Wow really? How about you ask some of YOUR “black” wrestlers about their experience at your noble institution. Here’s a hint: I know those who did, not a good conversation. You people always have to put color to stuff. STOP. You’ve never nor will ever walk in our shoes, so to use it as a tag line to a “get back message” is disgusting. My son picked Iowa OVER PSU. Culture was the foremost driver to that. Yep, Iowa boos folks. Yep, there are idiots in every crowd, but I honestly would not want to be around Carver if ever they come after my kid. Wanna know why? Because the TRUE fans, the folks on THIS page would do the unimaginable to that poor bastard. They’ve defended my son on here and he has yet to step on the mats as a Hawkeye.
So please, just stop. There is already too much division because of race we don’t need idiots heaping more coals on this fire.