So, I heard the entire team is kneeling during the national anthem

They can leave their whiney ass protest out of my sports. Go stand on on a street corner with a sign if you're so woke.
Don't disrespect those people that fought for our country because you want to protest.
Do it on your own time. Not during our national anthem that is supposed unite us all.
You should move to Hong Kong. You would have fun there.
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Those people that fought for this country did so to give them the right to free speech and to kneel. They aren't disrespecting the flag or the anthem, but they are protesting injustice/inequality in this country. What gives you the right to say they can't do this? I work with several veterans and they don't view it as disrespect at all, but rather quite the opposite. Maybe the national anthem would unite us all if we didn't have the biggest piece of shit in history in the white house that has done nothing but divide the country.
Why do people feel like they have the right to speak for all veterans in generalizations? And who are you to tell me what is disrespectful? As a veteran, it is frustrating. Again, the issue is the divisive nature of the action. They thankfully have the right to do it. The real question is if it is having the desired affect. If your goal is to continue to divide then I would agree
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As I read through this thread I am reminded of the Bible's shortest verse. The only one I have memorized. "Jesus wept."
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Going to go out on a limb here...1) you're white 2) over 40. 3) from a town with a population below 1k.

These soldiers fought for the right for our freedom which includes speech. Unless you've been judged and given not the same advantage because of something you have no choice in like the color of your skin then drop it and move on.

Agree. My dad and brothers are military veterans and they are 100% behind players having the right to kneel during the anthem. The people outraged by this are just clueless.
They have every right to peaceful protest. Its in our constitution.
But why during our national anthem? It has been made clear over the last couple of years that it clearly creates a further divide. So why do it. Why not do something that unites everyone? Something like Fran suggested. Why create more anger, especially among those very fans that support your team.
I'm not sure any of you can answer these questions intelligently. You seem to just want to further the divide.
How about a thoughtful answer to my legitimate, not trying to fuel the fire questions? I really want to know why.
So the veterans who think it is disrespectful are just stupid, got it. Thankfully you are here to set us idiots straight.
These peaceful demonstrations are more American than those who would force their fellow Americans to goose-step to their own misguided view of what patriotism looks like.
And those veterans who think it is disrespectful are less American, goose stepping Nazis, according to @Menace Sockeyes
They can leave their whiney ass protest out of my sports. Go stand on on a street corner with a sign if you're so woke.
Don't disrespect those people that fought for our country because you want to protest.
Do it on your own time. Not during our national anthem that is supposed unite us all.

I know I shouldn't even respond...but for the sake of people who try to be objective about this kind of thing:

The comment "my sports" can a fan believe that they have some ownership or complete ownership of a sport, than the athlete actually playing it? That's the definition of something.....I will leave the answer to that open.

I can honestly say that I don't like it either....not a fan of that type of protest and I think that it is off base....but that said, this is the right of those players just as it is your right to have a different opinion. It is a right, guaranteed under the constitution. Don't watch if you don't like it. You've voiced your opinion (which appears to say your dislikes are more important than their rights) and in doing so, you give their protest more notice....more power, a continuation of making people aware of the message that they want to relate.

As for me, I can't wait for the season to start. I am so glad to have Hawkeye football and basketball!
Not all vets agree with it.. not me, my brother, my dad, my uncle's... I only keep in touch with a few that I served with and they don't either. If they do that is completely fine but I'm not going to toe the line with some crap I don't believe in. I would be more happy with the players making their own decisions, forcing young men to unify their opinion on something they may not believe in is a bigger issue now.

I won't watch until they stand and that's just my opinion. I guess I'll STAND up for what I believe in.
They can leave their whiney ass protest out of my sports. Go stand on on a street corner with a sign if you're so woke.
Don't disrespect those people that fought for our country because you want to protest.
Do it on your own time. Not during our national anthem that is supposed unite us all.
They and myself fought for freedoms and one of those freedoms is to protest.
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The Iowa team hasn't even done anything yet, and this thread on the topic sort-of shows that the issues (whether on target or in the vicinity) are not being swept under the rug, away, conveniently out of sight. So, right or wrong, just the idea of it: apparently it's working.

Applaud the team to be together as a team if that is what they choose. Hawkeye football only a week away!
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They can leave their whiney ass protest out of my sports. Go stand on on a street corner with a sign if you're so woke.
Don't disrespect those people that fought for our country because you want to protest.
Do it on your own time. Not during our national anthem that is supposed unite us all.

Horrible take. Most true patriots and military that I know, understand the reason they fought was for the freedom to do exactly this sort of thing. If you want fascism and be told how to think, keep going down the Trump rabbit hole.

The hypocrisy of the “don’t kneel” crowd is astounding, as they tend to be the same people who whine about their personal freedom taken away when it comes to gun rights or having to wear a mask. Yet, they have no problem telling people they can’t kneel or what to do with their bodies or what religion is they should follow.
They can leave their whiney ass protest out of my sports. Go stand on on a street corner with a sign if you're so woke.
Don't disrespect those people that fought for our country because you want to protest.
Do it on your own time. Not during our national anthem that is supposed unite us all.

