If someone is voting for Trump in 2024


2016: Held nose and voted for Trump
Oct 2020: Said on CNN Trump was “despicable”
2020: Wrote in Romney.
2024: Struggling. Trump remains despicable. Biden is a shell. Foreign stuff a debacle. Leaning lightly back to Trump. He’s awful.
No idea why anyone would even consider him.
I don't know he's not a lifelong politician and voting for him was kind of a big FU to the political establishment at the time. Also on a debate stage basically telling the country that him and other rich people cheat with their money while Hillary had no response for it was a moment for some.

I get hating him and not wanting to vote for him (I'm not) but to wonder how anyone can vote for him is just foolish.
The clear choice is Kennedy. Place holder for 4 years until DeSantis takes over in 2028
He's not even an option in the majority of states. Imagine if the dems do replace biden but don't give him a nod even lol
Check out Germany in the 1930's

Seems like about 1/3 of people worldwide crave a strongman dictator.
While Biden and the Democrats play wannabe dictator. Locking up political opponents because they want to. Cancelled student loan debt because they want to. Let illegals stay in the country because they want to. Let the U.S. be invaded by 10 million illegals because they want to.
No. They should stfu, and stop showing the world how stupid, corrupt, reprehensible, and anti-American they are.
A lot of what I consider good people will vote for Trump this November. I am not saying I agree with it or understand it, but genuinely good people will vote Trump.

Regardless, your response doesn’t really answer the OP.
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I don't know he's not a lifelong politician and voting for him was kind of a big FU to the political establishment at the time. Also on a debate stage basically telling the country that him and other rich people cheat with their money while Hillary had no response for it was a moment for some.

I get hating him and not wanting to vote for him (I'm not) but to wonder how anyone can vote for him is just foolish.
I do hate him and I’m also baffled ANYONE could think he’d be good for anyone not named Trump as POTUS. Being a non-career politician, only has merits if that person has some good ideas and plans. Trump has none. As for the rich working the system, they always have. A guy who has a golden toilet, was born into wealth and has always cheated the system is not the answer to change the system so it leaves me thinking ‘why in the hell would anyone want that grifter as POTUS?'
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But what about the actual question I posed?

I’m curious what others think.
95% of Republicans don’t give two shits about Trump. He’s simply a vehicle to hopefully reset the country from the disaster that was Obama when he successfully transformed America and divided it along political, racial, gender, economic and environmental lines.

It was a complete disaster and the country has been worse off than ever before and we have lost our God dam minds on basically every single issue.

Obama killed the American system Trump is simply the coroner.
I do hate him and I’m also baffled ANYONE could think he’d be good for anyone not named Trump as POTUS. Being a non-career politician, only has merits if that person has some good ideas and plans. Trump has none. As for the rich working the system, they always have. A guy who has a golden toilet, was born into wealth and has always cheated the system is not the answer to change the system so it leaves me thinking ‘why in the hell would anyone want that grifter as POTUS.
The thing in bold is why he's appealing for some. Also people are gonna vote Red no matter who is there.
95% of Republicans don’t give two shits about Trump. He’s simply a vehicle to hopefully reset the country from the disaster that was Obama when he successfully transformed America and divided it along political, racial, gender, economic and environmental lines.

It was a complete disaster and the country has been worse off than ever before and we have lost our God dam minds on basically every single issue.

Obama killed the American system Trump is simply the coroner.

You’re a delusional mother f#%^er.
95% of Republicans don’t give two shits about Trump. He’s simply a vehicle to hopefully reset the country from the disaster that was Obama when he successfully transformed America and divided it along political, racial, gender, economic and environmental lines.

It was a complete disaster and the country has been worse off than ever before and we have lost our God dam minds on basically every single issue.

Obama killed the American system Trump is simply the coroner.
I'm starting to realize that I don't really have to spend any more time watching the news, keeping up on issues or candidates. I can just occasionally login here, read your posts, and do/think the exact opposite and pretty much be assured I'm on the right track.
How do you not? Even if you hate him how do you not see why people vote for him?

I don't know he's not a lifelong politician and voting for him was kind of a big FU to the political establishment at the time. Also on a debate stage basically telling the country that him and other rich people cheat with their money while Hillary had no response for it was a moment for some.

