***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Just don't have a good feel on this election...


I’m guessing an autocorrect of c*nt. I cannot see why he’d say that but he’s been unhinged for quite some time.
I don't think this big Election Day turnout for Trump is going to pan out the way Deace is expecting.

I'm interested to see what the ratios look like in Sumter and Collier County. If Trump's number is lower than 60% in Collier, and 65% or less in Sumter, that's our leading indicator on the white 65+ demo and we're gonna get most of those results before polls even close in the panhandle because they're the biggest in terms of early vote turnout. Then look at Miami-Dade and Broward. If Biden is 65% he'd be in good shape but that might take a bit longer because there will probably be higher Election Day turnout and lines after poll close.

Look at it this way, if you tell someone from Haiti, the Dominican, Jamaica (or heck, Cuba too) "hey, put your ballot in this envelope, it'll count" when Trump has been parading around for months that he's going to try to get these thrown out? Come on.
I'm ready to be done with this thing. A friend/coworker said "Go Trump" today. I wouldn't reply. Then he wanted to tell me his politics story with his kids this morning. I immediately started walking away. I did stop and he said they wanted to know why he voted for Trump. They couldn't believe it. As I was walking away he yelled, "I told them because Biden kills babies!"

I just need a break from arguing with all this stupidity. It's truly exhausting. Just the insanity of their thinking. Same person says there isn't systemic racism because his grandparents didn't own slaves. I just can't.
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I'm ready to be done with this thing. A friend/coworker said "Go Trump" today. I wouldn't reply. Then he wanted to tell me his politics story with his kids this morning. I immediately started walking away. I did stop and he said they wanted to know why he voted for Trump. They couldn't believe it. As I was walking away he yelled, "I told them because Biden kills babies!"

I just need a break from arguing with all this stupidity. It's truly exhausting. Just the insanity of their thinking. Same says there isn't systemic racism because his grandparents didn't own slaves. I just can't.
Sounds like an awful person to have as a friend
Sounds like an awful person to have as a friend
He has slowly gone Trump since the pandemic. I've known him for over a decade and we almost never disagreed before last March. Now he spouts out silly right wing nonsense.
I'm ready to be done with this thing. A friend/coworker said "Go Trump" today. I wouldn't reply. Then he wanted to tell me his politics story with his kids this morning. I immediately started walking away. I did stop and he said they wanted to know why he voted for Trump. They couldn't believe it. As I was walking away he yelled, "I told them because Biden kills babies!"

I just need a break from arguing with all this stupidity. It's truly exhausting. Just the insanity of their thinking. Same says there isn't systemic racism because his grandparents didn't own slaves. I just can't.

Yep, the vast majority of Trump chumps are idiots. Not worth the effort.

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