I just can’t imagine why a 14 year old would have this evil in his heart and mind. Just why do this
According to some on this board, this is obviously the fault of Republicans and the NRA. They made him do this.
Not broken homes or a horrible upbringing or disregard for human life or a fight culture in this country that is beyond out of control. Something is incredibly wrong with a human who does something like this, that no law can change. It starts at home. This doesn’t happen in other countries because other countries aren’t full of Americans. I don’t think a lot of people grasp just how far down the gutter we are.
Anyone who makes this 100% political is, in my opinion, a delusional insane asshole of the highest order. (I’m sure these same people were clamoring for gun control when the bullet missed Trump’s brain). As if Democrats are completely powerless to do anything about it either. Imagine thinking like this:
Domestic violence- WTF is wrong with people?
Molestation/incest- WTF is wrong with people?
Rape- WTF is wrong with people?
Assault and battery- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder with a knife- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder 8 people with an axe- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder dozens over a career in health care - WTF is wrong with people?
Murder one with a gun- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder one and then kill yourself- WTF is wrong with people?
Murder three or more in a gang shootout- **ignore**
Murder two or more in a school- ZOMG!!! Republicans did this!!1!
Protect our schools. If people were serious about keeping kids in school safe, then they would make the school safe. Massive cost? Who cares. Do it. I bet metal detectors are way more effective than laws that criminals and psychos wouldn’t follow in the first place. If my neighbor digs up my tomatoes, I don’t bitch and legislate the size of his shovel. I put up a fence.
And to get this out of the way, I have never been hunting. I have never owned a gun. I have zero interest in ever having one.