It’s over for Biden

I pray he drops out. Trump is a dangerous maniac. Biden belongs in a nursing home. Nation can't afford to risk Trump turning America into Nazi Germany.
Just curious, are Jews known for financing Nazis and the ‘next Hitler’? I mean, obviously I’m not as politically astute as most of the libs on this board but that seems just a bit off.
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Again. Trump lead a coup to overthrow the government. And you excuse it. It's an astounding level of not giving two shits about our democracy.
You are a 100% manipulated sheep, do and say exactly what your leftist media channels tell you to do and say. It’s the same dem message no matter where you turn. You won’t allow yourself to believe what your own eyes see.
Just curious, are Jews known for financing Nazis and the ‘next Hitler’? I mean, obviously I’m not as politically astute as most of the libs on this board but that seems just a bit off.
I’ve been reliably informed that as long as you repeatedly call your opponent a Nazi, you have free reign to go to a campus protest and chant Gas the Jews🤷‍♂️
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Think about this, if Biden can't handle Trump, how will he handle NK, Iran, Russia, etc.?

In all honesty, he would have other people doing that for him, and thus his Presidency would handle them FSR better than Trump.

That said, for the sake of electability he should step aside. Plus, the convention would be fascinating.
This, he should just to almost kill the chances that Trump is president again....I'll still vote for him in a heartbeat over Trump, but if Haley was running against him I would sit it out, because he's fvcking too old
Your vote for Biden will be wasted.
You this stupid? He lead a coup. His supporters tried to kill his vice president. Trump absolutely wants to go the dictator route.
This is truly an amazing statement considering Joe's condition.

The coup absolutely happened but it wasn't Trump or his followers

Who is running the country? It isn't Joe and it sure hasn't been Joe.
Too late in the game
You’re crazy. As I’ve said in some other threads, the attention span of most Americans is about the same as a gnat. The majority of them don’t even pay attention to political races until we’re well into the football season and the leaves are turning colors. Dems could switch the candidates twice and most would forget that by Election Day.
The moderators aren’t there to push back under that format.

That was Biden’s job. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t even clearly elucidate his own accomplishments. He could barely get word out or finish sentences. The best he could do was call Trump a liar and a fattie and challenge him to a round of golf. It was embarrassing and cringeworthy.

I mean, he spent 10 seconds on abortion before stumbling into immigrants killing young American women. Wtf?

Sorry, he has absolutely no business running again.
In all honesty, he would have other people doing that for him, and thus his Presidency would handle them FSR better than Trump.

That said, for the sake of electability he should step aside. Plus, the convention would be fascinating.
So when it's time for the leaders of two countries to sit down, we send in a pinch hitter? I keep seeing this over and over that it's not Biden it's his staff. If that's the case wtf are we even doing electing a president?
You’re crazy. As I’ve said in some other threads, the attention span of most Americans is about the same as a gnat. The majority of them don’t even pay attention to political races until we’re well into the football season and the leaves are turning colors. Dems could switch the candidates twice and most would forget that by Election Day.

I might be crazy, but I don't think you understand campaign finance laws and ballot issues, much less than a convention in Chicago
So when it's time for the leaders of two countries to sit down, we send in a pinch hitter? I keep seeing this over and over that it's not Biden it's his staff. If that's the case wtf are we even doing electing a president?

The only time I can think of in recent decades when two leaders, one on one, spoke of anything of substance was when Trump personally tried to extort political favors from Zalensky by withholding military aid to Ukraine. That’s not usually how it works.

The President is the CEO of the Executive branch.
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The moderators aren’t there to push back under that format.
That was Biden’s job. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t even clearly elucidate his own accomplishments. He could barely get word out or finish sentences.
My son came in the room just after things started, and he laughs and tells us, “that guy can’t finish a sentence.”

He’s eight.

But some people right now are convincing themselves that people will overlook this.
My son came in the room just after things started, and he laughs and tells us, “that guy can’t finish a sentence.”

He’s eight.

But some people right now are convincing themselves that people will overlook this.

Millions of people are willing to overlook that Trump is a rapist, a convicted felon, and led an insurrection attempt. No big leap to think people might be willing to overlook last night.
Millions of people are willing to overlook that Trump is a rapist, a convicted felon, and led an insurrection attempt. No big leap to think people might be willing to overlook last night.

Debates usually don't influence election outcomes.

Ronald Reagan and Obama got pummeled in debates and still won.
Millions of people are willing to overlook that Trump is a rapist, a convicted felon, and led an insurrection attempt. No big leap to think people might be willing to overlook last night.
They don’t believe those things are true (and they take Governor’s Cuomo’s view of the prosecution).

That’s different than telling them to ignore their lying eyes.
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Millions of people are willing to overlook that Trump is a rapist, a convicted felon, and led an insurrection attempt. No big leap to think people might be willing to overlook last night.
However, even with Trump’s bad background, he can actually run the country, since he can complete a sentence.
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