Winder, GA - haven't had a school shooting thread in a while

So you and WhiskeyDumbass are suggesting this tragedy is the fault of the students being "pussies"? Another interesting and moronic take. But not surprising.
I think it was moreso that if they knew a year ago that this kid was a danger because he'd made threats about doing this exact thing, then they should've done something about it then, but didn't because of the kid's feelings or something. Unless I'm wrong.

The problem is, what can you do? Can't put the kid in prison. Can't take the dad's guns away. More mental health assistance might have helped but no state/local governments are going to spend enough on an effective program, so what's left?
I think it was moreso that if they knew a year ago that this kid was a danger because he'd made threats about doing this exact thing, then they should've done something about it then, but didn't because of the kid's feelings or something. Unless I'm wrong.

The problem is, what can you do? Can't put the kid in prison. Can't take the dad's guns away. More mental health assistance might have helped but no state/local governments are going to spend enough on an effective program, so what's left?
You are spot on, he has the comprehension of a newt.
I think it was moreso that if they knew a year ago that this kid was a danger because he'd made threats about doing this exact thing, then they should've done something about it then, but didn't because of the kid's feelings or something. Unless I'm wrong.

The problem is, what can you do? Can't put the kid in prison. Can't take the dad's guns away. More mental health assistance might have helped but no state/local governments are going to spend enough on an effective program, so what's left?
That's another issue. They are hamstrung until something actually happens. That doesn't make the students "pussies" for not figuring out a way to prevent this themselves.
That's another issue. They are hamstrung until something actually happens. That doesn't make the students "pussies" for not figuring out a way to prevent this themselves.
So the FBI talked to the son and the dad and the father basically goes: no problems here better just leave my guns around and easy to access.

I hope they both fry
Why would a gun manufacturer be liable for an illegal act using their product? Are you going to extend that logic to manufacturers of other products used to kill people?
Maybe for products designed to kill.

We have had decades of under reaction. Maybe some over reaction should be tried.

What kind of piece of shit can’t secure their firearm ? Get a trigger lock and a safe. Seems to me that isn’t too much to ask for having a device that can blow somebody’s head off.

You are still free to buy guns, doesn’t mean you are free from the consequences of poor ownership practices.
So the FBI talked to the son and the dad and the father basically goes: no problems here better just leave my guns around and easy to access.

I hope they both fry
Small town Iowa had a case of some threats made by a student. Cops show up and dad says “ my guns are secure no worries “. Cops show dad a social media screenshot of their kid holding one of his guns. Dad had a quick adjustment on his attitude.
I just can’t imagine why a 14 year old would have this evil in his heart and mind. Just why do this
According to some on this board, this is obviously the fault of Republicans and the NRA. They made him do this.

Not broken homes or a horrible upbringing or disregard for human life or a fight culture in this country that is beyond out of control. Something is incredibly wrong with a human who does something like this, that no law can change. It starts at home. This doesn’t happen in other countries because other countries aren’t full of Americans. I don’t think a lot of people grasp just how far down the gutter we are.

Anyone who makes this 100% political is, in my opinion, a delusional insane asshole of the highest order. (I’m sure these same people were clamoring for gun control when the bullet missed Trump’s brain). As if Democrats are completely powerless to do anything about it either. Imagine thinking like this:

Domestic violence- WTF is wrong with people?
Molestation/incest- WTF is wrong with people?
Rape- WTF is wrong with people?
Assault and battery- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder with a knife- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder 8 people with an axe- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder dozens over a career in health care - WTF is wrong with people?
Murder one with a gun- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder one and then kill yourself- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder three or more in a gang shootout- **ignore**
Murder two or more in a school- ZOMG!!! Republicans did this!!1!

Protect our schools. If people were serious about keeping kids in school safe, then they would make the school safe. Massive cost? Who cares. Do it. I bet metal detectors are way more effective than laws that criminals and psychos wouldn’t follow in the first place. If my neighbor digs up my tomatoes, I don’t bitch and legislate the size of his shovel. I put up a fence.

And to get this out of the way, I have never been hunting. I have never owned a gun. I have zero interest in ever having one.
According to some on this board, this is obviously the fault of Republicans and the NRA. They made him do this.

Not broken homes or a horrible upbringing or disregard for human life or a fight culture in this country that is beyond out of control. Something is incredibly wrong with a human who does something like this, that no law can change. It starts at home. This doesn’t happen in other countries because other countries aren’t full of Americans. I don’t think a lot of people grasp just how far down the gutter we are.

