No FSU or Clemson for now. Boo.

My concern is that all the bluster during the BoT was done without
a clear path forward.
Stamping your feet and hollering when there is nowhere to go is a terrible strategy.
I am hopefully assuming there is a path forward with the SEC that will be announced after this Pac12/Big12/Big10 news drop dies down.

If we get stuck on Tobacco Road because of that damn GoR, there needs to be an investigation so we can send someone to prison for that BS deal
My concern is that all the bluster during the BoT was done without
a clear path forward.
Stamping your feet and hollering when there is nowhere to go is a terrible strategy.
I am hopefully assuming there is a path forward with the SEC that will be announced after this Pac12/Big12/Big10 news drop dies down.

If we get stuck on Tobacco Road because of that damn GoR, there needs to be an investigation so we can send someone to prison for that BS deal

Nah dude, we gone
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It’s far from over. The Big Ten and the SEC are basically cherry picking who they want to join. The PAC 12 (or 10 or 8 or whatever is left) is history. The Big 12 and ACC aren’t far behind.
I say we go get TCU and have a strangle hold on the DFW Metroplex, maybe Miami to get a toe in Florida, and North Carolina. Screw Clemson and FSU (no offense to our visiting Noles).
Toe is what you get with Miami. Over the last 10 years, more eyeballs have been on Florida State than any other team. Clemson is a close second.
My concern is that all the bluster during the BoT was done without
a clear path forward.
Stamping your feet and hollering when there is nowhere to go is a terrible strategy.
I am hopefully assuming there is a path forward with the SEC that will be announced after this Pac12/Big12/Big10 news drop dies down.

If we get stuck on Tobacco Road because of that damn GoR, there needs to be an investigation so we can send someone to prison for that BS deal
There is no way in hell they did that without a solution. They came out and dragged their nuts all over the acc. BOT chairmen had a smirk and a wink about doing out due diligence for over a year. Drew said "it's not a matter of if, but when."

If all this is a bluff to get some chump change from the acc, then a whole lotta fans, alumni, boosters and media will roast them at the stake.
Nah dude, we gone
There is no way in hell they did that without a solution. They came out and dragged their nuts all over the acc. BOT chairmen had a smirk and a wink about doing out due diligence for over a year. Drew said "it's not a matter of if, but when."

If all this is a bluff to get some chump change from the acc, then a whole lotta fans, alumni, boosters and media will roast them at the stake.

I am a worrier, so until something is signed I will think about scenarios. The logical side of me says that Alford has secured the bag and has a deal somewhere, BUT, until that is announced, I am going to worry about the worst-case scenario. I can see myself at a bar getting ushered down to the black and white TV area with the other FSU and Washington St fans to watch the semifinal of the Division Who Gives a Damn game being broadcast at 10 am on a Tuesday.
Lol, like who? Sam Houston, Texas St, Smu?

The Big Ten could go create a University in Texas for all it matters...just expand the footprint.

I am sure if the Big Ten really wanted a Texas school....they could find one. Unfortunately I am just some random Zach Jump that posts on a forum and I don't have much pull.
I am a worrier, so until something is signed I will think about scenarios. The logical side of me says that Alford has secured the bag and has a deal somewhere, BUT, until that is announced, I am going to worry about the worst-case scenario. I can see myself at a bar getting ushered down to the black and white TV area with the other FSU and Washington St fans to watch the semifinal of the Division Who Gives a Damn game being broadcast at 10 am on a Tuesday.

I don't think they would have came out like they did without some kind of offer....I think they already have a tentative offer from the BIG and this was a negotiating tactic see what the SEC has to offer.
I don't think they would have came out like they did without some kind of offer....I think they already have a tentative offer from the BIG and this was a negotiating tactic see what the SEC has to offer.

I think from a recruiting angle...the Big Ten would make more sense. Geographically if in the SEC they are competing against a bunch of schools for kids that want to play in the SEC. If in the Big Ten they might have an upper hand for Southern Kids that want to play in a national conference.

