COVID-19 Thread

I read an article yesterday where a doctor said that we need to worry about panic and the fight or flight mode it puts people in. It stated that when you go fight or flight, think raiding the stores for essentials or TP, the human body wears down and cannot protect itself against infections as well and leaves us vulnerable to not be able to fight off this virus. Something to consider.

The creator of this chart knows numbers.

Quoting him from a different chart that I can't seem to post......

"Yes, there are likely lots of subclinical cases, but while the ascertainment rate (reported cases/actual cases) may be interesting, it's wholly irrelevant in projecting the number of fatalities because it drops out algebraically. My sense is that people don't understand that." John P. Hussman.
I have been looking for data on the demographics of those who have died from the Wuhan virus, but for some reason they have been hard to find. This article in the Times of Israelanswers some of my questions:

Most of Israel’s coronavirus fatalities have been elderly men with underlying medical conditions, in line with global averages.

The average age of Israel’s dead was 79.8 years old as of Thursday afternoon.

This is what I have really been looking for:

Dr. Hans Kluge, head of the organization’s office in Europe, said recent statistics showed 30,098 people had died in Europe, mostly in Italy, France and Spain. More than half of Europe’s dead were over the age of 80.

I am as sympathetic to the elderly as the next guy; in fact, I am perilously close to that status myself. But it is simply crazy not to recognize that the Wuhan virus, like flu viruses generally, is mostly dangerous to people who are vulnerable because of age and infirmity, and to tailor our response to the disease accordingly.
I work for a financial company and JUST TODAY they started letting us work from home (working from home in my job is very simple) after someone in our office tested positive for COVID. Atleast they are doing the right thing and today, we're being tested outdoors at a medical station for free. That's where I'm at right now waiting to get tested.
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I work for a financial company and JUST TODAY they started letting us work from home (working from home in my job is very simple) after someone in our office tested positive for COVID. Atleast they are doing the right thing and today, we're being tested outdoors at a medical station for free. That's where I'm at right now waiting to get tested.
I work for a financial company and JUST TODAY they started letting us work from home (working from home in my job is very simple) after someone in our office tested positive for COVID. Atleast they are doing the right thing and today, we're being tested outdoors at a medical station for free. That's where I'm at right now waiting to get tested.

Wow, we have been working from home for 2 weeks already.
A retired Queens paramedic still listens to some of the dispatch radio calls. Couldn't figure out why the dispatchers were spelling out some of the names of the streets.

Turns out a lot of Ambulances and drivers have come from out of state. From Minn. Ohio, Mass. Indiana, and other places to assist. WOW!


My sister, a nurse in DSM, has a coworker whose sister just died of Covid. My sister’s son in law lost an aunt the other day and his uncle is not doing well. They are in Indianapolis.
Gotta be a little careful here and keep in mind that the USA has tested more people than any other country by far.

Please explain that logic. Because it’s not like health care workers in U$ are testing anyone who is curious about their status. Pretty much only people showing symptoms are being tested and even those must usually meet other extenuating circumstances.

The fact is that the response, for what ever reason, was delayed in this country and we are going to pay the price for that.
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Gotta be a little careful here and keep in mind that the USA has tested more people than any other country by far.

My main purpose in posting this was to show the number of daily World cases from March 1st thru April 4th date and how fast the numbers have been increasing.

2,359 on March 1st to 101,503 on April 4th. Quite a rate of increase in a little more than a month. What will another month be like? Will lockdowns finally start taking effect?

Edit: Wait...we have tested more people than South Korea?

"We risk 100,000 within weeks without a shift in therapeutic modality." John P. Hussman. Chart creator.
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Please explain that logic. Because it’s not like health care workers in U$ are testing anyone who is curious about their status. Pretty much only people showing symptoms are being tested and even those must usually meet other extenuating circumstances.

The fact is that the response, for what ever reason, was delayed in this country and we are going to pay the price for that.

The US response was delayed. However, the virus had already spread internationally due to China's lies and attempts to cover up the seriousness of COVID-19 for at least a month.
The US response was delayed. However, the virus had already spread internationally due to China's lies and attempts to cover up the seriousness of COVID-19 for at least a month.

Pointing fingers at leaders of other countries does nothing to address the current situation.

More whatsboutism? JFC....
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Gotta be a little careful here and keep in mind that the USA has tested more people than any other country by far.

