I don't see how Biden can stay in.

There is enough time for two general elections. Other countries do elections in short time frames. Only this backwards country has multi-year campaign seasons. Not only is it am enormous amount of resources, it's incredibly toxic.
Facts GIF by Judge Jerry
There is enough time for two general elections. Other countries do elections in short time frames. Only this backwards country has multi-year campaign seasons. Not only is it am enormous amount of resources, it's incredibly toxic.

Unfortunately, this election will be held in this country.
My kids echo what was said above. Both eligible to vote for first time this fall. They lean left, but neither will likely vote. Biden is not going to get it done this fall.

Hopefully Joe has enough sense left to realize this is all a foregone conclusion. He can still go out a hero by stepping down and allowing the party to pick a vibrant candidate. Alas he may be too far gone. Hell, the fact that Hunter is his most trusted advisor is as big an indictment on his mental acuity as his shitty debate performance.
I'm not saying he shouldn't be replaced, I'm just not sure what replacement will give the Democrats more votes. A lot of people don't want Harris, but if you dump her I think many black women will be upset. Newsome has the California liberal label. Some voters are not ready to elect a gay man like, Buttigieg. Whitmer would probably carry Michigan, but how will she do in other swing states?
I think an open convention like in the old days might be the perfect thing to pull the party together. Biden needs to step down ASAP so those interested in running can make their cases. The Dems need to unite behind someone, and since 63% of Biden's support was people voting against trump, it might not be as hard as people think to build a consensus. I really wish someone with military experience would be President or VP.
Joe has had 15-20 incidents in the past 18 months. It is only a matter of time before we have another moment in front of the cameras and this will be back in the news in an even bigger way.
More than that, but the number doesn't really matter at this point. It's clear where we are right now.
FWIW-this morning on CNN IIRC, they were saying the former Italian Prime Minister said he was shocked how much Biden had deteriorated physically since the last time they met.
Other foreign officials who did not want to go on the record said he had issues focusing and that they tried to move very slow when they were near him so he had time to react to their presence.
Jesus christ he sounds like a old dog on a front porch not the president.
For Joe's health and saving whatever dignity he has left I hope he decides not to run. It was apparent 4 years ago when he started repeating the phrase "Just watch me"...... Whenever someone would ask if he was up to the task or how he would handle a situation.
The most annoying part of the phrase was when he said it and the media all got boners and his voters were like "Joe's got IT. He'll be just fine in office."

I thought he would make it until June '21. Figured he would claim a health reason and the Dem puppet masters would shuffle Kamala in for a few years then bring in the next group of applicants.

Just think if Trump had won in '20 we would never have run into this mess and we could have moved on to more competent candidates.
Internal polling from the Dems show him bleeding support. Every other Dem candidate now performs better than him. His pathway to 270 looks bleak. 1 in 3 Dems want him to drop out. Supposedly 25 House Dems want him gone. He has a meeting with the governor's today. I don't see what case he can make to stay in. Even Pelosi is calling into question his mental ability.

Dude should have decided as soon as he was elected that he was going to be a one term president.
My kids echo what was said above. Both eligible to vote for first time this fall. They lean left, but neither will likely vote. Biden is not going to get it done this fall.

Hopefully Joe has enough sense left to realize this is all a foregone conclusion. He can still go out a hero by stepping down and allowing the party to pick a vibrant candidate. Alas he may be too far gone. Hell, the fact that Hunter is his most trusted advisor is as big an indictment on his mental acuity as his shitty debate performance.
“Daddy, you can’t drop out. I need a pardon as soon as you get elected.”
Joe now claims he “nearly fell asleep” during the debate because of his international trips earlier in the month.

At a campaign fundraiser in McLean, Virginia, on Tuesday evening, President Joe Biden — for the first time — attributed his poor debate performance last week to the amount of foreign travel he did in June, according to notes from a small group of reporters permitted in the event.

"I decided to travel around the world a couple of times," Biden said, referring to recent trips abroad, including his visit to France for the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

"I didn't listen to my staff,” he continued, adding he "came back and nearly fell asleep on stage."
So the weirdest part is that he/they think these explanations are helping him. It's unbelievable.
I imagine the meeting with the governor's will be strained. But that seems necessary. This seems to be unfolding quickly. We are only at Wednesday and already it feels like the possibility of Joe dropping out might be inevitable.
It damn well better be strained. Good lord.
Biden won't drop out. Because.....power. And Jill will keep pushing him because she is enjoying the power, too, since she will essentially be president the next 4 years.

Also....Biden ain't losing.

Party over country.
He can pardon him now why would he wait for reelection.
He certainly can pardon him now for crimes already committed. There are some other crimes pending trial, and possibly others that haven't been charged yet, but Trump will try to find and prosecute.
Biden won't drop out. Because.....power. And Jill will keep pushing him because she is enjoying the power, too, since she will essentially be president the next 4 years.

Also....Biden ain't losing.
Does President Biden know he has power at this point?
He certainly can pardon him now for crimes already committed. There are some other crimes pending trial, and possibly others that haven't been charged yet, but Trump will try to find and prosecute.
The president can pardon prior to the legal case or even inquiry. There is no obligation to wait.
There's been a few stories this morning kind of preparing the way for Harris stepping in, along with Clyburn's comment yesterday about her not getting passed over for the other potential replacements. She doesn't bother me one way or another, not real excited, but I'm for about anything but Joe now against Trump.