Iowa school voucher scam update: Private schools raising tuition up to 40%. Special ed services to public schools will have a 30 million dollar cut

You haven't been in a classroom lately, I can tell you they have children who do nothing but drool and scream the entire class. The other kids are impacted by this constant disruption, this isn't fair to the children who go to school to learn.
Example # 1,006,973 why no one takes you seriously. Troll away dumbass.
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And I am saying what you're saying is misinformed as evidenced by your posts that demonstrate you have no clue how it works.

I know how it works, and it's currently being done incorrectly,.. This is just another part of the current societal belief that everyone can and should live in the mainstream, no matter what their problems are,.. This is just the school version of what we are trying to achieve everywhere.
That's not the way it works.

Actually the private schools are not required to provide anything that they currently don't provide.

No shit. That's why everybody with a brain knows this is a giant fvcking scam.

And which is why this was one of the bigger objections here. Private schools are accepting public funds with ZERO strings attached.
This is the far rights new efforts at segregation. Start with the cripples and then work toward the gays and on to the black people. They are the anti-civil rights advocates of the 50s and 60s.

It’s amazing to me that people still think like this. I thought we as Americans were past this. I should have known better.
After seeing some of the stuff far right groups and people have said and written, I believe if some had their way we would be back to open and accepted segregation by race in public areas.
They always deny these beliefs until they have the ability to pass laws that actually go backwards and marginalize our fellow Americans whom they believe don’t deserve to have rights afforded them.
They have us believe that it was just our ancestors that did this to our fellow citizens. Why have these laws that give groups that were once discriminated against protection from discrimination when that wasn’t us, that was in the past.
Then we see them taking away women’s reproductive rights, banning books, demonizing people’s sexuality. The list goes on and on.

I used to call my self a conservative but not anymore. The people running the Republican Party/ conservatives at this time in our country’s history are far from what I believe. Hell, they will side with Vladimir Putin over our own President and Allies. What have they become?
Frankly if you’re a board member at these schools and not raising tuition to ensure you’re fully capitalizing on all of this public money you’re not doing your job.

I am totally against it, but they should have been discussing this the day it was signed into law…
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Geebuss. Everyone knows this but in question is what they are spending it on. City government is similar as they pass budgets yearly and just add a %- both notorious for spending their max to show they need more the next year with zero thought of cutting.
schools post where all dollars are spent.
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Christ never dealt with CP converts….they were way too much work and effort and would never test well. ;)

Plus....he only healed lepers and blind folks

There are zero examples of him healing anyone with CP in the Bible. None.
I skipped most of this thread because it’s predictable…but a few thoughts.

1) My kids go to a private school in DSM and my wife works there. We were totally against the voucher (or whatever you want to call it) program. Our communities need strong public schools.

2) Our tuition went up at a rate consistent with prior years and the plan is for it to remain that way (well below $7500 with the church still contributing half).

3) Private schools have a lower per student cost because they don’t have resources and programs in place for kids with extreme special needs, so it isn’t fair to call the public schools wasteful due to a higher per student cost. They take on the hard stuff, and frankly, are way better at it.

4) This war on public education is idiotic. We should treat our education system like it’s the most important part of our society. The two most important components in breaking a negative family cycle are 1) Mentorship and 2) Education,
You would call it strict, I would call it earmarked. Just now are they having to deal with getting every remotely creative with how and where the money goes.
Hex...aren’t all budgets all about “earmarked” spending? Private sector...public/ government....non-profits...they all have budgets that designate $$ towRds their priorities...and isn’t that what earmarking does?
but in question is what they are spending it on.
In CY 2022 for my school in the Education Fund with a spend of ~$32 million
56.15% to certified school level employee salaries
11.61% to non-certified school level employee salaries
18.88% to benefits (FICA, retirement, insurance etc)
2.15% to professional services (primarily specialists on contract like OT/PT, Deaf & Hard of Hearing, etc)
2.35% to classroom supplies
.63% to Educational Technology (student computer devices)
8.22% transferred to our Operations Fund

In CY 2022 for my school in the Operations Fund with a spend of ~$12.4 million
29.64% to district level employees (Superintendent/Central Office, Custodial/Maint, Transportation)
9.13% to benefits (FICA, retirement, insurance etc)
29.73% to professional services (contractors and specialists for big projects,)
28.01% for supplies and utilities (mostly utilities)
2.01% for durable equipment
1.48% Other (band fee, reimburse other funds etc)

People send their children to private schools to get an education, many of these special needs kids are incapable of learning and sent to school just to be babysit.

