***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

There were over 95,000 fewer votes cast in the Georgia senate race than for Biden/Trump. I don't get that at all. If you're passionate to get registered and vote to get Trump out of office, why not vote for the democrat in the senate race too?
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Happy for this guy. Atlanta “United” against Trump...
There were over 95,000 fewer votes cast in the Georgia senate race than for Biden/Trump. I don't get that at all. If you're passionate to get registered and vote to get Trump out of office, why not vote for the democrat in the senate race too?

Because we there is not an insignificant number of people that do not know how our government works and the President-for better or worse--has taken over as the leader of the nation and not merely on piece of the three-piece pie.
There were over 95,000 fewer votes cast in the Georgia senate race than for Biden/Trump. I don't get that at all. If you're passionate to get registered and vote to get Trump out of office, why not vote for the democrat in the senate race too?

Look at every state, it always happens that way. Also you are assuming it was all Democratic voters, I think you would be sadly mistaken. In most cases from what I am aware of, it is Republican voters. It goes in line, if the democrats were going to cheat this election, they sure did a crappy job of it, in the senate and house races.
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The Republicans in office and the people Trump closely surrounded himself are such enablers.

This race is done and dusted, despite the ultra cautious views of NBC News Decision Desk, for instance.

If someone grew some balls in the Trump orbit and told him to accept the fact that its over and accept it, it would save a lot of the unrest they are sowing seeds with their cult - what with all the "illegal votes/counting fraud/lawsuits" BS nonsense. But nobody in the position of doing so will do what needs to be done.

Incredibly sad and frustrating that these people can't see beyond their alternate reality bubbles.
Look at every state, it always happens that way. Also you are assuming it was all Democratic voters, I think you would be sadly mistaken. In most cases from what I am aware of, it is Republican voters. It goes in line, if the democrats were going to cheat this election, they sure did a crappy job of it, in the senate and house races.
You are making an assumption on what you think I assumed.
The Republicans in office and the people Trump closely surrounded himself are such enablers.

This race is done and dusted, despite the ultra cautious views of NBC News Decision Desk, for instance.

If someone grew some balls in the Trump orbit and told him to accept the fact that its over and accept it, it would save a lot of the unrest they are sowing seeds with their cult - what with all the "illegal votes/counting fraud/lawsuits" BS nonsense. But nobody in the position of doing so will do what needs to be done.

Incredibly sad and frustrating that these people can't see beyond their alternate reality bubbles.

Buckle in they will be at this for a while. They are going to be launching lawsuits everywhere, demanding recounts, when that doesn't work they will be asking the state legislatures to appoint a different slate of electors. Presuming that doesn't work they will ask the senate to throw out electoral votes for Biden and send it to the House.

If none of that works they will go on twitter rants about how they have been betrayed by disloyal allies.
There were over 95,000 fewer votes cast in the Georgia senate race than for Biden/Trump. I don't get that at all. If you're passionate to get registered and vote to get Trump out of office, why not vote for the democrat in the senate race too?

This is really an election like no other. A lot of ticket splitting obviously, as Republicans won almost everywhere, didn't lose a House seat anywhere, and clean up in state legislatures. I voted on everything but president, I'm sure other people voted on nothing but president.

Look, there was the highest turnout in over 100 years. Millions and millions of votes were cast by people who would never normally vote and don't pay any attention to literally anything political. Many were goaded to vote or dragged to the polls by obsessed family members. All they have is either Trump fatigue or Trump mania, they're not actually that political, let alone educated.

Which is another crazy side outcome that nobody is talking about, another way this election defied all expectations. My entire life, the accepted premise has always been that if they could boost turnout, Democrats would be unstoppable. Most of my life I think we've had around 50% turnout, but the assumption was that if you could just Rock the Vote up to 60+%, Dems would landslide everything.

Nobody's really talking about it because there's so much other action, but this blows up at least a half century's worth of accepted political science assumption about turnout.
You are making an assumption on what you think I assumed.

Then what exactly are you stating. Your post comes off as possibly questioning fraud, or possibly question the motivation of voters due to the difference in total votes between Presidential and Senate races. What exactly did I get wrong here?
Then what exactly are you stating. Your post comes off as possibly questioning fraud, or possibly question the motivation of voters due to the difference in total votes between Presidential and Senate races. What exactly did I get wrong here?
Try reading the post above yours. Never did I mention fraud. Never did I assign parties to the undervote. Motivation, yes but that was not one of the things you mentioned in your other post.
Buckle in they will be at this for a while. They are going to be launching lawsuits everywhere, demanding recounts, when that doesn't work they will be asking the state legislatures to appoint a different slate of electors. Presuming that doesn't work they will ask the senate to throw out electoral votes for Biden and send it to the House.

If none of that works they will go on twitter rants about how they have been betrayed by disloyal allies.

You can stop with the fearmongering on this. There has been absolutely ZERO support from major Republicans for Trump on contesting this. Even Chris Christie came out against it. Barring something new coming to light, there's nothing the Supreme Court would look at. The cases so far are ridiculous.

Trump isn't doing the legal moves to stay president. He's doing them to avoid admitting defeat. He'll never admit defeat. He doesn't have to.

Two years into a Biden administration some people on here are still going to be pearl clutching about "Is Trump really going to leave?" It's all over but Trump's crying.

The system actually works. Trump isn't breaking democracy or destroying our systems or anything else hysterical. None of the Republicans that supported his agenda are supporting him in a military coup or anything. The supreme court isn't anointing him emperor.
You can stop with the fearmongering on this. There has been absolutely ZERO support from major Republicans for Trump on contesting this. Even Chris Christie came out against it. Barring something new coming to light, there's nothing the Supreme Court would look at. The cases so far are ridiculous.

Trump isn't doing the legal moves to stay president. He's doing them to avoid admitting defeat. He'll never admit defeat. He doesn't have to.

Two years into a Biden administration some people on here are still going to be pearl clutching about "Is Trump really going to leave?" It's all over but Trump's crying.

The system actually works. Trump isn't breaking democracy or destroying our systems or anything else hysterical. None of the Republicans that supported his agenda are supporting him in a military coup or anything. The supreme court isn't anointing him emperor.

**So far so good**

But Trump is still going to ask them to do it.
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There were over 95,000 fewer votes cast in the Georgia senate race than for Biden/Trump. I don't get that at all. If you're passionate to get registered and vote to get Trump out of office, why not vote for the democrat in the senate race too?

I don't find this particularly surprising. I will not vote for anyone if I don't have a handle on where they stand on the issues or if I just flat out don't know who the hell they are.
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Message from MSNBC reporting, at the WH, is basically everybody is too scared to do the necessary thing, and that is to tell Trump to simply accept the fact that the race is over.
Message from MSNBC reporting, at the WH, is basically everybody is too scared to do the necessary thing, and that is to tell Trump to simply accept the fact that the race is over.

Imagine that scenario. They are trying to think of people that can break the news to Trump that he is going to lose. Kushner was the name that was thrown out as a possibility.

Imagine supporting a 74 year old piece of shit that does not have mental capacity to realize he is going to lose this Election.
Try reading the post above yours. Never did I mention fraud. Never did I assign parties to the undervote. Motivation, yes but that was not one of the things you mentioned in your other post.

No its not stated but that is the implicit message. If you don't want people to read into your post, be more clear.

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