Give it Ten years...and the kids coming out of high school will have grown up with Big Ten football on all the time...from 11am till midnight on Saturday and all the other days Big Ten games get played on.
Lol another non sequitur. I’m going to level with you. 99% of the time i try to be nice but you consistently troll with ill-conceived bait, and it drives me nuts. You present as 10% as smart as you think you are, and you speak in absolutes when there are almost always shades of gray. Who gets into the big ten is a multi factored analysis including $ and academics. The end.

I do it to **** with self righteous know it all douchebags like you

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They have like 10k enrollment, which is on par with the smallest B1G school in NW and ranked #90 academically, close to where Iowa sits. I just don't see it.

Who cares? Hell I do not think it would happen....but financially it would give the Big Ten Network all the top 5 TV markets and make them a player in all but 4 of the top 22 markets.

TCU is also a research school...smaller scale due to size...but would have something to offer that students can take advantage of at the other Universities.
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Who cares? Hell I do not think it would happen....but financially it would give the Big Ten Network all the top 5 TV markets and make them a player in all but 4 of the top 22 markets.

TCU is also a research school...smaller scale due to size...but would have something to offer that students can take advantage of at the other Universities.
I admire your reluctance to admit FSU would be a better addition.
I admire your reluctance to admit FSU would be a better addition.

Um...where did I say either or?

My portion in this thread was in response to your post:

Just imagine FSU, Clemson, Miami and ND added.
Need a Texas school instead of Miami.

I honestly am not to concerned on how it turns out....but yes I do believe getting FSU in the conference is more important than getting Notre Dame.
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I can see why you'd feel this way, Oregon and WA haven't won shit either.
You know what they have done? Make the CFP along with 3 teams from the big ten. Remind me how many have made it from the All Clemson Conference. Oh crap, I gave it a way
Haven’t seen Georgia Tech mentioned by anybody, who would be a better addition than FSU

LMAO.....they are at the bottom of the ACC for eyeballs and Florida has far more population with far better recruits

Other than a far easier win, what does GT bring to the conference?
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Who do we think we are? A school with a recognized dynasty and 3 NCs.
And we're not going away because you stomp your feet.
Recognized dynasty?🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, now you don't get crowned for winning 1 gm vs a team from the juggernaut Big East, you gotta earn it on the field through a playoff. We get the last century was kind just like Nebraska and again, I urge you to cling to're not in Kansas anymore, so to speak

Savor thar time remaining in the ACC, gonna be a scary new future. Maybe put together 2 good seasons here before reverting to the arrogant pricks that is your DNA. JFC
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  • Haha
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Oh my. What a hit and a miss. If you’re going to swipe at someone you shouldn’t commit an unforced error while doing so.
And - it’s not over.
Oh, look...decrepit old sorority girl found a typo. Good for you, major "hit and miss" there....glad those eyes are still working. We are thankful we can't hear your backward accents in these posts at least

The miss was you erroneously saying FSU "allegedly" got an invite which fueled this BS but spewing nonsense is your thing...we know. Not sure why you're concerned.. You will probably be gone if this ever happens
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FSU just doesn’t have the “it” factor for the BIG 10.




Ah, reduced to fat shaming. Nice. In all seriousness I do feel bad for all the people giving plantation tours who won't be getting all that northern MAGA revenue wishing they could go back to the good old days. Such a proud heritage
LMAO.....they are at the bottom of the ACC for eyeballs and Florida has far more population with far better recruits

Other than a far easier win, what does GT bring to the conference?

Atlanta, which even at the fraction of the market GT has, is still more than FSU offers longterm.
It’s a huge market and TCU has been dumping money into facilities for a decade.
TCU is a very good academic school and is one of those institutions that produces very successful alumni - who aren’t full of egotistical braggarts you find at the other Texas schools.
There’s plenty of money being spent on athletics and academics.
(Full disclosure - I’m a TCU Mom).