You are robbing normal children of an education when half the classroom time is spent by a teacher or a para trying to calm down a screaming child who has zero idea where they are at.

I'm sorry but that's the reality of it.

Catholic or private schools are not equipped nor should they be to handle these kids.
Eat shit and die. Literally.
No shit. That's why everybody with a brain knows this is a giant fvcking scam.
How is it a scam that hard working families now have a choice regarding their children’s educations? Why should they be forced to send their children to a failing school system? It’s bad enough those same families had to support through taxes a failed school system while at the same time having to pay a private school their hard earned money so that their children could get a valued education.
Jesus, this is so inaccurate. Look at the unspent balances across the state and tell me that schools are spending to the maximum. Schools are extremely conservative and fiscally responsible as a whole. This will be even more the case with the current dipshits running our state.

Not to mention schools are required to publish all claims on a monthly basis and to post gross earnings for all employees at the end of every fiscal year. If you truly wanted to know where schools are spending their money, all you would have to do is look.
Boji...this is why most often, about 10-15% of the eligible voters turn out for school board elections! Because “we” care so much. And just how many local communities have newspapers any more?
Again...because, “We care.”
How is it a scam that hard working families now have a choice regarding their children’s educations? Why should they be forced to send their children to a failing school system? It’s bad enough those same families had to support through taxes a failed school system while at the same time having to pay a private school their hard earned money so that their children could get a valued education.
That choice was there before.
The reality is that no one here really can evaluate the "merit" of privates' tuition increases. It is certainly very fair that a question can be raised in and of itself regarding whether private schools are behaving abusively by raising tuition, which is to say just like every public and private college in America (and for that matter, like every drug manufacturer and health care provider in America) that has created perceptions of value through inflated sticker prices facilitated by the availability of third party funding. But at the same time, whether it's "fair" or not really requires some insight into how the money will be spent. For example, if demand is up, and services will be expanded by accepting more students and/or making new hires to serve them, well, that actually takes incremental money which may not be money badly spent. If it's building a new garden at the bishop's residence, well, that's probably another.

As to the question of kids with special needs, it is definitely more true than not that the publics bear the greater burden here, and that should be taken into account in their funding regardless of the existence or nonexistence of vouchers. But I will note that it is not "exclusively" a public problem - I can think of several kids with a range of physical and mental disabilities (including one of my own and one of a very famous hockey coach) who were very well served within my local parochial system, and just yesterday I had lunch with a very old friend I'd not seen in years, whose special needs son gets what he needs only in the private channel.
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The reality is that no one here really can evaluate the "merit" of privates' tuition increases. It is certainly very fair that a question can be raised in and of itself regarding whether private schools are behaving abusively by raising tuition, which is to say just like every public and private college in America (and for that matter, like every drug manufacturer and health care provider in America) that has created perceptions of value through inflated sticker prices facilitated by the availability of third party funding. But at the same time, whether it's "fair" or not really requires some insight into how the money will be spent. For example, if demand is up, and services will be expanded by accepting more students and/or making new hires to serve them, well, that actually takes incremental money which may not be money badly spent. If it's building a new garden at the bishop's residence, well, that's probably another.

As to the question of kids with special needs, it is definitely more true than not that the publics bear the greater burden here, and that should be taken into account in their funding regardless of the existence or nonexistence of vouchers. But I will note that it is not "exclusively" a public problem - I can think of several kids with a range of physical and mental disabilities (including one of my own and one of a very famous hockey coach) who were very well served within my local parochial system, and just yesterday I had lunch with a very old friend I'd not seen in years, whose special needs son gets what he needs only in the private channel.
I can hardly wait for the day Dems win an election or two and this tomfoolery (tax money to religious schools) is ended. Then let’s see how they adjust. In the name of God….of course.
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The reality is that no one here really can evaluate the "merit" of privates' tuition increases.
Oh, I don't think that's true at all.

