If someone is voting for Trump in 2024

It's not they choose not to live in larger States, most don't have the educational background to get a job in more progressive States.
Ya, when I see drug addicted homeless and hookers and graffiti, gang bangers, etc the first thing that comes to mind is the impressive "educational background" of those city dwellers.
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Trump kept felating China’s leadership during COVID, and regurgitated their lies to the American public because his kids were getting Chinese patents. Yet Biden’s lingo bothers you. You claim to be an adult 🤣?
WTF - Trump dared to call COVID the “China virus” and was actually tough on China with tariffs. Unlike Sleepy Joe who he and his son, Hunter, have received kickbacks from China companies.
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I heard a Trump supporter talk about this on Saturday. She's Baptist, and someone asked her how she could support someone as immoral as Trump. She responded with, "I'm voting for President, and for someone with good policies, not for my spiritual advisor or moral compass. Besides, Biden hasn't exactly shown himself to be much of a role model when you look at his kids".

I guess the other folks in the conversation didn't have the convictions of the liberals here because nobody seemed ready to argue.
Oh Butters
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WTF - Trump dared to call COVID the “China virus” and was actually tough on China with tariffs. Unlike Sleepy Joe who he and his son, Hunter, have received kickbacks from China companies.
Trump’s kids were getting Chinese patents all of a sudden when Daddy was President. And here is your cult leader getting on his knees for China. Don’t be a MAGAt idiot:

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It's unimaginable that anyone who cared one iota about our constitution and its future could even consider voting for the lifelong criminal conman insurrectionist POS. He has absolutely no redeeming qualities, and is unfit to be a local dog catcher, much less the President of the United States. Anyone who votes for him is essentially a traitor to our nation and all that it stands for..
What online news article did you copy and paste this from?
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If your premise is that 3/4s of people are wrong, you don’t want to be in a democracy.

My premise is that regardless of how well the country does or doesn't do, if a democrat is in power the view from the republican side is always that the country is falling apart. We have come out of the last three republican presidencies with some kind of crisis that the incoming administration gets blamed for not fixing fast enough.

Look at the graph you just linked. 1992 - 2000 sure looked like people were satisfied but you wouldn't have known it back then hearing republicans complain. They couldn't vote Bush in fast enough to save this great country. Follow the graph to see how that worked out.

Then the graph climbs steadily again from 2009 - 2020 when the pandemic hit and dropped sharply. During the Obama years though, the country was falling apart and we needed to be made great again. Strong economy, low unemployment but republicans acted like we were on the verge of our destruction.
Look at the graph you just linked. 1992 - 2000 sure looked like people were satisfied but you wouldn't have known it back then hearing republicans complain.
Government spending was going down as a percentage of GDP during that time.
How did we mistake that austerity for prosperity?
My premise is that regardless of how well the country does or doesn't do, if a democrat is in power the view from the republican side is always that the country is falling apart. We have come out of the last three republican presidencies with some kind of crisis that the incoming administration gets blamed for not fixing fast enough.

Look at the graph you just linked. 1992 - 2000 sure looked like people were satisfied but you wouldn't have known it back then hearing republicans complain. They couldn't vote Bush in fast enough to save this great country. Follow the graph to see how that worked out.

Then the graph climbs steadily again from 2009 - 2020 when the pandemic hit and dropped sharply. During the Obama years though, the country was falling apart and we needed to be made great again. Strong economy, low unemployment but republicans acted like we were on the verge of our destruction.
Lmfao yeah cuz democrats don't behave the exact same way you're describing. Remember those 4 years y'all pretended to care about kids in cages? Weird how it was a problem before and after those 4 years, but the feigned outrage only lasted while a republican was in the Whitehouse. Classic liberal projection. Every single time.

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