*** Official Biden stepping down at end of term - Direct tweet from his twitter. ***

My favorite are all the morons who got the same talking point about democracy and the 14 million Biden primary voters. It's sort of like wearing the red hat, easy way to identify the morons.

When Democrats, independents and some Republicans talk about protecting American democracy, they're talking about federal elections, most specifically the election of the president. It's in refence to the different methods that Trump tried to use to steal the election in 2020. Finding votes in GA, fake electors in numerous states, interrupting the certification and trying to hang Pence on 1/6. The threat is around the groundwork being laid in order to be successful the next time.

They aren't talking about how the Democratic party selects their nominees, we are all already aware that the Democratic party doesn't use a simple democratic vote to make those selections, we're aware of Super Delegates, we're aware that parties can make their own rules and their own processes. That's always been the case. People who are concerned about the state of democracy in America are talking about our actual elected positions, not party nominations.
lol - you do realize the parties nominate just 2 candidates that have any chance of being elected, no? Disrupting that process is a blatant disregard for our democratic process.

Most of the sky screaming has completely stopped since the debate. Even my most hardcore leftists friends realize the obvious contradiction of sky screaming about saving democracy and then railroading someone else through the process in undemocratic fashion to get them on the ballot after backing an 81 year old who clearly didn’t have 2 years, much less 5. Comical if you can’t understand these optics through your partisan goggles.
You do realize that's not what Biden did, right?

He admitted he couldn't win the election for the Democrats so he stepped aside.

His fitness to be president is no different today than it was a week ago.
Which is what? Have you not noticed anything? Obviously the liberal elites are seeing this. And so are the polls
How much do you think her VP pick will move the needle among Independents and undecideds?
I think if she selects Shapiro she could carry Pennsylvania. I also heard someone suggest Mark Kelly from Arizona which I think his background could sway some people. I really can't comprehend someone who was voting for Biden not voting for the Democrats because of Harris.
This. He's a decent man who loves his country. Trump would never make this decision. His narcissism's is so deep he can't see an America without him.
lol…if Biden “loves” his country & party so much he would have made this announcement a year ago to avoid such a cluster f*ck.
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I think if she selects Shapiro she could carry Pennsylvania. I also heard someone suggest Mark Kelly from Arizona which I think his background could sway some people. I really can't comprehend someone who was voting for Biden not voting for the Democrats because of Harris.
I was no longer willing to vote for Biden, but I will begrudgingly vote for Harris.
I don’t think Kamala is that popular with black people.

Where then would you prioritize the border?
Somewhere in the top 10. I have said multiple times that if both parties actually cared that much about it they would sit down and come up with a solution for it instead of decades of blaming each other. In my mind, since they won’t do this, maybe it’s not as big of a deal as Ted Cruz and Cari Lake say it is.
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lol - you do realize the parties nominate just 2 candidates that have any chance of being elected, no? Disrupting that process is a blatant disregard for our democratic process.

Most of the sky screaming has completely stopped since the debate. Even my most hardcore leftists friends realize the obvious contradiction of sky screaming about saving democracy and then railroading someone else through the process in undemocratic fashion to get them on the ballot after backing an 81 year old who clearly didn’t have 2 years, much less 5. Comical if you can’t understand these optics through your partisan goggles.

lol - Biden stepping down and not pursuing reelection is a blatant disregard for our democratic process. Talk about sky screaming.

I'll mark you down in the moron column, not all of them wear red hats.
I assume over the past few days behind the scenes the power players have agreed to Harris as the replacement before he’d agree to step aside. That said, had he not run in the primary and she did there’s little chance she would have won the nomination. But, having folks quickly get behind her and select a running mate makes most sense with the small window they have to work with.
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The right has been saying the dumb Democrats were running the only candidate that Trump could beat. Their flip-flop is delicious.
This news is so shocking to me. The one man who was going to save democracy is giving up. We are all so effed in the A. The United States is about to collapse.

Being in Texas. I’m about to head to the gun store tomorrow, pick up a few assault rifles, several thousand rounds of ammo. Next, I’ll need to develop a water retention system and fill in my pool with good soil to turn it into a vegetable garden.
Man, I can't wait to see Trump annihilate Kamala live on stage and she tries to Joker laugh it off. The memes will be legendary.
Is Trump gonna double down on the snarky, mocking-toned, insult-laced debate style though after nearly getting killed by a psychopathic 20 yr old who's motive was that he was merely tired of the political bs being spewed from both sides?

Is that what you can't wait to see? :)

Some lessons never are learned until it's too late I guess (if ever at all)................
lol - Biden stepping down and not pursuing reelection is a blatant disregard for our democratic process. Talk about sky screaming.

I'll mark you down in the moron column, not all of them wear red hats.
The guy strung everyone along, hid out from the public for months. Late in the game, he challenged Trump to a bizarre and unnecessary debate where he exposed himself as a senile old man incapable of holding thoughts. A month later, he steps down and the people will have no choice over his replacement

I’m sure you believe everyone in the know thought Biden was sharp as a tack and his decline, though visible the last few years, was sudden and swift.
Why is it a “wrong” reason? The dude is not cognitively and physically functioning properly.
All you really need to do is look at his mini speech after Trump was shot. He basically looked like Ricky Bobby not knowing what to do with his hands while delivering that speech.

This news is so shocking to me. The one man who was going to save democracy is giving up. We are all so effed in the A. The United States is about to collapse.

Being in Texas. I’m about to head to the gun store tomorrow, pick up a few assault rifles, several thousand rounds of ammo. Next, I’ll need to develop a water retention system and fill in my pool with good soil to turn it into a vegetable garden.

Stop by the bookstore while you're at it too, take a flyer on Humor for Dummies.
Man, I can't wait to see Trump annihilate Kamala live on stage and she tries to Joker laugh it off. The memes will be legendary.
If Trump debates her. He’s pissing himself at facing her. With him it’s always the opposite of what he says. I’m rich, I’m innocent, I’m super smart…
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