Ever heard of the First Amendment? Ever heard of the right to peaceful protest? Those who fought for this country, including my dad, fought for freedom. And that includes the freedom to protest injustice wherever it exists. If Iowa kneels for the National Anthem, speaking as a native Iowan, a former D-1 athlete, and an American, I will be proud of the Hawkeyes. If it were up to me, I think the best thing Iowa could do is let every individual player decide whether to kneel or not. That's freedom in action. And it may be that the Hawkeyes have done exactly that, and every player decided to kneel.

In any event, IMHO, no one should stand for the National Anthem until this country is rid of the criminal sociopath who sneaked into the back door of the White House. I've been embarrassed to be an American for almost four years now. I do not fly the flag or do anything to support a racist, violent, dictatorship. And until systemic racism is acknowledged and dealt with, I will never stand for the National Anthem. As for next Saturday, my only regret is that I won't be at the game to kneel for the anthem myself. But you can be sure I'll be kneeling in my living room.

That, my friend, is the freedom people died for to establish this country, and it's what people have died for ever since.

This fraud of a president has called the men and women who died defending this country "losers" and "suckers." That's exactly what he thinks of you as well. And if you haven't figured that out by now, well, shame on you.

As the civil rights leaders said way back in the 1960s, sometimes you have to sit or kneel to stand up for what's right. Sadly, about 60 years later, that's still true.
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let me understand this- we have a president who said our war dead are suckers and losers but you're angry about the kneeling because you think it disrespects our soldiers- i have never heard the kneelers say anything disrespectable about our military.
So you can't dislike kneeling and trump?

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Horrible take. Most true patriots and military that I know, understand the reason they fought was for the freedom to do exactly this sort of thing. If you want fascism and be told how to think, keep going down the Trump rabbit hole.

The hypocrisy of the “don’t kneel” crowd is astounding, as they tend to be the same people who whine about their personal freedom taken away when it comes to gun rights or having to wear a mask. Yet, they have no problem telling people they can’t kneel or what to do with their bodies or what religion is they should follow.

This whole response is hypocritical.. obviously not most vets agree. There will be many on that team that do not agree to kneeling but will have to because of the radical left demonizing their thought process. That is falling in line and fascism.

Two can play this game... How about we just agree that people can have different opinions
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anybody heard anything different?
Apparently Merriweather said if you have a problem with it, then don't bother watching the Hawks?
I hope this isn't true
Hmmmm. There goes all the MAGA hats. Unbelievably contradictory. Constantly bitching about this while supporting a guy who has disrespected the military at every turn. It’s a crazy world.
The divide in this country over this issue is because some don’t actually understand what freedom is. No one has to like what others choose to do in the name of freedom of speech, that’s what makes it so important. However, those who feel that this freedom should be outlawed are completely ignorant of that right. Very much equivalent to forcing Germans to salute the Nazi flag.
Yes they should shut their mouths, their free speech doesn't count.

Righties: "Why can't they just peacefully protest why do they have to destroy stuff and loot?"

Also righties: "No not like that!"

My conclusion: Righties just want everyone to shut up and accept the way things are. They don't want the change these players and millions of others are fighting for.
So this issue is a Democrat republican issue?

How about we just agree that people can have different opinions

Spoken like a true Trump cult member. The KKK, QAnon, the Proud Boys, and the rest of the racists and white supremacists are "just people who have a different opinion." Sure. I guess the Nazis and history's other facsists
and dictators just had different opinions too.You people would be hilarious if your mindlessness weren't so hypocritical, ignorant, and dangerous.

If you ever went to school, you sure as hell never learned a damn thing worth learning.

I once had an English teacher who told us he didn't care if we knew much about Shakespeare or sentence structure as long as we were "nice" people who had empathy. "We have enough smart people," he said. "What we need are nice people because nice people show respect and treat others the way they want to be treated."

And others have said everything we need to know we learn in kindergarten: share, be nice, clean up your own mess, take responsibility, tell the truth.

"Different opinions." LOL
Because people watch sports to be entertained, not to have political views forced in their face.

Especially veterans who faced death, had friends killed and saw horrible things and some kids don’t want to show some respect.
If they don’t like what’s going on support political candidates, protest outside of games, raise money for causes they think will further their agenda or use their fame to get air time outside of a game when people aren’t trying to show their respect for the country, service and sacrifice.
This is the correct response. Just play the game.
let me understand this- we have a president who said our war dead are suckers and losers but you're angry about the kneeling because you think it disrespects our soldiers- i have never heard the kneelers say anything disrespectable about our military.
Thats been proven wrong. But keep on spewing lies.
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Horrible take. Most true patriots and military that I know, understand the reason they fought was for the freedom to do exactly this sort of thing. If you want fascism and be told how to think, keep going down the Trump rabbit hole.

The hypocrisy of the “don’t kneel” crowd is astounding, as they tend to be the same people who whine about their personal freedom taken away when it comes to gun rights or having to wear a mask. Yet, they have no problem telling people they can’t kneel or what to do with their bodies or what religion is they should follow.
What do you think of the "entire team kneels or doesn't"?

