COVID-19 Thread

1. Impeachment-- December 16th-February 5th- The House Started the Biggest stupid distraction from Carona ever. No one was focused on anything else

2. Trump didn't want to destroy the economy and made the wrong call in not shutting things down earlier...However he did try a travel ban and was met with calls of racism.

3. The CDC Screwed up BIG TIME, the big Governmental complex was not prepared and made some horrible early decisions and lets not even get into WHO

what, 33.3% fault for all 3..Congratulations everyone in America was at Fault

The Real villain is CHINA and people need to wake up to this fact as they just were put on the UN Human Rights council. A Country that Welded people in apartment complexes and puts Muslims in Reeducation camps. And hid the severity of this from the world.

People need to stop with the political win at all cost mentality, CHINA is the bad guy in this situation....Not Trump, Not Congress, Not big government, Not tan tom's tweet.
All of this is horsesh*t.
1. Trump dropped the ball, and not because of impeachment. The evidence that he ignored advice until late is coming out.
2. The CDC had warned Trump, but he minimized the corona virus early on to save the economy to salvage his reelection hopes. He was forced to wise up by events. Even some members of his own party were selling their stocks while telling the rest of the country not to worry.
3. China tried to cover this up initially, but by late January, they were on the program. They couldn't hide it anymore. There are a lot of reasons to dislike the Chinese communist government including mistreatment of the Uyghurs, but scapegoating China over this outbreak does no one any good, and it encourages the crazies to mistreat Asians in this country, which is happening.

Look in the mirror, and you'll see that "win at all costs" mentality. The need to have a villain – someone else to blame – is toxic. This forum is getting too politicized, and you're making it worse. Please stop it.
Dr. Fauci must not have seen these reports because on January 26th he said -

"The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It's a very, very low risk to the United States. It isn't something that the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about."

I can't imagine that these ominous intelligence reports were not shared to Dr. Fauci.
Those intel reports came out MUCH later. On January 26 we were still basing decisions on data provided by China. Data that turned out to be lies.
China Nationalized its Wet Markets and those markets have been implicated in SARS, Bird Flu and now COVID-19. I get China needs to feed 1.3 Billion every day but they need to do better job of controlling these markets.

The US was home Swine Flu in late 2000’s. Similar to the above mentioned diseases Swine Flu was an example of a virus crossing from an animal to humans. It’s not that we’re stopping viruses from making the jump from animals to humans but we do appear to be doing a better job of minimizing risks and outbreaks.

Take a look at the precautions around hog farming and the lack of precautions in China’s wet markets and I think it’s fair to point the finger. And like I said, China nationalized wet markets. It’s not working well for them or the world. Time to make adjustments. I don’t think we want to go through this again.
All of this is horsesh*t.
1. Trump dropped the ball, and not because of impeachment. The evidence that he ignored advice until late is coming out.
2. The CDC had warned Trump, but he minimized the corona virus early on to save the economy to salvage his reelection hopes. He was forced to wise up by events. Even some members of his own party were selling their stocks while telling the rest of the country not to worry.
3. China tried to cover this up initially, but by late January, they were on the program. They couldn't hide it anymore. There are a lot of reasons to dislike the Chinese communist government including mistreatment of the Uyghurs, but scapegoating China over this outbreak does no one any good, and it encourages the crazies to mistreat Asians in this country, which is happening.

Look in the mirror, and you'll see that "win at all costs" mentality. The need to have a villain – someone else to blame – is toxic. This forum is getting too politicized, and you're making it worse. Please stop it.


1. Trump did in fact "Drop the Ball" and deserves a lot of criticism


2. Trump is not Evil, China is the Real villain

your view is very strange to me, but I do not doubt your conviction and that your view comes from a love of your country. Understand that is where I am coming from also, If you can't then with all due respect, that is what I think is wrong with modern day politics.

I wish you well and hope we (America) can all unite after this strange time in history.
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The logic is that the more you test the more positives you’re going to have. Not that difficult of a concept.

