Hurricane season has arrived....

Pinellas Co isn’t allowing anyone reentry to the ****ing islands. Even residents! My wife is at home alone and I’ve been sitting at the cop blockade for 3 hours waiting to get in. I’m fvcking steaming right now.
This keeps some people from evacuating the next time, when it’s worse, and they get killed. Don’t let it guide your decision next time
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Am I reading that correctly? Even if you aren't a Citizens customer, you will be charged surcharges and assessments?
Unfortunately, you are correct. The vast majority of policyholders in Florida are not aware of this. Citizens was set up by the state to be the insurer of last result, for those living in high risk areas that could not get insurance from a private insurer. It is now the largest insurer in Florida and it's rates are generally lower than what the private insurers are charging. When the big one hits a major population area, a lot of non-citizens policyholders are going to be pissed, including me.
to put a few of the places being named in perspective:

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The uber-rich folks do not want to pay higher taxes to fund this; it is literally what their playbook states, and what key GOP members of Congress have been saying for years. They always squawk when it's not "their" state being helped (or when it's "Blue" areas). Those folks are awfully quiet this week...

WTF are "localities and states" going to do when these kinds of disasters hit? Are folks who vote for these idiots realizing what's going to happen if that next disaster hits them, and FEMA has been gutted?
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The “Uber rich” typically have no mortgages on these enormous properties and they also tend to self-insure so any damage is a cost they’re willing to risk and absorb. The property taxes on these estates are already in the six figures, even in “low tax” Florida.
I’m not defending them in any way but “thems the facts” as they say.