*****Wisconsin vs. Iowa game thread*****

It went about the way that would have been expected. Iowa offense inept and ineffective against st a good defense. Iowa defense with too many holes, lack of talent at key positions, and getting worn out being on the field too long.
For Iowa to win this , the wisky O needed to turn the ball over more and make e end more mistakes than they did AND they needed some big special teams says that never happened.
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Because if we made it, it would be less than a 1 possession game. Defense has been playing well. And we could be going for the win right now. But don't get me wrong, I could understand going for it too

ok. but do you think we would be here if we weren't down 2 scores? I do not.
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Iowa really never was going to win this game. It was a matter of would Wisconsin shoot itself in the foot enough to give us a chance.

They are a better team from top to bottom. Iowa could learn a lesson from a run happy team who still uses creativity to make the offense work and attract guys who can play D1 WR.
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It's not cj's fault but he is broken. Can't throw the deep ball, no longer accurate in the short stuff. Again nother his fault he has taken this pounding but he has completely lost his "it" factor. Said it earlier: give any good coordinator Wadley, Daniels and Mitchell aMD he would come up with a dynamic rushing get offense that utilizes all three of them.
Can't wait for our inevitable Pin Stripe birth.

This season is done.
Yes it went dead about 10 minutes ago and we've tried rebooting twice.
Yeah, I tried that yesterday when it went and didn't do any good. In fact, it hung about halfway through the reboot. Time to call them and ask what the goddam hell is going on.
Iowa really never was going to win this game. It was a matter of would Wisconsin shoot itself in the foot enough to give us a chance.

They are a better team from top to bottom. Iowa could learn a lesson from a run happy team who still uses creativity to make the offense work and attract guys who can play D1 WR.

IDK, "creativity"? How about simply "execution". Wisky made a lot of simple plays work.
please follow this up with reasoning (fg attempt)......not picking a fight, just please give me something. I see nothing, NOTHING. your one good drive of the half and you have it in your hands to make a play and you don't even TRY?

I certainly understand what you are saying........I just think they needed to get points out of that. At that time, there was still time for the defense to get a stop and get the ball back. I really wouldn't trust the offense to get both a TD and 2 point conversion as bad as they are.......