***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

eh idk man I think you need to suck it up and pound a few. This could be the night we celebrate. I'll be cracking a hazy IPA in memory of the hazy past 4 years that caused me to drink

I’m heading up to get a celebratory beer as well.
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Damn, my butthole is burning right meow.

Biden national popular vote lead goes over 4 million:

Biden-- 73,636,547 votes (50.5%)
Trump--69,612,578 votes (47.7%)

Percentage Comparison per other elections this century not seen as particularly close:

Bush 50.7%
Kerry 48.3%

Obama 51.1%
Romney 47.2%

Possible by the time this one is over that Biden wins with a bigger percentage popular vote margin than Obama in 2012. Remember, Hillary was behind in the popular vote until after election day.
Based on vote count update pace and current percentage of Biden to Trump votes being tabulated in PA, Dems are predicting that Biden will take the lead in PA at around 4 or 5a EST tomorrow morning.

What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall of the White House bunker these last couple days. Much like Downfall, The Last Days of Trump will be an AWESOME movie.
I wonder if there just might be a current production underway for another of the many parodies of that movie. They are great entertainment.