Anyone who makes this 100% political is, in my opinion, a delusional insane asshole of the highest order. (I’m sure these same people were clamoring for gun control when the bullet missed Trump’s brain). As if Democrats are completely powerless to do anything about it either. Imagine thinking like this:

Domestic violence- WTF is wrong with people?
Molestation/incest- WTF is wrong with people?
Rape- WTF is wrong with people?
Assault and battery- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder with a knife- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder 8 people with an axe- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder dozens over a career in health care - WTF is wrong with people?
Murder one with a gun- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder one and then kill yourself- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder three or more in a gang shootout- **ignore**
Murder two or more in a school- ZOMG!!! Republicans did this!!1!

Protect our schools. If people were serious about keeping kids in school safe, then they would make the school safe. Massive cost? Who cares. Do it. I bet metal detectors are way more effective than laws that criminals and psychos wouldn’t follow in the first place. If my neighbor digs up my tomatoes, I don’t bitch and legislate the size of his shovel. I put up a fence.

And to get this out of the way, I have never been hunting. I have never owned a gun. I have zero interest in ever having one.
Frustrated George Costanza GIF
I love how every single mass shooting thread has the EXACT same posts as the previous mass shooting thread.

"Guns dont kill people, people kill people"
"It's mental illness"
"Chicago black people"
"Protect schools"
"Don't make this about politics"
"No laws would have prevented this specific shooting"

The only thing that is certain is the US has more guns than people, and we do absolutely nothing through legislation to actually try and bring down the amount of mass shootings we have. It's very simple. You can't just not change anything and expect a different result. We own this. Mass shootings are as American as apple pie and the country has done very little to change that. I'm a big fan of the saying "actions speak louder than words," and as uncomfortable as it may make some feel on here, the Republicans are all about words (thoughts and prayers) instead of taking some ****ing actions to attempt to help change this gun culture in this country.
According to some on this board, this is obviously the fault of Republicans and the NRA. They made him do this.

Not broken homes or a horrible upbringing or disregard for human life or a fight culture in this country that is beyond out of control. Something is incredibly wrong with a human who does something like this, that no law can change. It starts at home. This doesn’t happen in other countries because other countries aren’t full of Americans. I don’t think a lot of people grasp just how far down the gutter we are.

Anyone who makes this 100% political is, in my opinion, a delusional insane asshole of the highest order. (I’m sure these same people were clamoring for gun control when the bullet missed Trump’s brain). As if Democrats are completely powerless to do anything about it either. Imagine thinking like this:

Domestic violence- WTF is wrong with people?
Molestation/incest- WTF is wrong with people?
Rape- WTF is wrong with people?
Assault and battery- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder with a knife- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder 8 people with an axe- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder dozens over a career in health care - WTF is wrong with people?
Murder one with a gun- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder one and then kill yourself- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder three or more in a gang shootout- **ignore**
Murder two or more in a school- ZOMG!!! Republicans did this!!1!

Protect our schools. If people were serious about keeping kids in school safe, then they would make the school safe. Massive cost? Who cares. Do it. I bet metal detectors are way more effective than laws that criminals and psychos wouldn’t follow in the first place. If my neighbor digs up my tomatoes, I don’t bitch and legislate the size of his shovel. I put up a fence.

And to get this out of the way, I have never been hunting. I have never owned a gun. I have zero interest in ever having one.

Is this actually how you perceive this issue or is this just performance art?

Just for example, do you actually think the prevalence of guns aren't part of our problem, rather it's that America has Americans? All those other issues you've identified, do you really think people, organizations, governments, just throw up their hands and go "WTF is wrong with people?" rather than trying to solve them? Is that really your perception?

If this was just performance art, I think you went too far with the: "Massive cost? Who cares" bit, that's jumping the shark.

If you were being genuine, I would be fascinated to hear some of your other takes. Perhaps you could elaborate on how far down the gutter we are and what that means.
According to some on this board, this is obviously the fault of Republicans and the NRA. They made him do this.

Not broken homes or a horrible upbringing or disregard for human life or a fight culture in this country that is beyond out of control. Something is incredibly wrong with a human who does something like this, that no law can change. It starts at home. This doesn’t happen in other countries because other countries aren’t full of Americans. I don’t think a lot of people grasp just how far down the gutter we are.

