*** Official Biden stepping down at end of term - Direct tweet from his twitter. ***

It is being reported that another large group of Senators and Representatives who had yet to speak out, came forward to ask him to bow out. That may have been the final "straw" so to speak.
Scarborough said they started giving him some space to make the decision. If they continued to back him into a corner Joe’s instincts would be to fight.
Are you capable of constructing a response without using the term “libtards”?

I can promise you it doesn’t bolster whatever argument you are pushing and only serves the purpose of making you look like an ignorant buffoon.
I could give two shits about your thoughts on my use of libtard, you libtard. You people are pathetic.
They already have.

I’m not a Kamala fan and think she has been a disaster on the border, but a lot of the hate directed toward her is as you say.

If the Democrats don’t have an open convention, that will be just further proof they don’t get it.
If the Democrats have an open convention and step over a black woman VP, they will probably lose a shit ton of the black vote. But again, you’re talking to someone who doesn’t have the border in his top 5 issues.
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You support a dementia patient. Put your dog to sleep today. It’s animal cruelty b
Talk to me about Reagan's second term. You know, the one Republicans elected him to despite his dementia.

Joe dropped out putting country over self unlike old Ronnie who republicans think was the best president in history. Hypocrites...
The party who is running on protecting democracy will run a candidate appointed by those in the political opposed to democratic voters.

Guessing they'll still run on trump being a threat to democracy though since they have yet to try to run on their record or policy.
The Republicans have been claiming that a vote for Biden was a vote for Harris, was that not also true in the primaries? Every voter choosing Biden in the primaries knew Harris was the other half of the ticket, they were voting for her as well.
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Make the election about Abortion Rights, Project 2025, and Donald Trump's general craziness and whoever gets the nod from Democrats will win the election in a comfortable fashion.
I think the “average” voter can see through those talking points. Certainly wouldn’t want to talk about policies.
If the Democrats have an open convention and step over a black woman VP, they will probably lose a shit ton of the black vote. But again, you’re talking someone who doesn’t have the border in his top 5 issues.
I don’t think Kamala is that popular with black people.

Where then would you prioritize the border?
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My favorite are all the morons who got the same talking point about democracy and the 14 million Biden primary voters. It's sort of like wearing the red hat, easy way to identify the morons.

When Democrats, independents and some Republicans talk about protecting American democracy, they're talking about federal elections, most specifically the election of the president. It's in refence to the different methods that Trump tried to use to steal the election in 2020. Finding votes in GA, fake electors in numerous states, interrupting the certification and trying to hang Pence on 1/6. The threat is around the groundwork being laid in order to be successful the next time.

They aren't talking about how the Democratic party selects their nominees, we are all already aware that the Democratic party doesn't use a simple democratic vote to make those selections, we're aware of Super Delegates, we're aware that parties can make their own rules and their own processes. That's always been the case. People who are concerned about the state of democracy in America are talking about our actual elected positions, not party nominations.
Well I’ll be! A little late, but Joe actually put the country over himself.

Harris was my last choice for VP in 2020 and I’m not that optimistic on her chances, but I remain anyone but Trump so it looks like Harris will be getting my vote in a few months. I hope she picks Shapiro as VP.
Shapiro, Bashear, or Whitmer.
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This had to be tough for her. She has propped up the walking corpse for quite some time, so she could stay in power. Once all America witnessed the corpse in action, the jig was up - but she didn’t give up.

Her true colors were exposed - she cares nothing for her ill husband - she relished the power. Hopefully Joe gets the care and rest he needs now as he heads to the sunset of his life.
hope you're not married.

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