How is this not demeaning?

I do agree with this - Trump would definitely not get the benefit of the doubt from the media. That said, he hasn’t exactly earned it, either.

Can't argue against that...but I still prefer to see a media with an even hand and not one that is so in the bag for one party that they cannot deal with things fairly.

I am really annoyed that in this country of 330 million people we have somehow come down to a choice between these two people. Our nominating process, etc, is seriously screwed up.
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Quite frankly there is a pretty strong chance he pulls 90%+ of the African American vote.

I'm relaxed, I laugh at Trump supporters trying to provide us anything to do with morals and ethics etc.. It is the irony of all time.

Well, if we're being serious and not just bantering back and forth for grins, there is diversity among Trump supporters. Just like there is diversity among blacks. Truth be told, there are Trump supporters I would choose to be friends with long before some libs.

Of course, those who don't mask up and are going to screw football over for us aren't among them for me. May the corona be strong in them. :mad::confused::p:eek:
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Well, if we're being serious and not just bantering back and forth for grins, there is diversity among Trump supporters. Just like there is diversity among blacks. Truth be told, there are Trump supporters I would choose to be friends with long before some libs.

Of course, those who don't mask up and are going to screw football over for us aren't among them for me. May the corona be strong in them. :mad::confused::p:eek:
I'm definitely thinning the herd of people I want to associate with these past few years.
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Was Biden speaking to a white audience? He ought to just run on policies...well... sigh.
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Trying to talk in short soundbites about entire cultural/ethnic groups is always difficult and never advisable. It was not smart to try and cover the entire black community with any sort of blanket statement about a lack of diversity of thought. Note, however, that Biden does say, "with notable exceptions" when making that statement about the AA community. Furthermore, his point is correct in that there is much greater variation within the latinx communities, much of which may reflect the heritage of the non-US communities from which their families came. This can be seen in all manner of forms with respect to social values, political thought, religion, etc.

Biden's problem here, is that he didn't even need to "go there" - he could have simply said that he is going to look at all populations where deportation issues exist and note that each population is going to have different issues/context with respect to how the problems are addressed. There was no need to even talk about the AA community in this particular interview. So, it's definitely a self-inflicted wound.

Agreed. ^^ Silly, self inflicted wound for Biden.

But while I would agree with the notion that not all Latin based people are of the same opinion, etc. I would also say that there is much more diversity of thought amongst black people than what Biden seems to be trying to say.

One black friend of mine is originally from Haiti...he's a staunch conservative. A couple of other black friends, and some of his relatives, are from Burkino Faso...they are very strong conservatives. I could go paint all people of one race or the other as being "X" is pretty dense IMO. There are many various thoughts and opinions in this world.

Yeah I stand by that statement. I wouldn't bet my life savings on 90%. But I would probably bet that he pulls the majority of the black vote.

But I wouldn't be shocked at all if Biden pulled 90% of the black vote given how Trump has been.
Well, it took a Biden gaffe, for Republicans to admit black lives do matter. Welcome to the BLM movement, boyz.
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Biden is not correct because that is not the context of what is being discussed. Frankly, there's no reason for Biden to even mention another minority group.

There would be some wiggle room for that interpretation, in terms of blacks in America having a collective history of slavery and systemic racism, if it were not for Biden's parenthetical "with notable exceptions." In other words, Biden is clearly contrasting the lack of diversity of culture and thought in the black community to the Latino community. And this is exactly the type of stupid shit that happens when you overplay identity politics like liberals often do.

It's indefensible. No liberal should be rationalizing this. Do I think Joe Biden is intending to be demeaning? No. But it is extremely callous and reflects a very archaic viewpoint.

In an interview with representatives from the national associations of Black and Hispanic journalists

That seems like reasonable context. I also would say the notable exception is him acknowledging there are groups of blacks that identify with a specific heritage. Say, Somalis in MN or black latino immigrants.
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That was more racist than anything Trump has ever said, By far.

I would go so far as to say its the most racist thing any Presidential candidate has said since George Wallace.

If a corporate CEO said this he wouldn't last the week.

The dude is 1 or 2 steps away from blurting out the N word.
I'm relaxed, I laugh at Trump supporters trying to provide us anything to do with morals and ethics etc.. It is the irony of all time.

Deflections to Trump aside, I have not seen you make any comment on what Joe said. What do you think of it, honestly?
Well, when Biden made his gaffe about blacks voting for him, he apologized. My guess is he will apologize or this or at least reframe the comment. A big difference between he and Trump is that Biden will apologize and try to correct his mistakes. Trump refuses to admit mistakes and often doubles down. Another is that the frequency of a similar Trump statement happens FAR more often than with Biden. FAR more.