I get hating him and not wanting to vote for him (I'm not) but to wonder how anyone can vote for him is just foolish.
I could understand why people voted for him over Hillary in '16. All other things aside, she simply has never come across as likeable, especially on camera. She simply doesn't have the same ability that Bill did to connect with voters. So, my issues aside, I get why people voted for him once.

Since then? No. He has consistently demonstrated himself to be a man without morals, feels no loyalty or obligations towards others, and doesn't feel he should be held to the same rules as others. He has no firm policy beliefs you can even point to as anything remotely coherent aside from tax cuts good.

But somehow, millions of working class Americans especially have been convinced that he will fight for them, despite no evidence to support that. They've bought into the narrative that he's a victim.

It's simply inconceivable that anyone short of the Messiah could have that kind of blind support.
I f’d up and voted for Trump not once, but twice. I was on cruise control in the “bubble” seeing as I never voted for a democrat in my life. Finally utilized my critical thinking skills.

Really didn’t believe they’d come for those like me, and foment a general disdain for all things trans.

It will all change this November. I’ll vote straight D down the line with a symbolic FU to the hard right.
Do they have any right to ever again talk about morals, law and order, and the dignity of the presidency?

They can talk about those things, but I feel I have the right to think they are utterly full of shit and lack any sense of reality when it comes to acknowledging TOC for what & who he really is.
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95% of Republicans don’t give two shits about Trump. He’s simply a vehicle to hopefully reset the country from the disaster that was Obama when he successfully transformed America and divided it along political, racial, gender, economic and environmental lines.

It was a complete disaster and the country has been worse off than ever before and we have lost our God dam minds on basically every single issue.

Obama killed the American system Trump is simply the coroner.
Again, none of that answers the OP.
I could understand why people voted for him over Hillary in '16. All other things aside, she simply has never come across as likeable, especially on camera. She simply doesn't have the same ability that Bill did to connect with voters. So, my issues aside, I get why people voted for him once.

Since then? No. He has consistently demonstrated himself to be a man without morals, feels no loyalty or obligations towards others, and doesn't feel he should be held to the same rules as others. He has no firm policy beliefs you can even point to as anything remotely coherent aside from tax cuts good.

But somehow, millions of working class Americans especially have been convinced that he will fight for them, despite no evidence to support that. They've bought into the narrative that he's a victim.

It's simply inconceivable that anyone short of the Messiah could have that kind of blind support.
I don't disagree with any of this.
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Explain please.
Morals no because he's never had any beyond the age of 10.

The other two what ever Dem attack you throw out there there's a Rep counterattack. Not saying anything is right or wrong but just explaining why it depends on your political leaning.
Morals no because he's never had any beyond the age of 10.

The other two what ever Dem attack you throw out there there's a Rep counterattack. Not saying anything is right or wrong but just explaining why it depends on your political leaning.
Okay, I will bite.

Where do you see there being ambiguity to Trump upholding the dignity of the presidency? I think it’s quite clear he did not. And if there was ever a shred of doubt, that should have been erased the morning he left the White House in disgust and refused to honor the timeless tradition of the peaceful transfer of power.

Law and order? Lol. C’mon. He views the people who ransacked the Capitol as “patriots.”

So, the question still stands: What mental gymnastics must someone go through to ever opine about morals, law and order, and the dignity of the presidency if they are still willing to vote Trump in 2024?
95% of Republicans don’t give two shits about Trump. He’s simply a vehicle to hopefully reset the country from the disaster that was Obama when he successfully transformed America and divided it along political, racial, gender, economic and environmental lines.

It was a complete disaster and the country has been worse off than ever before and we have lost our God dam minds on basically every single issue.

Obama killed the American system Trump is simply the coroner.

People like this have to be a troll
I f’d up and voted for Trump not once, but twice. I was on cruise control in the “bubble” seeing as I never voted for a democrat in my life. Finally utilized my critical thinking skills.

Really didn’t believe they’d come for those like me, and foment a general disdain for all things trans.

It will all change this November. I’ll vote straight D down the line with a symbolic FU to the hard right.
Bring your friends and family!

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