidate now performs better than him. His pathway to 270 looks bleak. 1 in 3 Dems want him to drop out. Supposedly 25 House Dems want him gone. He has a meeting with the governor's today. I don't see what case he can make to stay in. Even Pelosi is calling into question his mental ability.
You and the rest of these turncoats thought this guy was the real deal and fit for service less than a week ago, called anyone who pointed out the obvious MAGA conspiracy theorists as the media provided air cover and Biden hid from the public. If nothing else, it is another clear illustration of how little one can trust what these clowns in power tell them.

The bed is made, it is time to sleep in it.
Also....Biden ain't losing.

Party over country.
Up until late last Thursday night I would have 100% agreed with this but now I don't, that was how devastating the debate was for Biden. I think the scales are even tipping in Trumps favor for a victory. This either was the Democrats worst night mare or an attempt to get him off the ballot.
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You and the rest of these turncoats thought this guy was the real deal and fit for service less than a week ago, called anyone who pointed out the obvious MAGA conspiracy theorists as the media provided air cover and Biden hid from the public. If nothing else, it is another clear illustration of how little one can trust what these clowns in power tell them.

The bed is made, it is time to sleep in it.
Not me.
I’ve been saying it for a long time. However, the debate showed just how far he’s fallen in the last 6 months or so.
There's been a few stories this morning kind of preparing the way for Harris stepping in, along with Clyburn's comment yesterday about her not getting passed over for the other potential replacements. She doesn't bother me one way or another, not real excited, but I'm for about anything but Joe now against Trump.

So the question is, can Harris beat Trump?
Bravo sir.

You and I regularly disagree on policy but I must say seeing you hold a line of "I don't like getting lied to" has been impressive. I'm sure you and I will quickly find the next thing to disagree on but know that I respect that you clearly have a set of your own morals you follow.
I like to think I do, but in this situation, I just don’t like being told ignore what I see and shut up and vote. Or like Chis admonished me yesterday to “rejoin reality” and vote for Biden.
So who is the slam dunk replacement that the majority of Dems will rally around?

It should be Newsom/Buttigieg. But likely they would go with Harris.

Honestly, there is zero juice in this election right now. I expect a low turnout, which benefits the GOP. Right now the debate destroyed Biden, and will kill the Dems down ballot. But if he were to withdraw and we had an exciting convention with a new pair emerging, it would electrify Democrats and turn this into a helluva contest.