Politicians will have missteps. One of the measures of their leadership ability is their response to them. I'll take Biden over Trump in this area as well.
Well, when Biden made his gaffe about blacks voting for him, he apologized. My guess is he will apologize or this or at least reframe the comment. A big difference between he and Trump is that Biden will apologize and try to correct his mistakes. Trump refuses to admit mistakes and often doubles down. Another is that the frequency of a similar Trump statement happens FAR more often than with Biden. FAR more.

Politicians will have missteps. One of the measures of their leadership ability is their response to them. I'll take Biden over Trump in this area as well.
Trump is never wrong, that right there should say it all to people.
Yeah the Cons are all about the minorities, said no one who isn't pale.

You'd be surprised the number of blacks who are more conservative, especially when it comes to religion and social issues. And I know quite a few who have been bothered by the left's comparing LGBTQ issues to Civil Rights of the 1960s, for example.

Granted, I can't think of any black person I personally know who likes Trump, but libs need to stop assuming they have the black vote in the bag. Biden's "you ain't black" comment and the subject of this thread i.e. don't endear Dems to quite a few black people. It isn't likely to move the needle in this election because Trump is so unpopular but in the future it will.
He means well but has a life long history of gaffes and insert foot in mouth moments.

Do you think he believes what he said? If not, do you find it a problem that he said something like that and didn't really understand what he was saying?
Do you think he believes what he said? If not, do you find it a problem that he said something like that and didn't really understand what he was saying?
He will apologize if deemed necessary, he can admit when he's wrong. He has a conscience and empathy. End of discussion.
There has to be like a universal email list where the Trumpanzees are sent the same memes, right?

It’s kinda hilarious.
I've noticed it from my small town Iowa white friends for sure circulating around polluting my FB feed.
He will apologize if deemed necessary, he can admit when he's wrong. He has a conscience and empathy. End of discussion.

Who says you get to end the discussion? You didn't answer the question. I would genuinely like your thoughts on what he said. It is OK to admit when your guy makes a mistake. It doesn't mean you support the other guy.
Who says you get to end the discussion? You didn't answer the question. I would genuinely like your thoughts on what he said. It is OK to admit when your guy makes a mistake. It doesn't mean you support the other guy.

I don't think that is possible with Chis
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I dont think he even knows what he is saying

there is no way they will allow him to debate
How can Biden debate someone that lies constantly?

Unless they allow "real time" fact checking by the mods, Biden shouldn't even consider a debate.
Biden is not correct because that is not the context of what is being discussed. Frankly, there's no reason for Biden to even mention another minority group.

There would be some wiggle room for that interpretation, in terms of blacks in America having a collective history of slavery and systemic racism, if it were not for Biden's parenthetical "with notable exceptions." In other words, Biden is clearly contrasting the lack of diversity of culture and thought in the black community to the Latino community. And this is exactly the type of stupid shit that happens when you overplay identity politics like liberals often do.

It's indefensible. No liberal should be rationalizing this. Do I think Joe Biden is intending to be demeaning? No. But it is extremely callous and reflects a very archaic viewpoint.

See, he gets it. ;)
I've given Trump the same consideration when he is charged with saying racist things. There have also been times I have defended Trump when I believe the greater context suggests otherwise and have gotten blasted by libs on here each time.

After watching that full clip, I feel pretty safe in concluding what Biden said by any reasonable measure is racist. Do I think Joe Biden is himself a racist? No. I think he's just old and obtuse. But, as I've always said, racism has a spectrum. I don't believe Trump or Biden are full-fledged bigots, but the things they say reflect a certain attitude from a not-so-distant American past that are quite revealing in terms of language and rhetoric customary during their formative years. Hence why the so-called "woke" culture needs to be more about educating than excoriating older people who don't always get it.

Stop it. I don't think the "it's black or white" crowd can handle all the sense you're making.
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Biden is toast and everyone knows it except for the retards on this board. You'll find out soon enough, retards.
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Biden is toast and everyone knows it except for the retards on this board. You'll find out soon enough, retards.
Ah a Bootlicking sack of shit person, Trump supporter I see. Hand in Hand it goes.
Stop it. I don't think the "it's black or white" crowd can handle all the sense you're making.

Screw that.

I'm here to entertain and ruffle feathers. I'm not here to make sense. I appreciate the constructive feedback. I'll work on it. Thank you. :eek:

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