***Official 2020 Presidential Election Thread - The Purge***

Any idea on how many votes are still out there?
~200,000 i heard.

Question, what about those provisional ballots in GA? There is 3000 some odd provisional ballots, we don't have any idea which way they would break. Could those possibly give the edge over to Trump after they are counted?

GA is going to be close.
Question, what about those provisional ballots in GA? There is 3000 some odd provisional ballots, we don't have any idea which way they would break. Could those possibly give the edge over to Trump after they are counted?

GA is going to be close.

Possibly but most provisional ballots are likely to be democratic
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Question, what about those provisional ballots in GA? There is 3000 some odd provisional ballots, we don't have any idea which way they would break. Could those possibly give the edge over to Trump after they are counted?

GA is going to be close.
With PA essentially a sure thing now, at least Georgia is just gravy. Heck, Arizona and Nevada are also. PA wins it.
At what point is Penn going be called. Seems like forgone conclusions
I don’t know how it works exactly but I would guess they can’t call for a state that isn’t leading but that’s just my guess idk. I would think once Biden is in the lead officially most will call it right away.
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Overseas ballots?

Last election 5K military voters cast ballots. Now some have already been recieved so it would take near 100 percent to make up a few thousand for trump

(also in GA miltary and oversees ballots have to be received by the 6th.)
I should probably try to sleep, it will be hard knowing that they could any minute call this for Biden. But at the same time we have no idea how long that will take.

Could be pretty early in the AM.

The republic seems to have been saved from a despot. . . At least for now