Thanks for the clarification. No doubt important. But we are testing far more than anyone else so it stands to reason we have more positives.

And yes, the USA has tested 3x more people than South Korea.

1. Trump did in fact "Drop the Ball" and deserves a lot of criticism


2. Trump is not Evil, China is the Real villain

your view is very strange to me, but I do not doubt your conviction and that your view comes from a love of your country. Understand that is where I am coming from also, If you can't then with all due respect, that is what I think is wrong with modern day politics.

I wish you well and hope we (America) can all unite after this strange time in history.

Horseshit. Quit spinning this international pandemic. Quit blaming China for the clusterfu€ked response of our federal government to the national crisis.

Are you gullible or gaslighting?
Horseshit. Quit spinning this international pandemic. Quit blaming China for the clusterfu€ked response of our federal government to the national crisis.

Are you gullible or gaslighting?
I at no point blamed china for the Crappy response of our Federal government. Please quote where I supposedly did?? AND, If you put no blame on CHINA, you are the one spinning.

People really have Tunnel Vision. You know you can put blame on our government AND put Blame on China at the same time for Different things...Jeez
Horseshit. Quit spinning this international pandemic. Quit blaming China for the clusterfu€ked response of our federal government to the national crisis.

Are you gullible or gaslighting?

Can’t speak for the other guy but I stand by my comments and my posting history on the subject. I’m neither hysterical or a “truther.” You might want to switch to decaf for hit the good stuff before you go to bed.

In 2018 do you remember hearing about the 61,000 who died from the flu?I remember hearing about a bad flu season but never death tolls on TV.Wonder if that Flu in 2018 had a name if we would've feared it as well.I fear the Coronavirus because I'm told daily I have to.Not sure I have the answers but we all need a break from the news

It has nothing to do with the name. The flu doesn’t overrun hospitals. Required medical care is on a completely different spectrum. The flu doesn’t spread as swiftly. There’s no Covid vaccine like the flu.

Seriously, we shouldn’t still have to be repeating this in April 4. It’s been clear this isn’t the flu for months.
Can’t speak for the other guy but I stand by my comments and my posting history on the subject. I’m neither hysterical or a “truther.” You might want to switch to decaf for hit the good stuff before you go to bed.

It has nothing to do with the name. The flu doesn’t overrun hospitals. Required medical care is on a completely different spectrum. The flu doesn’t spread as swiftly. There’s no Covid vaccine like the flu.

Seriously, we shouldn’t still have to be repeating this in April 4. It’s been clear this isn’t the flu for months.

I wasn’t directing anything toward you. You’re so vain, you probably think this post is about you.:D
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Can’t speak for the other guy but I stand by my comments and my posting history on the subject. I’m neither hysterical or a “truther.” You might want to switch to decaf for hit the good stuff before you go to bed.

It has nothing to do with the name. The flu doesn’t overrun hospitals. Required medical care is on a completely different spectrum. The flu doesn’t spread as swiftly. There’s no Covid vaccine like the flu.

Seriously, we shouldn’t still have to be repeating this in April 4. It’s been clear this isn’t the flu for months.
It took me literally 2 seconds, to find an article about hospitals being overwhelmed by the flu in 2017/18 and having to set up triage tents to accommodate the overflow. People don’t remember because the media didn’t spin up shitstorm.
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It took me literally 2 seconds, to find an article about hospitals being overwhelmed by the flu in 2017/18 and having to set up triage tents to accommodate the overflow. People don’t remember because the media didn’t spin up shitstorm.

Had the flu after Midlands in Jan 2018. Got home Dec 31st, went out to breakfast with the wife New Years Day and we went shopping. Started to feel bad that day she took me in after hours to the VA's ER where they tested me and gave me tamaflu. The next day, could barely get out of bed with a temp of 102. Never thought about going to the hospital.

