Lets just stick to gambling, ok? He's been in the program for 5 years and you honestly think he didn't realize the consequences?
And don't forget that before May, 2023, the consequences were much more severe, and
Nelson would have known this, too. For example, it used to be if you bet on ANY SPORT at ANY LEVEL (college, pro, etc) where the NCAA sponsors a championship, you got a one year ban. Well, Nelson admits in his tweets to betting on NFL games, college football games, MLB games, college basketball games and overseas tennis matches. The NCAA sponsors championships in all of these sports, of course.
So, no, I don't buy him claiming ignorance on the issue.
And what follows, again, is what he wrote. Do you agree with Nelson when he said it was a "no brainer" to gamble when he's been told OVER AND OVER to not do it because there will be serious consequences if he did? Or, do you think he should have used his brain and simply refrained from gambling until his college eligibility was up?