Also read couple days ago that the US has about 160,000 tests backlogged and waiting for results. Some waiting 10-12 days for results especially in California.
Pointing fingers at leaders of other countries does nothing to address the current situation.

More whatsboutism? JFC....

Understanding why we are in this current situation is critical to knowing how to react in the future. Go ahead and defend China's actions. The PRC government has the blood of 10s of thousands on their hands. The world collectively needs to remember this and not let it happen again.
Understanding why we are in this current situation is critical to knowing how to react in the future. Go ahead and defend China's actions. The PRC government has the blood of 10s of thousands on their hands. The world collectively needs to remember this and not let it happen again.

I’m not defending anyone’s actions. That’s crazy talk.

What happened to taking responsibility for mitigating the dangers of what we do know? That’s all that matters and frankly, is all we can do. Move forward. Quit blaming past administrations and foreign leaders. Be here now.
Gotta be a little careful here and keep in mind that the USA has tested more people than any other country by far.

The U.S. has tested 1,623,807 people for coronavirus as of April 4. While this number sounds big, the majority of those tests were done in the past week.

Hard to find how many have been tested in the rest of the world, do you have a source for that?

S. Korea was probably the best example of getting ahead of the curve with massive testing early on and acting accordingly. The U.S. was woefully slow in getting testing going.

Dr Fauci called the lack of testing in the U.S. a "failing" on March 12th:

<<"The system is not really geared to what we need right now," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in a House hearing about coronavirus test kits in the United States, which were initially dogged by technical glitches. "That is a failing. Let's admit it.">>
The US response was delayed. However, the virus had already spread internationally due to China's lies and attempts to cover up the seriousness of COVID-19 for at least a month.
Our intelligence agency had already reported that China was not being honest about their epidemic and the disease was much worse that what China was reporting.
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Our intelligence agency had already reported that China was not being honest about their epidemic and the disease was much worse that what China was reporting.

I think it was a British study that said if China had been forthcoming right off the bat , they estimated that about 95% of the effects from this outbreak could have been avoided. Did not read the study. Just the headline info.
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Please explain that logic. Because it’s not like health care workers in U$ are testing anyone who is curious about their status. Pretty much only people showing symptoms are being tested and even those must usually meet other extenuating circumstances.

The fact is that the response, for what ever reason, was delayed in this country and we are going to pay the price for that.

The logic is that the more you test the more positives you’re going to have. Not that difficult of a concept.

My main purpose in posting this was to show the number of daily World cases from March 1st thru April 4th. Edit: Wait...we have tested more people than South Korea?

Thanks for the clarification. No doubt important. But we are testing far more than anyone else so it stands to reason we have more positives.

And yes, the USA has tested 3x more people than South Korea.
Our intelligence agency had already reported that China was not being honest about their epidemic and the disease was much worse that what China was reporting.

Dr. Fauci must not have seen these reports because on January 26th he said -

"The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It's a very, very low risk to the United States. It isn't something that the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about."

I can't imagine that these ominous intelligence reports were not shared to Dr. Fauci.
There is now a curfew in Boston from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. No one can leave their residence except for emergency.
Now over 12,000 cases in MA with ~230 deaths. World-class health care here. If we can't slow it down, no one can.
I’m not defending anyone’s actions. That’s crazy talk.

What happened to taking responsibility for mitigating the dangers of what we do know? That’s all that matters and frankly, is all we can do. Move forward. Quit blaming past administrations and foreign leaders. Be here now.
1. Impeachment-- December 16th-February 5th- The House Started the Biggest stupid distraction from Carona ever. No one was focused on anything else

2. Trump didn't want to destroy the economy and made the wrong call in not shutting things down earlier...However he did try a travel ban and was met with calls of racism.

3. The CDC Screwed up BIG TIME, the big Governmental complex was not prepared and made some horrible early decisions and lets not even get into WHO

what, 33.3% fault for all 3..Congratulations everyone in America was at Fault

The Real villain is CHINA and people need to wake up to this fact as they just were put on the UN Human Rights council. A Country that Welded people in apartment complexes and puts Muslims in Reeducation camps. And hid the severity of this from the world.

People need to stop with the political win at all cost mentality, CHINA is the bad guy in this situation....Not Trump, Not Congress, Not big government, Not tan tom's tweet.
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