If someone is voting for Trump in 2024


2016: Held nose and voted for Trump
Oct 2020: Said on CNN Trump was “despicable”
2020: Wrote in Romney.
2024: Struggling. Trump remains despicable. Biden is a shell. Foreign stuff a debacle. Leaning lightly back to Trump. He’s awful.
Trump tried to violently overthrow the results of the last presidential election.

Upset that Biden ran for reelection (81 is too old) but will 100% vote for him over Trump. If reelected, Donald Trump will end our democratic republic.
No idea why anyone would even consider him.
It's unfortunate for Dems, and America, that so many are like this. It's one thing to not want to vote for a candidate, it's another entirely to be blind to what the appeal is to their voters.

It makes the world very small for you.
I could understand why people voted for him over Hillary in '16. All other things aside, she simply has never come across as likeable, especially on camera. She simply doesn't have the same ability that Bill did to connect with voters. So, my issues aside, I get why people voted for him once.

Since then? No. He has consistently demonstrated himself to be a man without morals, feels no loyalty or obligations towards others, and doesn't feel he should be held to the same rules as others. He has no firm policy beliefs you can even point to as anything remotely coherent aside from tax cuts good.

But somehow, millions of working class Americans especially have been convinced that he will fight for them, despite no evidence to support that. They've bought into the narrative that he's a victim.

It's simply inconceivable that anyone short of the Messiah could have that kind of blind support.
Almost 3 million more people voted for Hillary. He won because we still use a ridiculous method for electing the president
I do hate him and I’m also baffled ANYONE could think he’d be good for anyone not named Trump as POTUS. Being a non-career politician, only has merits if that person has some good ideas and plans. Trump has none. As for the rich working the system, they always have. A guy who has a golden toilet, was born into wealth and has always cheated the system is not the answer to change the system so it leaves me thinking ‘why in the hell would anyone want that grifter as POTUS?'
What aspects of your life were not good during his presidency?
You’re a delusional mother f#%^er.
So many dems on this board take this approach with a differing opinion. Someone shares their viewpoint, and you just call names. It’s reflective of the current administration, no substance, just play off emotions. Bidens presidency has been a total shitshow from day 1.
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Almost 3 million more people voted for Hillary. He won because we still use a ridiculous method for electing the president
Don't disagree, but she also lost because she was terrible at campaigning and didn't visit crucial battleground states. It's not right, but her unlikeability gave people a reason to vote for Trump.
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What aspects of your life were not good during his presidency?
The pandemic. I lost my job in a layoff. Supply chain problems that caused a ton of issues with the ability to obtain goods for our store. Uncertainty caused by Trump/GOP in the ACA which drove prices up. We had to deal with a bunch of assholes who refused to wear masks in our store which I attribute to the orange Cheeto being a shitty pandemic POTUS. I can go on but will leave it there.
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It's unfortunate for Dems, and America, that so many are like this. It's one thing to not want to vote for a candidate, it's another entirely to be blind to what the appeal is to their voters.

It makes the world very small for you.
The only reason I see is blind hate for the left because they are stuck in places like Iowa where all local media is owned by right wing media organizations such as Sinclair which use ‘alternative facts’ regularly.
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This is really shit posting, Scrud Man.

You have gone way off the rails.
That's not even a shit posting statement lol just like I don't hold biden responsible for things trump Did bad I don't hold trump responsible for the failings of others. I have many complaints about trump and overspending is near the top. He played his part in the inflation issue, but he's not the one I assign majority blame to.
I will make a prediction. In 2028, no matter who is the GOP candidate, you all will say they are more dangerous than Trump
Find a decent candidate who didn't bend the knee to a rapist, conman felon. Maybe start with your party actually doing the right thing for once before you worry about what we say.
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That's not even a shit posting statement lol just like I don't hold biden responsible for things trump Did bad I don't hold trump responsible for the failings of others. I have many complaints about trump and overspending is near the top. He played his part in the inflation issue, but he's not the one I assign majority blame to.
For inflation, you should assign the majority of blame on Trump. His tax cuts on top of printing more money for all those COVID relief checks set the stage for inflation to take off.
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Another guy who liked the lockdowns and whose investments weren't as high as they are now.
So, if Hillary had been president, are you suggesting she wouldn’t have gone to lockdowns and would have kept the economy open?

I despise Trump, but let’s have some intellectual honesty here. Trump inherited a good economy then oversaw substantial growth until COVID. Hillary would have done the exact same thing as far as shutting down the economy is concerned.
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I despise Trump, but let’s have some intellectual honesty here. Trump inherited a good economy then oversaw substantial growth until COVID.

I would disagree with substantial growth.

Trump tried to violently overthrow the results of the last presidential election.

Upset that Biden ran for reelection (81 is too old) but will 100% vote for him over Trump. If reelected, Donald Trump will end our democratic republic.
lol…so what would Trump do to “end our democratic republic”? Do you think he will lock himself in the White House when his 4 year term is over?
Almost 3 million more people voted for Hillary. He won because we still use a ridiculous method for electing the president
Well, Trump does want to end taxes on “tips” so that certainly impacts the working class. 😉
The pandemic. I lost my job in a layoff. Supply chain problems that caused a ton of issues with the ability to obtain goods for our store. Uncertainty caused by Trump/GOP in the ACA which drove prices up. We had to deal with a bunch of assholes who refused to wear masks in our store which I attribute to the orange Cheeto being a shitty pandemic POTUS. I can go on but will leave it there.
So, Trump caused the pandemic?
Funny, I can't understand why anyone would ever vote for that brain dead moron, Biden. I guess the difference is that Republicans use their brains and leftists, only care about BS promises from the dems whether they are kept or just lies.
G(aslight) O(bstruct) P(rojection)

This post is the P in this instance
I just don't get how anyone can't see that was just a CYA comment. And why is that the ONE comment people latch on to?

Not sure how folks forget these notable quotes from Jan 6th:
  1. At the "Save America" rally:
    • "We will never give up, we will never concede. It doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved."
    • "We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore."
    • "So we're going to, we're going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue... and we're going to the Capitol."
  2. In a video posted to social media later in the day:
    • "I know your pain, I know your hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election, and everyone knows it."
    • "But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order."
    • "So go home. We love you, you’re very special."
He got everyone all riled up, then said, Oops...just kidding go home. And we're not talking about some infomercial personality, we're talking about the dadgum President of the United States.
And it's like people have amnesia and they completely forget that he was saying it was rigged before the election even happened. And then after the election he was inciting well before January 6th as well. And if these people had brains and watched the Jan 6th committee hearings they would know countless people in his administration told him it was a free and fair election. Yet these absolute buffoons still support him.
I am going to guess, that a lot of people who will vote for him are doing so just because things just kind of suck right now.

Interest Rates
Home prices
Border issues.

And while you can certainly argue those are not Bidens issues, and Trump will do nothing to fix them, people want change.

Those on the left that are in this bubble that Biden can’t lose may be in for a rude awakening in the fall.

I know this isn’t answering your questions, but people are just looking to make their lives easier.

& there is an argument to me made that life was better before COVID.
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