****official Iowa St vs Iowa game thread****

I actually disagree with the announcers, we need half badly. This team is broken right now, despite CJB.
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Kirk is turning into fry. Why do we fake that with no time after we let all the time go down to 1 sec? Idiot
The commentator just asked if Kirk still coached for IOWA! Now that is golden. IT does appear he is trying to help the Clones win, so can't disagree.
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Koehn... Tyler wanted you to lateral the ball! Nice try though, but probably a bit much to do on his own.
If you don't wait till 1 second is left, that would kind of give it away. I kind of like the call. Almost worked. Anyway, it's our own fault for cheering for the fake last week.
WHY run up the middle twice, then turn around and run a fake FG? These coaches are worth MILLIONS. Money well spent