The future looks good. Losing Garza will be huge. Weiskamp coming back will help keep Iowa in the Sweet Sixteen and maybe even Elite Eight conversation next year. He'd also help bridge the gap for PMac, the Murrays, Joe T, Ulis, Perkins, Sandfort, and Josh O to really take over the team in two years.
Of course, if Iowa gets to the Final Four and especially if the win it all, Joe W will probably be as big of a reason why as Garza. If that happens he'll go pro and should go pro. But if not, if Iowa gets stopped in the Elite Eight I'll still be excited about the next couple years if Iowa basketball.
The lineup with Joe T, PMac, Keegan, Garza, and Weiskamp is really exciting to watch. Replace Garza in that lineup with Nunge or Josh O or Kris Murray and it's still dangerous. Put in Ulis for Joe T if Joe is struggling. Or go "small" with Joe or Ulis, Perkins, Weiskamp, PMac, and Keegan.
And I haven't even mentioned a healthy CJ for an extra shooter who can play solid D. And he could improve his finishing on drives. He'll be a junior and could take a similar step forward as Weiskamp did. He's a 2 so he has a different game, but if he can consistently put the ball on the deck and finish he becomes lethal.
The future is bright.