In 4 years you won't have to vote again....

So only ONE side ever ever ever sells a load of 💩 to the public?

One side jabbered relentlessly about "infrastructure week" and never delivered anything.

The other side did this:


It's why I'm planning to re-elect them.
Congress didn't stop him during the 1st 2 impeachments.

The Supreme Court just granted him "absolute immunity" for anything he does in his official capacity.

What else ya got? 20 yr old kid w/ an AR at a campaign rally?
Congress didn't stop Trump from what?
OPEC+ controls the cost of oil. The US is producing oil at record highs but OPEC+ just responds by limiting their production to maintain high prices.
US producers could add to their production but have openly explained that they want to keep prices high and stretch out their caches of oil as long as possible.

Some folks simply do not understand the commodity sector..especially oil.
Ds have been consistently better with the economy over the years than Rs. You can talk all you want and feel all you want and think all you want… it’s a fact.
He’s so used to lying constantly that he couldn’t track when he let the truth slip. He’s a mentally unfit, American ideals hating, wannabe dictator, moron. He would be in prison if this were any other G-10 country. Here his family wealth protects him.
Sounds familiar... like something people were saying about Joe for the last 4 years. America really NEEDS better
Lol at the boomer Trumper talking about "Authentic Americans", hopefully one of her kids can take her internet away and put her down for a nap. Maybe comeback and give it another try in the evening.
LOL my kids would tell you they know better but the two specimens who gave you a like don’t know any better either.
You have been on here defending a vegetable who’s a good bit older than I am and you wanna talk 💩 like this?
Give it a rest and we’ll call you on Amateur Night.