Angelo ain’t budging. Drama-and-baggage free, the phenom’s at a top-gun program, where redshirting and rolling with Brands, Arnold, Kennedy, and Cali prepares him well for years of title contention (in the second best room available). Add the adrenaline shot to team chemistry that comes from removing a prima donna malcontent, and there’s no downside showing AJ the door.If they said they would take the older 2 to get Angelo to sign, then send the older 2 packing, that is a form of bate and switch . Hope Angelo doesn’t look at it that way.
If Beth saw him out, well done her. But bait-and-switch by TB? Nah. The brothers addressed true needs. With better adult guidance and less self-destructive narcissism, at least one would’ve added March team points. Bottom line, Hawks just got stronger by subtraction. Counting Parco, Brands, and Kueter news (plus Spencer visiting Paris), it’s been a very good Spring for Iowa. Enjoy the weekend. Maybe go hiking?
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