Iowa State PBP

Wilson looks the part but the offense isn't there. You have to consistently beat a guy like Coleman to AA.
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There’s gotta be a reason. He wrestled an extra match at home but no varsity. Wilson may have beat him out idk.
Maybe but he was an aa at one point. Weather giving the title or not. He was too 8 ranked anyway going into ncaas.
bastida can wrestle. he has a world medal at some level i believe. warner has to be ready to go.
Warner better have his shit together or could lose. This guy is way better from neutral.
JW shots are bright yellow and black
less flashy than normal

"those shoes should be at a construction zone"
JW tries to go upper body and then gets caught for a TD
inside trip from Bastida
2 min
Waner stalking across the match and Bastida is fighting it off.
Ironside is worried about JW gas tank
and then adds "the kid can wrestle when he's tired
25 seconds
Bastida has a leg and stacked
Each guy has a leg
SM with 7 seconds
Good funk there
end of 1
2nd period
JW down
out in 7 seconds
RT is about 12 seconds
goes for a single, misses
Bastida snaps
JW looked like eh could have gone upper but didn't go
JW almsot dives to outside
Basitda shot and JW around behind
Standing TD?
WArner cant get him down
"That was two"
and there's the challenge brick
SW on Bastida
50 seconds left in 2nd.
I thought it was two as did Ironside, so there's that.
Kyvin Gadsen thinks it's two
Brands talking to ref.
Maybe they're not giving it
no TD
Bastida in trying to go upper and JW tries to cut and nothgin
Bastide deep single and reaching.
thought JW could cut it
end of 2
3rd period
Neutral start
Bastida didn't want to have JW ride him
Need to go.
Bastida shot
now in deep on JW leg and stack eand TD
1 min left
46 seoncds down 3-4
bastida is good on his feet
JW has to go.
30 secdons
JW taking long shots
astid holdoing off

Bastida blocks off the shots at the end
Batida has a lot of celebrating at theend
Spikes his headgear and the JW shakes his hand and the Bastida has antics
I would thin that there is an unsportsmans like dedcut.
There was already a stall warning. Warner needed to just keep firing off shots to get another one and a point. Frustrating that he doesn't show any urgency even in that situation
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There was already a stall warning. Warner needed to just keep firing off shots to get another one and a point. Frustrating that he doesn't show any urgency even in that situation
Yeah he needs to be more aware there and just keep attacking
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So ISU can win the match with a fall here.
Bastida wrestled a smart match, is good on his feet and lucked out on the review.
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Not a lot of offense both ways in most matches. Doesn’t help the ref is very on consistent on stall calls and I guess doesn’t know what a takedown is.
That was a less than ideal loss. Obviously. How does that crap keep happening to JWar. He still looks like he’s carrying his freshman year baby fat. Has he not ever been in the weight room.