***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

There is some strange things going on (I guess mail in and the like). But Virginia for Trump at this point and Biden up 10 in Ohio with 44% ! What the fork. NC is still holding 7 point up 66% in.
I’m so not looking forward to the shit shows that will follow. Trump is going to throw a multi week hissy fit if he loses. Biden loses, rioting restarts and all sorts of other problems.
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When will the Democratic Party look in the mirror instead of blaming others? If they don’t have anyone that can beat Trump, that’s no ones fault but the Dems.

True....the supposed party of the people has spent decades cozying up to billionaires and corporations while ignoring the people. The lack of enthusiasm among voters reflects this.
I’m so not looking forward to the shit shows that will follow. Trump is going to throw a multi week hissy fit if he loses. Biden loses, rioting restarts and all sorts of other problems.

I’m waiting for somebody on the left to claim those riots were caused by Republicans though...
Just realized that most of these states are releasing early votes early; thus, the big leads you see initially for Biden. It seems that NC and Ohio are primary examples of that.
So trump is going to win Florida - AND the voters are going to pass a constitutional amendment to push minimum wage here to fifteen bucks an hour. I am truly baffled by that combination of results.
So trump is going to win Florida - AND the voters are going to pass a constitutional amendment to push minimum wage here to fifteen bucks an hour. I am truly baffled by that combination of results.

Trump‘s GOP is a party of nationalism populist. Don’t know why this is surprising.
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Dems look ok in Georgia, Ohio and North Carolina. Not calling those states, but not out of the question.
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