*****The Official Iowa vs Illinois State Game Thread*****

It was reported Wetjen wasn't feeling well, but he just returned that punt. Can we get him some action on offense, please?
Zero pass protection - two rushers totally unblocked and Mac just chucks it blindly. Three receivers all in the same spot so it’s a griffin scrum at the goal line. Not bad if it’s the last play of the game but astonishing at this point. One guy happens to look back and see the ball is 20 feet under thrown and is lucky enough to turn around and catch it.

I don’t think this is going to work in B1G competition.
yeah KF definitely wrote it up in his notebook
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That run is where Johnson needs to improve on his skill set as a back.

He runs too much like a track sprinter, and struggles a bit with change of speed/direction. He needed to down shift and make a quick cut up field for extra yards (every yard counts in Iowa's offense), and instead it was almost like because of his running style, he could only keep drifting outside and pretty much running right into the tackle...............
Very true he runs in straight lines where sometimes if he just veered/cuts left/right he could gain more yards