1. Trump did in fact "Drop the Ball" and deserves a lot of criticism


2. Trump is not Evil, China is the Real villain

your view is very strange to me, but I do not doubt your conviction and that your view comes from a love of your country. Understand that is where I am coming from also, If you can't then with all due respect, that is what I think is wrong with modern day politics.

I wish you well and hope we (America) can all unite after this strange time in history.
The virus is the real villain. Part of what is wrong with modern politics is the need to always find someone to blame when no one assumes responsibility.
Wishing you health and well-being as well.
It took me literally 2 seconds, to find an article about hospitals being overwhelmed by the flu in 2017/18 and having to set up triage tents to accommodate the overflow. People don’t remember because the media didn’t spin up shitstorm.
This is not just media spin. People don't remember 2017/18 because the symptoms, the rates of hospitalization, and resulting ICU usage weren't as worrisome then. As Chief said, you got real sick, maybe saw the doctor or an ER, but you could still breath without help. This is different.
This is not just media spin. People don't remember 2017/18 because the symptoms, the rates of hospitalization, and resulting ICU usage weren't as worrisome then. As Chief said, you got real sick, maybe saw the doctor or an ER, but you could still breath without help. This is different.

Apparently one of the things the virus is doing is disrupting the ability of red blood cells and iron to carry oxygen, hence the problem with catching your breath.

Some are starting to treat with oxygen rather than pressure thru ventilators.

Article from The Townsend Letter discussing some technical things about how COVID-19 affects the body and creates ARDS and how ascorbate (Vitamin C) can prevent some of the damage. Pretty technical and hard to follow for the layman, but informative with detail on the cellular level info.
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The logic is that the more you test the more positives you’re going to have. Not that difficult of a concept.

Thanks for the clarification. No doubt important. But we are testing far more than anyone else so it stands to reason we have more positives.

And yes, the USA has tested 3x more people than South Korea.

Yeah I think this helps explain the rise in daily new cases, but it doesn't really help explain the rise in daily new deaths IMO. There have been a couple days recently where daily new deaths declined from the day before, but the trend still seems to be increasing overall.

BTW although we are testing more in absolute numbers, we're still not nearly testing as much as a % of the total population compared to several other countries right?
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Yeah I think this helps explain the rise in daily new cases, but it doesn't really help explain the rise in daily new deaths IMO. There have been a couple days recently where daily new deaths declined from the day before, but the trend still seems to be increasing overall.

BTW although we are testing more in absolute numbers, we're still not nearly testing as much as a % of the total population compared to several other countries right?

Some days there are glitches in getting reporting done on time and correctly.

Being reported now that in a normal day NYC has 20-25 deaths at home.

Currently having 200-215 deaths a day at home and not clear if any are being counted as COVID-19 deaths apparently.
The US had a program called PREDICT that identified lethal viruses abroad to prevent their spread to the US.

It had found 1600 viruses (and 160 coronaviruses) in 10 years.

It was actively working in China!

2 months before the Wuhan outbreak, the President shut the program down.
The US had a program called PREDICT that identified lethal viruses abroad to prevent their spread to the US.

It had found 1600 viruses (and 160 coronaviruses) in 10 years.

It was actively working in China!

2 months before the Wuhan outbreak, the President shut the program down.

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Some days there are glitches in getting reporting done on time and correctly.

Being reported now that in a normal day NYC has 20-25 deaths at home.

Currently having 200-215 deaths a day at home and not clear if any are being counted as COVID-19 deaths apparently.

Where are you getting the 200-215 per day? Even if that's true, it seems some likely were at the hospital, got tested, and then got released, so one would think if they later passed at their home that those would still be counted.

Maybe just conspiracy theories, but there are also claims of doctors being told to list COVID-19 as the cause even if it's just suspected, so could be a wash.
Where are you getting the 200-215 per day? Even if that's true, it seems some likely were at the hospital, got tested, and then got released, so one would think if they later passed at their home that those would still be counted.