Do you think it's complete horseshit players will be forced to crap on the anthem even if they don't want to? I think it is disgusting...
I sure hope it doesn't happen, sickening!!
Spoken like a true Trump cult member. The KKK, QAnon, the Proud Boys, and the rest of the racists and white supremacists are "just people who have a different opinion." Sure. I guess the Nazis and history's other facsists
and dictators just had different opinions too.You people would be hilarious if your mindlessness weren't so hypocritical, ignorant, and dangerous.

If you ever went to school, you sure as hell never learned a damn thing worth learning.

I once had an English teacher who told us he didn't care if we knew much about Shakespeare or sentence structure as long as we were "nice" people who had empathy. "We have enough smart people," he said. "What we need are nice people because nice people show respect and treat others the way they want to be treated."

And others have said everything we need to know we learn in kindergarten: share, be nice, clean up your own mess, take responsibility, tell the truth.

"Different opinions." LOL
Are you mentioning anti kneelers and nazis at the same time?

Lmfao wow.....

Let me guess, any player that doesn't want to kneel has a swastika tat, right? Wtf lol
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What do you think of the "entire team kneels or doesn't"?

Do you think it's complete horseshit players will be forced to crap on the anthem even if they don't want to? I think it is disgusting...
I sure hope it doesn't happen, sickening!!
I think it's bizarre that somebody gets so angry about something like this.
Oh that's right Trump has never said any of those things. Let's see, he has been nothing but a con man, failed businessman, shit husband, shit father, pathological liar his entire life, but he never said any of those things, and its just everyone else making it up because they are out to get him, right? If you think that you need help.

Lol, he has more money in his pocket than you make in a year. His family loves him. You need help
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Hmmmm. There goes all the MAGA hats. Unbelievably contradictory. Constantly bitching about this while supporting a guy who has disrespected the military at every turn. It’s a crazy world.
Please cite examples of disrespecting the military, and don’t use ‘unnamed sources’ as evidence.
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Why do people feel like they have the right to speak for all veterans in generalizations? And who are you to tell me what is disrespectful? As a veteran, it is frustrating. Again, the issue is the divisive nature of the action. They thankfully have the right to do it. The real question is if it is having the desired affect. If your goal is to continue to divide then I would agree
We have a president who has run 2 campaigns and an entire administration on dividing the country but yeah, let's scapegoat some kids. Division is just fine as long as it involves trolling libs I guess. I have no interest in unity with douchebags who are triggered by kneeling, hopefully they stay away from Iowa City
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Give me a break.

* 712 assumed the race of another poster and you say he nailed it????

* You used the divisive Nazi words "goose-step" for those who disagree with your view on this topic. And you say those who disagree with you are misguided???? Unbelievable.

* Why are you not smart enough to realize that your family military history is not relevant? Obviously, not all military members & vets agree with kneeling during the anthem.

All the kneeling issue has done is further divide this country. This country, many years ago, used to be able to bring people who had differences together & find common ground. NOW? There is no compromise and no listening to the "other side."

Why are you not smart enough to realize that this, TOO, is an issue where compromise can be found?

As I stated before, here's the deal: Basketball and football players know they are gonna piss people off when they kneel during the anthem so why not COMPROMISE?

* As the basketball players come on the court for the opening tip, the ref could hold the ball & all of the basketball players could kneel. Once the PA says "thank you," the players stand and the refs and the players line up for the opening tip. ALL EYES WOULD BE ON THAT MOMENT. And it would not be divisive.

* As the football players come on the field for the opening kick off, the ref could hold the ball and all of the football players could kneel. Once the PA says 'thank you," the players stand and the refs and the players line up for the start of the game. ALL EYES WOULD BE ON THAT MOMENT. And it would not be divisive.

Menace, you should keep your very divisive, racist, & Nazi "goose-step" comments to HROT. I am sure the HROT left wing echo chamber misses you and your crazy ass comments and eagerly await your return.
I support and defended our Hawkeye Football team. You responded with a verbose, foaming-at-the mouth, ad hominem attack on me. That’s telling on who wins on the substance of the ideas.
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Agree. My dad and brothers are military veterans and they are 100% behind players having the right to kneel during the anthem. The people outraged by this are just clueless.
I would be willing to bet some of the most “outraged” people aren’t even vets. Similarly to the whole Washington Redskins fiasco. The most vocal contingent consisted of non-Native Americans. Lot of people enjoy being offended
I don't think the issue is the right to protest, but the time and place of protests. Look at the NBA and NFL. All time lows in viewership and advertising. If it keeps up, it will effect the players paycheck. If I did a protest at work, I'd be asked to take my protest to the unemployment line.
We have a president who has run 2 campaigns and an entire administration on dividing the country but yeah, let's scapegoat some kids. Division is just fine as long as it involves trolling libs I guess. I have no interest in unity with douchebags who are triggered by kneeling, hopefully they stay away from Iowa City
What actions has the current administration taken to further divide the country? Not words, actions.
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