If someone is voting for Trump in 2024

Okay, I will bite.

Where do you see there being ambiguity to Trump upholding the dignity of the presidency? I think it’s quite clear he did not. And if there was ever a shred of doubt, that should have been erased the morning he left the White House in disgust and refused to honor the timeless tradition of the peaceful transfer of power.

Law and order? Lol. C’mon. He views the people who ransacked the Capitol as “patriots.”

So, the question still stands: What mental gymnastics must someone go through to ever opine about morals, law and order, and the dignity of the presidency if they are still willing to vote Trump in 2024?
Idk man I'm just saying I'm not agreeing with it.
-If you bring up Stormy or rapes they can bring up Biden's daughter's diary or Bill Clinton.
-If you bring up Jan 6th they will bring up he told his followers to go to the Capitol peacefully (which is a fact he did say that)
-If you bring up him being a threat to democracy they bring up how Hillary called him an illegitimate president for 4 years or ask you who lives in the White House now.

I agree it's total mental gymnastics but just saying that's what people will do to justify casting their vote for him.
While Biden and the Democrats play wannabe dictator. Locking up political opponents because they want to. Cancelled student loan debt because they want to. Let illegals stay in the country because they want to. Let the U.S. be invaded by 10 million illegals because they want to.

You cannot be a real person with a human brain.
Idk man I'm just saying I'm not agreeing with it.
-If you bring up Stormy or rapes they can bring up Biden's daughter's diary or Bill Clinton.
-If you bring up Jan 6th they will bring up he told his followers to go to the Capitol peacefully (which is a fact he did say that)
-If you bring up him being a threat to democracy they bring up how Hillary called him an illegitimate president for 4 years or ask you who lives in the White House now.

I agree it's total mental gymnastics but just saying that's what people will do to justify casting their vote for him.

Even if all of that were true, why would that justify voting for Trump instead of a third party candidate or someone else?

It’s also a really horrible attempt at false equivalency.
@sober_teacher, JB forgets where he's at....the videos are out there, the full videos are not fake. You want that puddle running the country?
I highly doubt you've seen many unedited videos of Biden tbh.

And Trump is the furthest thing from a leader I can imagine. So yes, while I would have liked Biden to bow out after 1 term, I'll vote for him over Trump without a moment's hesitation.
Do they have any right to ever again talk about morals, law and order, and the dignity of the presidency?


Anyone who has ever voted for him each time knew what they were getting. I did twice.

Trumps actions after Election Day 2020 charged everything for me. Rather than take the loss he went down a destructive path. There never should have been a Jan 6th speech / rally in DC.

I’m not voting for the guy but I can tell you the legal situations will have no impact on his voters. None. The Bragg prosecution was a joke and half the country feels that way…even some democrats feel that way
Even if all of that were true, why would that justify voting for Trump instead of a third party candidate or someone else?

It’s also a really horrible attempt at false equivalency.
Agreed, and I can't wait to vote 3rd party this year
95% of Republicans don’t give two shits about Trump. He’s simply a vehicle to hopefully reset the country from the disaster that was Obama when he successfully transformed America and divided it along political, racial, gender, economic and environmental lines.

It was a complete disaster and the country has been worse off than ever before and we have lost our God dam minds on basically every single issue.

Obama killed the American system Trump is simply the coroner.
A robust economy that the orange dipshit inherited was a disaster? Give me a break.
Funny, I can't understand why anyone would ever vote for that brain dead moron, Biden. I guess the difference is that Republicans use their brains and leftists, only care about BS promises from the dems whether they are kept or just lies.
No idea why anyone would even consider him.
The Chis reaction.

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I guess the difference is that Republicans use their brains and leftists, only care about BS promises from the dems whether they are kept or just lies.

This attempt at a “sentence” is one of many examples of why you aren’t taken seriously.

Since you love to opine about others’ intelligence, perhaps you should try coming across as more literate than a fourth grader.
Do you live in Iowa? I feel like it's pretty much the same as trying to vote Biden in Texas. Anything not Trump is essentially a protest vote anyway.
It's at least possible in either case. But for a 3rd party that can do no more than play spoiler potentially?

Don't get me wrong, I'd love for a genuine 3rd party to exist and at the very least force the 2 main parties to stay honest - historically, most of the legit 3rd party movements that experienced some electoral success get coopeted by one party or the other. But today's Libertarian/Green parties for example are just a mess. Some decent ideas, but can't seem to organize without including crazy stuff on their platforms that turn the curious voter away.
Do you live in Iowa? I feel like it's pretty much the same as trying to vote Biden in Texas. Anything not Trump is essentially a protest vote anyway.
I agree.

There are only a handful of states that are in question.

If you had the misfortune of (i.e.) living in Mississippi and hated Trump but was not a fan of Biden, might as well go third party or write-in.
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I agree.

There are only a handful of states that are in question.

If you had the misfortune of (i.e.) living in Mississippi and hated Trump but was not a fan of Biden, might as well go third party or write-in.
See, I don't like that mentality either - we've seen in recent years that to some degree, these situations are caused by poor party organization/operations in those states. Iowa is exhibit A for that from the GOP side - Dem Party has been poorly run since Vilsack left office. On the flipside - if nothing else, Abrams turned around after her initial gubernatorial defeat in '18 to organize Dems in that state and flipped it, as well as electing 2 senators from there. Similar for AZ.

There's no reason either party should consider any state's a question of the resources they're willing to dedicate there.
See, I don't like that mentality either - we've seen in recent years that to some degree, these situations are caused by poor party organization/operations in those states. Iowa is exhibit A for that from the GOP side - Dem Party has been poorly run since Vilsack left office. On the flipside - if nothing else, Abrams turned around after her initial gubernatorial defeat in '18 to organize Dems in that state and flipped it, as well as electing 2 senators from there. Similar for AZ.

There's no reason either party should consider any state's a question of the resources they're willing to dedicate there.
I mean, I understand what you’re saying, and in principle agree, but the reality is in 2024 there are many states that Biden has no shot of winning.

So, I have no problem with someone casting a vote they believe in. The only reason I am voting Biden is because I am that disgusted with Trump and MAGA.

Once this Trump/MAGA debacle is over, I will probably vote third party for the foreseeable future and against about every incumbent possible in which the challenger isn’t a complete tool.
95% of Republicans don’t give two shits about Trump. He’s simply a vehicle to hopefully reset the country from the disaster that was Obama when he successfully transformed America and divided it along political, racial, gender, economic and environmental lines.

It was a complete disaster and the country has been worse off than ever before and we have lost our God dam minds on basically every single issue.

Obama killed the American system Trump is simply the coroner.
I don’t see it? My life has changed very little one way or another from President to President and although I am progressing financially, it is because of me and not any sweeping Presidential policies. I voted for Obama twice and would again if it was allowed considering the shitshow we have now…
If anyone tells me who they voted for, or asks me who I voted for “out in the wild”- I know I don’t want to talk to them.

People are a little too obsessed with their vote lately. Stfu.
For one, I was speaking generally, not @ you.

For two, your vote has “social currency” online I guess, but it really shouldn’t in the real world- imo.

Your private vote shouldn’t be public, much less used as a way to attack another person.

Again, any opinion on the actual OP?

No one has really addressed that besides @ButtersHawk.

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