Maybe just conspiracy theories, but there are also claims of doctors being told to list COVID-19 as the cause even if it's just suspected, so could be a wash.
I read this too. It was posted by the Chair of NYC Council health committee. @MarkLevineNYC

He also posted they have a contingency plan of temporary internment sites in NYC parks if burials can't keep up.
Yeah I think this helps explain the rise in daily new cases, but it doesn't really help explain the rise in daily new deaths IMO. There have been a couple days recently where daily new deaths declined from the day before, but the trend still seems to be increasing overall.

BTW although we are testing more in absolute numbers, we're still not nearly testing as much as a % of the total population compared to several other countries right?

I don't think anyone expects daily deaths to be dropping at this point in time. Still on the way up.
Boris Johnson has now been reported to have been moved to intensive care unit.
Where are you getting the 200-215 per day? Even if that's true, it seems some likely were at the hospital, got tested, and then got released, so one would think if they later passed at their home that those would still be counted.

Maybe just conspiracy theories, but there are also claims of doctors being told to list COVID-19 as the cause even if it's just suspected, so could be a wash.

Originally from a story of someone who was dealing with the virus at home and then took a fast turn for the worst. Ambulance called and took couple hours to arrive and he had died by then. Don't think he had been to the Hospital earlier to be tested, but info wasn't clear on that point. Then info mentioned about how many dying at home normally as opposed to how many now dying at home.

The most prevalent sound heard in NYC right now is sirens from Ambulances and EMT from reports.

Doctors are now being allowed to put COVID-19 as a cause of death even without confirmed tests performed. As per the CDC site. "If the certifier suspects COVID-19 or determines it was likely (i.e. the circumstances were compelling within a reasonable degree of certanity), they can report COVID-19 as "probable" or "presumed" on the death certificate."

CDC most likely loosened this reporting since not enough tests available for the living much less the fatalities.
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Most communities in NYC and NJ are helping out with social distancing but then we have a couple that just do what they want. Just sick!
Our intelligence agency had already reported that China was not being honest about their epidemic and the disease was much worse that what China was reporting.
Official CCP number:4000. Estimates from models and the rate they are burning bodies: 200000.
Plus Wuhan was just re-shutdown. This could get much uglier.
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Most communities in NYC and NJ are helping out with social distancing but then we have a couple that just do what they want. Just sick!

Last week the St. Louis counselor had to send out about 50 letters to businesses that were not obeying the "stay at home" and "only essential" orders.

Some nail salons, gyms, restaurants that had their sit down areas open, among a few of the businesses. :(
Official CCP number:4000. Estimates from models and the rate they are burning bodies: 200000.
Plus Wuhan was just re-shutdown. This could get much uglier.

Saw today that the traffic in Bejing has just dropped off very fast again. Might be clamping down there again.
China Nationalized its Wet Markets and those markets have been implicated in SARS, Bird Flu and now COVID-19. I get China needs to feed 1.3 Billion every day but they need to do better job of controlling these markets.

The US was home Swine Flu in late 2000’s. Similar to the above mentioned diseases Swine Flu was an example of a virus crossing from an animal to humans.
This. I've been to a Chinese wet market. It is an incredible horror show of dead and tortured dying animals. Prepared for you on the spot. Yum. :eek:
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Official CCP number:4000. Estimates from models and the rate they are burning bodies: 200000.
Plus Wuhan was just re-shutdown. This could get much uglier.

Source on Wuhan re-shutting down? Just searched and don't see anything other than saying they were never going to be allowed to leave the city until 4/8 anyway.
After watching the Covid press conference today the testing continues to lag behind. They keep talking about the number of tests performed, but that means absolutely nothing. Testing capability has gone up linearly and the rate of transmission spreads exponentially. As we get deeper into the peak of the outbreak testing therefore becomes less and less adequate. This will be the case until we start on the downward slope of the outbreak curve and have the testing to contact trace. Testing availability needs to catch up with the outbreak even to administer any theraputic treatments that may be confirmed as positive and recommended.

