*****Michigan vs Iowa Game Thread*****

Thanks for bringing facts. In the end it doesn't matter what the rules say because refs like to reward Oscar winning acting performances where dudes launch themselves backwards to sell incidental contact. Maybe Fran has same opinion, but even if you don't like flopping in the game, you are at a disadvantage in college B-ball if you don't flop and try to get calls. Guys like Krikke, Sandfort, Pmac that have trouble staying in front of their guys on defense ought to be flopping. I don't know if I've ever seen PMAC take a charge.
up until this year...we would call the Flop and reward with a class B 1 shot T to the offended team then back to POI(point of interruption) now the NCAA really wants us to just call a block on a flop. For context and a reference pt when watching(doesn't mean always) but when a player's feet stay attached to the floor and they fall from the upper body in a sit down type of motion, that's a flop. A player who has to move 1 or both feet to catch his balance has been displaced and that would be a PCF(player control foul) The NCAA wants the PCF's at the RA out of the game thus the new rule regarding being set before plant step. So far this year it's been a relative success as I've had very few block/charge plays. The Coaches are just for the most part getting their defenders to jump and contest instead of planting their feet and this has reduced the crashes at the RA. As far as Fran's team? There's literally no one that can get in front of the opposition defensively. With no handchecks allowed this makes it very difficult for this team to defend in the half court and one of the reasons he runs that 3/4 court press to take time off the SC.
Rutgers is not a good team, and they are just absolutely clowning Michigan tonight.
As an aside to talking about Rutgers, I thought dickface Mulcahy must have graduated. Turns out he transferred to Washington.

Awesome that his new team's record is about the same, maybe the slightest bit better, than his old one.