Anyone who makes this 100% political is, in my opinion, a delusional insane asshole of the highest order. (I’m sure these same people were clamoring for gun control when the bullet missed Trump’s brain). As if Democrats are completely powerless to do anything about it either. Imagine thinking like this:

Domestic violence- WTF is wrong with people?
Molestation/incest- WTF is wrong with people?
Rape- WTF is wrong with people?
Assault and battery- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder with a knife- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder 8 people with an axe- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder dozens over a career in health care - WTF is wrong with people?
Murder one with a gun- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder one and then kill yourself- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder three or more in a gang shootout- **ignore**
Murder two or more in a school- ZOMG!!! Republicans did this!!1!

Protect our schools. If people were serious about keeping kids in school safe, then they would make the school safe. Massive cost? Who cares. Do it. I bet metal detectors are way more effective than laws that criminals and psychos wouldn’t follow in the first place. If my neighbor digs up my tomatoes, I don’t bitch and legislate the size of his shovel. I put up a fence.

And to get this out of the way, I have never been hunting. I have never owned a gun. I have zero interest in ever having one.
It has been reported that as soon as the shooter was.confroted with someone else holding a firearm they immediatly put down the gun....
And if he didn’t have access to guns, he wouldn’t have shot and killed people.
See above.
I’m actually proposing something to keep YOU safe. An actual solution. An expensiveIf you want people to stop invading the castle, fortify it. Don’t ask government to limit how big your enemy’s swords are.

Complete lack of interest in understanding why the kid did this by most folks. No desire to understand what led him to do this.

Nah, this is a political football that they absolutely NEED to have so they can rub the other side’s noses in shit, even though their nose is far from clean.

I love how every single mass shooting thread has the EXACT same posts as the previous mass shooting thread.

"Guns dont kill people, people kill people"
"It's mental illness"
"Chicago black people"
"Protect schools"
"Don't make this about politics"
"No laws would have prevented this specific shooting"

The only thing that is certain is the US has more guns than people, and we do absolutely nothing through legislation to actually try and bring down the amount of mass shootings we have. It's very simple. You can't just not change anything and expect a different result. We own this. Mass shootings are as American as apple pie and the country has done very little to change that. I'm a big fan of the saying "actions speak louder than words," and as uncomfortable as it may make some feel on here, the Republicans are all about words (thoughts and prayers) instead of taking some ****ing actions to attempt to help change this gun culture in this country.
The list of horrible things a human can do to another human is long. And for the vast, vast majority of them, we acknowledge something is deeply wrong with that person. But, in this instance, it’s all about blaming Republicans. Go ahead and pass gun control (as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens), and it doesn’t do anything to address the ROOT CAUSE.
Complete lack of interest in understanding why the kid did this by most folks. No desire to understand what led him to do this.
Honestly, would it matter?

I don’t care what grievances you have. Resorting to going into a school with a gun and shooting at students and teachers is not the actions of a rational person.

The point is there is nothing you can pin this on other than the person who chose this path. Millions of kids have been bullied in school; millions have had shitty parents; millions have played violent video games; millions have access to all kinds of guns. Less than 1% of those kids actually go into a school and start firing.

The only solution is to treat schools like you would a courthouse—metal detectors and armed guards at every entry point. There is no other solution. You can’t predict the kids who are going to take it that far (many have made vague threats on social media that amount to nothing); you can’t put a dent on crazy people’ access to firearms no matter how many gun laws you pass; banning violent video games is stupid; there are too many worthless parents to shoot them all; about the only thing you might be able to do better is pay closer attention to kids getting bullied and improve interventions before a kid gets pushed too far (even that is impossible to police effectively).

So, as usual, we have the same talking points and the same impotent suggestions, none of which ever get implemented or enacted anyway, and will proceed with the same course of discussion that will be forgotten about in two days—since we are all desensitized to this sort of thing anyway.

If someone has a better idea than putting armed guards and metal detectors at the entry point of every school, by all means share it.
I’m actually proposing something to keep YOU safe. An actual solution. An expensiveIf you want people to stop invading the castle, fortify it. Don’t ask government to limit how big your enemy’s swords are.

Nah, this is a political football that they absolutely NEED to have so they can rub the other side’s noses in shit, even though their nose is far from clean.