The media is not being unfair asking a ton of questions about testing when the graph the administration is using to pat themselves on the back highlights the opposite of what they intend. Not sure who wanted to use total testing numbers in the press conference as a talking point, but they don't know how to draw conclusions from graphs.

Not trying to be political but on a day with the stock market rebounding this was an epic failure on talking points. Today was a facepalm.
Not trying to be political, but allow me to me political.

Give me a fricking break. They’re busting their asses to do the best job possible. This is not the time to be sniping. This is the time to pull together and limit the carnage as much as possible. Sadly, many seem to think this is the perfect time to score political points. Makes me sick.
Not trying to be political, but allow me to me political.

Give me a fricking break. They’re busting their asses to do the best job possible. This is not the time to be sniping. This is the time to pull together and limit the carnage as much as possible. Sadly, many seem to think this is the perfect time to score political points. Makes me sick.

Without more testing there is no way to set a time limit on when the economy can be opened. It is that simple. Everything being normal again depends on testing. This is actually not about political points. It is about how strong we emerge as an economy and a workforce after the course is run.
The testing to see if you have the disease is completely different than an antibody test.

An antibody test to determine who has had the disease has not been approved. If those who have had Covid have an extended period of immunity it functions as a vaccine. Those people would be able to return to normal work patterns. This is especially valuable for those in the medical field and 1st responders who are treating the tail of this wave of the outbreak.

If a vaccine is developed using antibodies from plasma aquired from those who have had Covid just having a wider pool of people to gather plasma from also is huge.
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The testing to see if you have the disease is completely different than an antibody test.

An antibody test to determine who has had the disease has not been approved. If those who have had Covid have an extended period of immunity it functions as a vaccine. Those people would be able to return to normal work patterns. This is especially valuable for those in the medical field and 1st responders who are treating the tail of this wave of the outbreak.

If a vaccine is developed using antibodies from plasma aquired from those who have had Covid just having a wider pool of people to gather plasma from also is huge.
What is important is the widespread ability to test people and get the results ASAP. When test is really up and running, we can get back to work. This cannot happen safely until test is caught up. We need to test and isolate positive testers. People with covid cannot be out running around giving out infection to others. Germany is good example. They test everyone that has any symptoms and those those were possibly exposed to Covid. They are getting it under control.
That is the major failure of the federal government when they did not recognize the importance of testing and failed to have testing available. They are still way behind. Many sick people still cannot get tested in many places in this country. It is impossible to isolate covid patients if we do not know who they are.
The antibody test shows who had the disease as well as who has it. If you have recovered from covid, it is reasonably certain that you are immune to this disease. The importance of the antibody test is that the results can be obtained very quickly and isolation starts immediately.
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In 2018 do you remember hearing about the 61,000 who died from the flu?I remember hearing about a bad flu season but never death tolls on TV.Wonder if that Flu in 2018 had a name if we would've feared it as well.I fear the Coronavirus because I'm told daily I have to.Not sure I have the answers but we all need a break from the news

Covid-19 is twice as contagious as the seasonal flu and estimated at ~10x as deadly. And no vaccine.

1 week ago, the U.S. coronavirus tally was 183,532 cases and 3,727 deaths

Today, Johns Hopkins list the numbers as 367,507 cases and 10,908 deaths

The coming weeks are going to see those numbers get much larger.
Regarding what intelligence services were saying about coronavirus and when:

from Washington Post:

U.S. intelligence reports from January and February warned about a likely pandemic

  • The US intelligence community was warning President Donald Trump about an impending pandemic as early as January, The Washington Post reported.
  • Officials were giving Trump classified briefings on the matter at the same time the president was publicly downplaying the risk of the novel coronavirus and insisting the US was well prepared to handle the outbreak.
  • "The system was blinking red," a US official told The Post. "Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were — they just couldn't get him to do anything about it."