Nelson is back

Great point and I respect the heck out of Terry’s hands off approach to Nelson’s development as a youth and letting him find his own path and hunger for wrestling.

I think that will really pay dividends in the last chapters of his career and he really seems to be hitting his stride and ready for a breakout season. I will definitely be cheering loudly for Nelson to cap off his career in a positive way.
Strong probability that missing last season and being left with the impression he was missing his last season will give him a different perspective. I don't expect him to suffer from the "I have had enough" syndrome.
He will be 26 next wrestling season....what a joke.
Ok, so let's talk about this age thing.

OTHER than a reason to diss a guy, what on earth does it matter?

Wrestling is different, period. There is no "pro" to transition to, and if there was, you likely would not see this in wrestling. So, when a guy like Nelson, or the many we've seen especially since Covid, want to stick around and fulfill their wrestling NCAA eligibility, why is that a bad thing or disrespected??

If you have ever wrestled, you know what it is likely like for most of us who "wish" they could have the opportunity of one more ride. We know what it is like to leave the sport and carry years of, "damn I wish I would have done this or that."

But, these young men have a period of opportunities to wrestle, in a sport they love, and get the most out of it, before they hang up the shoes forever. Few will go on to coaching opportunities, few will continue on and try to make the world and olympic teams, but most will go out into the world and never wrestle again.

So, the question I have is, why the hell would you NOT maximize your opportunities?? I was a HS coach, I would absolutely tell kids to get the most out of the sport you can, if you love it. As a parent, I would tell my child the same. Do it why you can, if you love it! Because you never get to do it again. And that can mean alot if things, DON'T take it for granted, give it all you have and then some, put yourself in opportunities to win and be successful, and do the work. And when you are done working, work some more. Is that not what we want our athletes to carry with them after competing??

And have we not figured out by now that it is not a competitive advantage in most cases. The Spencer Lee's, Storraci's of this sport will come right in and beat your but no matter. So THAT argument is out the door.

So, what is it?? I will tell you. It is ignorance to the sport, ignorance to the athlete, disrespectful and at the end of the day, just plain nonsense.

As a Hawkfan, I do not want to see Carter S come back and win another title. But, I fully expected him to, because, why the hell not?? He will never get the chance to do it again.
I’m betting he doesn’t AA, senior fatigue plus he wasn’t that good to begin with. Loses one takedown match in blood round
I’m betting you don’t have a life so you get your little rocks off trying to berate those that do. I don’t get some of you guys. You might be great Americans but you act like little piss ants.
if you can’t take some banter about nelson’s age then it might be best to stay off the internet. it’s a dumb “insult” but who cares, people are idiots.

I think we all appreciate the jokes. It's the posts where people are critical or anti that are the issue.

Hes not good enough to make a joke about breaking the law. Only reason this clown is back in the lineup is because of his last name.

Please list the laws he broke. Also please help us understand why we wouldn't bring back a guy at a need weight who AA'ed during his last eligible season, regardless of his last name.

I will hang up and listen.
is it true that nelson’s name is taking the place of bob’s once the state of iowa cuts the settlement check?
Why would you say that? If he wants to come back for 1 more year and has the elidgeability let him come back.
I can’t believe Hardy from Nebraska still has a couple years of eligibility. He may be pushing 30 by the time he’s done 😂
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Hes not good enough to make a joke about breaking the law. Only reason this clown is back in the lineup is because of his last name.

Don’t quite get the Brands angst. Former AA who gave a now 4-timer all he could handle (losing only 2-1) is perfectly positioned to man 184 while a stud recruit redshirts and muscles up to inherit the weight. Given his suspension involved questionable circumstances, I don’t see HEW here, but more of an I’ll-show-them, chip-on-shoulder attitude driving Brands to make his last season his best ever.
Brands vs Glazier for 184 lbs. Should be a good wrestle off. We all know the Ferrari is driving the 197 lbs division.
1. Glad Brands is back. The suspension was bullshit and the State of Iowa should PAY!
2. Does anyone actually think the Ferrari clan will be here next season?
For the record:
1. I'm happy Brands is back. Good for him.
2. I'm happy we got Parco. Good work, TB.
3. Not a fan of the two older Ferraris, but I like TB's chutzpah in trying to get them.
4. I couldn't care less whether there are windows in the new wrestling room.
5. Noooo, please don't start up again with the politics. Aaagggghhhh!
For the record:
1. I'm happy Brands is back. Good for him.
2. I'm happy we got Parco. Good work, TB.
3. Not a fan of the two older Ferraris, but I like TB's chutzpah in trying to get them.
4. I couldn't care less whether there are windows in the new wrestling room.
5. Noooo, please don't start up again with the politics. Aaagggghhhh!
6. Go Barry Davis!
For the record:
1. I'm happy Brands is back. Good for him.
2. I'm happy we got Parco. Good work, TB.
3. Not a fan of the two older Ferraris, but I like TB's chutzpah in trying to get them.
4. I couldn't care less whether there are windows in the new wrestling room.
5. Noooo, please don't start up again with the politics. Aaagggghhhh!

I try not to, but will not engage again.
Everyone at 184 will have a brawl on their hands with Nelson, bank on him ready to make serious noise in march!
Nelson is extremely strong and athletic, He has neen wrestling 86kg and looks every bit the part. Nelson in his grove will give everyone at the weight big problems
Except Keikeson, unfortunately
That’s not what he said. He said right now he sees himself as a 174 pounder. But it’s a failure if they don’t decide this fast

his exact words were “for me in my head I’m going 174. i know there has been a lot of speculation that i am going 184 because i wrestled 86kg at last chance but no i’m going 174 so that is my plan. regarding that the iowa room always works itself out.”

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