The list of horrible things a human can do to another human is long. And for the vast, vast majority of them, we acknowledge something is deeply wrong with that person. But, in this instance, it’s all about blaming Republicans. Go ahead and pass gun control (as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens), and it doesn’t do anything to address the ROOT CAUSE.
You know as well as I do gun control won’t put a dent in the problem. I have provided the only solution I see as viable above this response.
The list of horrible things a human can do to another human is long. And for the vast, vast majority of them, we acknowledge something is deeply wrong with that person. But, in this instance, it’s all about blaming Republicans. Go ahead and pass gun control (as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens), and it doesn’t do anything to address the ROOT CAUSE.
Other countries have shitty humans too. They don't have even come close to the mass shootings we have. At some point people have to look in the mirror and realize that doing nothing isn't a solution. Any time the Dems try to even discuss gun legislation you just get Republicans screaming "THEYRE GONNA TAKE ER GUNNNNNS!!!!" when in reality, it's absolutely nothing like that. As soon as you mention a damn thing about gun control gun nuts just immediately piss and shit themselves and stop listening to anything.
Other countries have shitty humans too. They don't have even come close to the mass shootings we have. At some point people have to look in the mirror and realize that doing nothing isn't a solution. Any time the Dems try to even discuss gun legislation you just get Republicans screaming "THEYRE GONNA TAKE ER GUNNNNNS!!!!" when in reality, it's absolutely nothing like that. As soon as you mention a damn thing about gun control gun nuts just immediately piss and shit themselves and stop listening to anything.
Honestly, what good do you think passing more gun laws will do?

Do you think passing drug laws has limited addicts’ access to them?
Honestly, what good do you think passing more gun laws will do?

Do you think passing drug laws has limited addicts’ access to them?
If a gun law can prevent even a single mass shooting from happening, I'd call that a win.

Comparing guns to street drugs is actually a pretty good one. It shows exactly how huge of a gun problem we have in this country.
Other countries have shitty humans too. They don't have even come close to the mass shootings we have. At some point people have to look in the mirror and realize that doing nothing isn't a solution. Any time the Dems try to even discuss gun legislation you just get Republicans screaming "THEYRE GONNA TAKE ER GUNNNNNS!!!!" when in reality, it's absolutely nothing like that. As soon as you mention a damn thing about gun control gun nuts just immediately piss and shit themselves and stop listening to anything.
It's sad that so many Americans talk about this being the greatest country in the world and then turn around and say we can't accomplish things or take care of/protect our fellow countrymen and women. Basically every other nation is better at those things than we are. We just keep being told no or we can't. There's no logic in that thinking. We're being conned.
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Complete lack of interest in understanding why the kid did this by most folks. No desire to understand what led him to do this.
Crappy parents and/or social media.

A session with a therapist once or twice a week isn’t going to fix that 24/7/365 influence IMO.
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If a gun law can prevent even a single mass shooting from happening, I'd call that a win.

Comparing guns to street drugs is actually a pretty good one. It shows exactly how huge of a gun problem we have in this country.
I agree in principle, but the problem is we already have a lot of gun laws. I’m guessing there are pretty strict gun laws in Illinois. No one living in Chicago feels safer as a result.
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You missed the part where I said more gun laws.

So, no, I am not advocating for what you apparently think I am.

It doesn't depend on what the laws are? Just the fact that they would be more, and it doesn't even matter that you don't know what the current laws are, that you have to guess?
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Ask Australia or any other country that has gun control laws. Again, guns are more important to Americans than children's lives. It gets made abundantly clear every single school year.
Did Australia or other countries have an epidemic of school shootings prior to passing strict gun control laws?

FTR, I agree there are plenty of Americans who have a weird obsession with guns. Frankly, genital augmentation therapy might be more beneficial to most of these nuts than owning bigger, shinier, more lethal firearms, but I suppose that’s not here nor there.

You answered the issue within your response: America has a culture problem.
It doesn't depend on what the laws are? Just the fact that they would be more, and it doesn't even matter that you don't know what the current laws are, that you have to guess?
I’m not sure what point you are trying to make. I, personally, don’t own guns and couldn’t care less about those who do. My one and only point is to question the effectiveness of passing more gun laws as a solution to this problem.

What specific gun laws not on the books do you believe need to be passed and signed into law? I’m open to whatever would be effective. I’m also interested in how any new laws would be enforced with absolute fidelity. What’s your solution?
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Did Australia or other countries have an epidemic of school shootings prior to passing strict gun control laws?

FTR, I agree there are plenty of Americans who have a weird obsession with guns. Frankly, genital augmentation therapy might be more beneficial to most of these nuts than owning bigger, shinier, more lethal firearms, but I suppose that’s not here nor there.

You answered the issue within your response: America has a culture problem.

lol - I am sure you aren't doing this intentionally, but no Australia did not have an epidemic of school shootings prior to passing strict gun control laws. They didn't wait that long. They had a mass shooting in 1996 and then did something about it.

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