***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

ABC shows Biden doing terrible in FL

Look at county-by-county results (I use NYT).

With the exception of Miami-Dade, Biden is outperforming 2016 results.

Trump is +6 in Volusia. He won it by 13 points in ‘16
Look at county-by-county results (I use NYT).

With the exception of Miami-Dade, Biden is outperforming 2016 results.

Trump is +6 in Volusia. He won it by 13 points in ‘16

538 now says 95% chance Trump wins FL. That state is over.
It ain't over in Florida. Stop shitting your pants.

What are you talking about?
The remaining areas to report (the panhandle) will go 66-75% Trump.

Did you not see the look in the MSNBC guy's eyes? He knew it was over when that graphic came up.
Biden led in the polls in FL. If the polls are off again, it will be very bad.

Trump's doing well with Hispanics; particularly Cubans. Are there a lot of Hispanics in PA, MI, WI? NC?

Biden polls have been assuming he crushes old, whites and he has been thus far I think?

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