What's the amount of the Iowa voucher, again?

As to the question of kids with special needs, it is definitely more true than not that the publics bear the greater burden here, and that should be taken into account in their funding regardless of the existence or nonexistence of vouchers. But I will note that it is not "exclusively" a public problem - I can think of several kids with a range of physical and mental disabilities (including one of my own and one of a very famous hockey coach) who were very well served within my local parochial system, and just yesterday I had lunch with a very old friend I'd not seen in years, whose special needs son gets what he needs only in the private channel.
As you're no doubt aware, the public bears the cost of a special needs child even in a private setting if no reasonable public option exists. While you might not have taken advantage of that,
How is it a scam that hard working families now have a choice regarding their children’s educations? Why should they be forced to send their children to a failing school system? It’s bad enough those same families had to support through taxes a failed school system while at the same time having to pay a private school their hard earned money so that their children could get a valued education.

Oh, I don't think that's true at all.

What's the amount of the Iowa voucher, again?

As you're no doubt aware, the public bears the cost of a special needs child even in a private setting if no reasonable public option exists. While you might not have taken advantage of that,
I’m sorry I must have missed where the tweets explained the spend side.
If private schools had to accept and accommodate every applicant, I'd be on board. But they don't. It's not school choice. It's school's choice. It's really as simple as that.
BINGO!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

If they take my money, they take ALL of us, no questions…and they are subject to rules and regulations just like they public schools. They cannot refuse a student…and they cannot “kick one out” because they smoked a cigarette in the RR either.
BINGO!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

If they take my money, they take ALL of us, no questions…and they are subject to rules and regulations just like they public schools. They cannot refuse a student…and they cannot “kick one out” because they smoked a cigarette in the RR either.
They can kick them out; they just need to refund 100% of that years' tuition costs (no prorated shit)
If private schools had to accept and accommodate every applicant, I'd be on board. But they don't. It's not school choice. It's school's choice. It's really as simple as that.
How can these schools take PUBLICLY COLLECTED TAX MONEY and yet claim to be “private” schools? Not even colleges who do this (take tax money) can do that (function without regulations).
Let's just call them all "schools." They can each run however they want, but they can't say "no" to a kid.
How is it a scam that hard working families now have a choice regarding their children’s educations? Why should they be forced to send their children to a failing school system? It’s bad enough those same families had to support through taxes a failed school system while at the same time having to pay a private school their hard earned money so that their children could get a valued education.
Whose choice? Oh, that's right, it's the school's choice.

The idiots who think this legislation means students/parents have their choice of schools should be barred from voting and procreating.
The reality is that no one here really can evaluate the "merit" of privates' tuition increases. It is certainly very fair that a question can be raised in and of itself regarding whether private schools are behaving abusively by raising tuition, which is to say just like every public and private college in America (and for that matter, like every drug manufacturer and health care provider in America) that has created perceptions of value through inflated sticker prices facilitated by the availability of third party funding. But at the same time, whether it's "fair" or not really requires some insight into how the money will be spent. For example, if demand is up, and services will be expanded by accepting more students and/or making new hires to serve them, well, that actually takes incremental money which may not be money badly spent. If it's building a new garden at the bishop's residence, well, that's probably another.

As to the question of kids with special needs, it is definitely more true than not that the publics bear the greater burden here, and that should be taken into account in their funding regardless of the existence or nonexistence of vouchers. But I will note that it is not "exclusively" a public problem - I can think of several kids with a range of physical and mental disabilities (including one of my own and one of a very famous hockey coach) who were very well served within my local parochial system, and just yesterday I had lunch with a very old friend I'd not seen in years, whose special needs son gets what he needs only in the private channel.
JFC - you type a LOT of words while saying nothing worthwhile.
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