Tea leaves say Teske to PSU

Speaking from a statistical perspective, and perhaps that's not appreciated. But it's how I view the world when forming conclusions.

Here's how I look at it. Molinaro graduated in 2012. Wright in 2013. Ruth in 2014. We know there was a widespread opinion that Cael's/PSU's success would end after the graduation of Ruth and Taylor. So, the clock on Sanderson's product being his alone (i.e., no significant points from Sunderland recruits) is 2015. PSU fell short that year. 2016 and 2017 teams have been stellar products based solely on Cael's recruits, and it looks like there is a trend forming for continued dominance. But I, personally, wouldn't conclude that. Just my own satistical standards, and it's fine if people think I'm a moran for thinking that way.

But some here are opining that the run could end as soon as 2019 or 2020.
Fair enough. I have a bit of a statistical background as well, sadly I might add. Hate statistics with a passion to be honest, at least as it relates to my work.

I do think the trend has been readily established. Others can feel free to see it different, but they'd be morans..............;)
Fair enough. I have a bit of a statistical background as well, sadly I might add. Hate statistics with a passion to be honest, at least as it relates to my work.

I do think the trend has been readily established. Others can feel free to see it different, but they'd be morans..............;)

Yeah, my line of work tends to require any conclusion, if it is to be taken seriously, to be based on rigorous stats. That train of thought becomes pervasive . . . turning honest guys into nit-picking, internet wrestling forum morans. :p
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Fair enough. I have a bit of a statistical background as well, sadly I might add. Hate statistics with a passion to be honest, at least as it relates to my work.

I do think the trend has been readily established. Others can feel free to see it different, but they'd be morans..............;)
Iowa: PSU:
2008: 1st 3rd
2009: 1st 17th
2010: 1st 9th
2011: 3rd 1st
2012: 3rd 1st
2013: 4th 1st
2014: 4th 1st
2015: 2nd 6th
2016: 5th 1st
2017: 4th 1st

Two trends.
I thought someone might say that. Yes, there most certainly was a design, but many believe PSU would have still fallen short if they put all of their best on the mat that year.

Plus, if they would have wrestled Zain instead of redshirting him, then they would be heavy underdogs to Ohio State this year. Plus, I think they would have still lost to Ohio State with Zain in 2014.
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And the math of what happens within a life insurance/financial service agency is your expertise along with everything else? Have managed and run agencies for longer than I want to think so I CAN DO that math.
I guess I missed the mark and reading comprehension is actually the issue here, possibly not math. My bad. Although it may be helpful to get your calculator out when you re-read the original post you had issue with. They do allow students to use them on tests now so no need to get out the scratch paper and pencil for 300/4.
With all the NCAA basketball stuff going on, I wonder how Cael slept last night.

I would guess he slept fine. He is not taking $ from shoe companies or engaging in illegal tactics like the basketball and football guys. He and his recruits are very likely not taking money they are not reporting. He is much more sophisticated and seems to be working much more on the fringes of the rules post college than they are. I am pretty sure he will not be involved in this mess.
I would guess he slept fine. He is not taking $ from shoe companies or engaging in illegal tactics like the basketball and football guys. He and his recruits are very likely not taking money they are not reporting. He is much more sophisticated and seems to be working much more on the fringes of the rules post college than they are. I am pretty sure he will not be involved in this mess.
Since he is not involved in basketball, pretty sure he won't either. You assume a lot.
I think once Zain, Nolf, and Bo cycle through, Iowa will be back in business..............

I thought that when Taylor and Ruth were cycling out...just saying. I'm not sure who of the current crew will come in as wrecking balls, but it could be a couple of them. People think really highly of Nick Lee. I don't think it will be Berge, who I think will be just your run of the mill great wrestler, as opposed to a bonus monster. Could see it being Teasdale or RBY, or Beard or Wittl---sigh, I'm getting depressed again.
BTW, if we had a shot at either Parris or Schultz, and we passed to go after Cass....I think that's a mistake.
I would guess he slept fine. He is not taking $ from shoe companies or engaging in illegal tactics like the basketball and football guys. He and his recruits are very likely not taking money they are not reporting. He is much more sophisticated and seems to be working much more on the fringes of the rules post college than they are. I am pretty sure he will not be involved in this mess.

Cael has a shoe deal with Asics.....
You are correct. Totally true.

For like the fourth time in this thread.... I don't think PSU or IOWA or IOWA STATE or ANYFREAKINGBODY is breaking NCAA rules here.

I'm trying to figure out why you guys are upset. You are ahead of the curve. Cael figured it out and had 5 million to work with.

Why do you think that Dresser and Brands are out stumping for money? They both have 9.9 schollies just like you. I'm pretty sure that both institutions have enough mats to go around. They both get it now I think.

Do you seek validation and not have it cheapened with money talk? Honest question...
I have posted on here several times. If Iowa fans truly want to know and understand the Penn State model, go ask Gable. It is the Gable/Iowa model.
You understand all of those data points are the exact reason we are questioning things to begin with? How can it be that all of those guys who could be getting full rides at a large number of schools are choosing to come to PSU at a massive discount instead?

Could it be they all don't care about money and just want to wrestle for PSU? Sure it could be the case. Could it be the 9.9 scholarship limitation is being bypassed and the athletes are being imbursed in other ways?
Imbursed in other ways? Probably no.
Willing to take a reduced scholarship to go to the one school that enhances your probability of winning national titles. Probably yes.
Imbursed in other ways? Probably no.
Willing to take a reduced scholarship to go to the one school that enhances your probability of winning national titles. Probably yes.
Did you lock yourself in your room again?
Bump for Teske, another "career 125" guy is moving up to 133. Jack Mueller who many thought was a career 125 guy during his recruitment is moving up to 133 after his freshman season at Virginia.
I thought that when Taylor and Ruth were cycling out...just saying. I'm not sure who of the current crew will come in as wrecking balls, but it could be a couple of them. People think really highly of Nick Lee. I don't think it will be Berge, who I think will be just your run of the mill great wrestler, as opposed to a bonus monster. Could see it being Teasdale or RBY, or Beard or Wittl---sigh, I'm getting depressed again.

This is what I was convinced of as well. And your second part is the key, they don't just have the best wrestlers, they have THE best bonus guys in the country. Not just winners, but enough bonus for an extra winner. If they can just get back to having those run of the mill great wrestlers, as you pose, the race will tighten right up.
2017 Lee wrestle 125; Teske Sr HS
2018 Lee wrestle 125; Teske Redshirt
2019 Teske 125; Lee Olympic Redshirt
2020 Teske 125; Lee 33

And so on...does my "thinking" work out? This, of course, if Lee thinks he can wrestle 33 when he's a junior.