So I had my prostate checked today

Which would you sooner have? A DRE or prostate cancer.

The DRE is easy. I have had the same female physician for over a decade. We've got the routine down pat.

She pulls a blanket out of the warmer, hands it to me and says, "you know the drill." She returns in a couple of minutes with a witness and it's done in no time.
The key to enjoying prostate milking isn’t being gay, it’s having a good milkmaid.


And lube.
Which would you sooner have? A DRE or prostate cancer.

The DRE is easy. I have had the same female physician for over a decade. We've got the routine down pat.

She pulls a blanket out of the warmer, hands it to me and says, "you know the drill." She returns in a couple of minutes with a witness and it's done in no time.

By "witness" do you mean videographer?
Yeah...I'm not gay. I mean, aside from not finding dudes attractive (sorry jelly) I just don't find any pleasure in having someone elbow deep in my ass. Yeesh.

I hate it.

But wait until you have a biopsy. OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PSA isn't necessarily a good indicator. A manual exam can better detect abnormalities.

Heaven forbid you men ever had to deal with a speculum. Good lord.

Yeeeaah. I'm betting that the majority of dudes on the website have no idea what a speculum is.
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