Okay, here's the issue when you say"should we make it more of a general stipend to help ALL athletes". Who is the "we should". This has nothing to do with Iowa specifically. You realize all of this came about because of court cases started years and years ago by former players like Ed O Bannon. These players thought it was unfair practice that THEIR, "Name, Image, and Likeness" were being used by the universities to market the universities athletic programs, as well as the schools themselves and the schools were reaping the profits from this without any payment to those individuals who were actually the ones being marketed. NIL came about as a way to make available some recourse for said players without actually calling them employees. What your proposing is something totally different from what has been agreed upon by the NCAA and the courts and whomever all has been involved in this process. I agree this thing appears to be a very slippery slope so far, but will see over time. As others have stated it will probably to little to change the status quo from the current haves and the have nots.